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Irresponsible dog owner
Posted: Sun May 26, 2019 3:32 pm
by striker55
I live on a Cul de sac, usually peaceful. A neighbor's pitbull chased one neighbor lady when she exited her house to get her mail. The pitbull was chained to a tree in the front yard, broke the chain and chased her into her house. 911 is called and because no one got bit they couldn't do anything. Animal Control was called the next day and visited the house of the pitbull, owners advised to keep the dog locked up (I'm assuming this because I wasn't there). The following Thursday a child was walking home after getting off the school bus and some how the dog got out and chased her. 911 called they didn't do anything because no one was bit. Saturday my wife heard yelling and a dog aggressively barking. Same pitbull has another neighbor up on his trailer trapped. I have my LTC and exited my garage, my wife is taking pictures and video and I tell her to call 911. The dog sees me and comes running into my front yard, I draw my weapon, he is about 20 feet away. I'm ready to pull the trigger and the trapped neighbor is yelling "please sir don't shoot the dog". At this point the dog stops, I'm aiming at his head and my wife is talking to 911. The dog backs off and 911 tells me to go inside, deputy is on the way. The owner of the dog finally comes out and puts the dog inside. The owner two houses down from me is staring me down, I yelled at him "2 more seconds I would have shot your dog" he yells back "and I'll shoot you". Deputy finally arrive and quiets everyone down, I tell my side and they talk to the owner. Question the other neighbor and another neighbor (husband of the lady who previously got chased) comes out yelling he is sick of this dog terrorizing the neighborhood. Same response as before, no one got bit, the owner did get a ticket for aggressive dog. One deputy told me I would have been in my rights to shoot the dog in my yard. I don't hunt and really wouldn't want to kill the dog but push to shove I would. One more step at me and I would have. This same neighbor in 2017 had another pitbull that came after me and I drew my weapon but didn't have to shoot, deputy came out that time also and said I could have shot that dog. Tuesday I'm headed to court to get the dog declared aggressive.
Re: Irresponsible dog owner
Posted: Sun May 26, 2019 3:45 pm
by J.R.@A&M
Good luck, and sorry for the crappy situation.
Re: Irresponsible dog owner
Posted: Sun May 26, 2019 4:05 pm
by Tex1961
J.R.@A&M wrote: ↑Sun May 26, 2019 3:45 pm
Good luck, and sorry for the crappy situation.

Re: Irresponsible dog owner
Posted: Sun May 26, 2019 4:27 pm
by puma guy
This dog is going to hurt someone eventually. Good luck on getting it designated as aggressive, but since it hasn't bitten anyone I'd say chances are slim.
Re: Irresponsible dog owner
Posted: Sun May 26, 2019 4:33 pm
by surprise_i'm_armed
At such future time that you have to shoot him, make sure you put multiple rounds into him.
Since he's an aggressive pitbull, he may come at you like a madman high on PCP or meth.
You might put some kill shots into him, but his momentum may keep him going before he realizes he's dead.
Best of luck in your efforts to get something done.
Since the dog's owner threatened to shoot you, would this rise to the level of being charged with "making a terroristic threat"?
Re: Irresponsible dog owner
Posted: Sun May 26, 2019 4:36 pm
by anygunanywhere
I shot a pit bull in my front yard back in the 1980s. Guy down the road had just bought the dog that morning. Dog came in my yard and began growling. I fetched my 20 ga 18" pump with 0 buck. Dog came at me and I took the top of his head off. Neighbor came down and started having a fit. I told him the second it came on my yard it was time to take care of business. He started getting agressive and I ejected the spent hull and jacked one in the chamber. I advised him to leave and take the carcass with him.
Do what you have to do. No animal is worth harm to anyone. No animal deserves preference over any human. Be real certain of what you are doing with that pistol against an aggressive animal. You will know if you hit the central nervous system if it gets the stiff leg shudders. Seldom will the bullets sever the CNS to make an animal drop slack like in the movies. Go for CNS as heart shots on animals allows them to continue for quite some time.
Good luck.
Re: Irresponsible dog owner
Posted: Sun May 26, 2019 4:38 pm
by Jusme
You definitely showed more restraint than I would. People who don't keep their dogs restrained
( no matter the breed) are not only irresponsible, but believe they are somehow not required to obey laws for living in a civilized society. I try my best, to get along with everyone, but I would not hesitate to drop an aggressive dog, who is threatening me or mine. My dogs, are kept inside a fence, with measures taken to prevent them from even digging out. My dogs are not aggressive, but if they should get out and appear threatening to anyone, I would fully expect them to be shot.
Re: Irresponsible dog owner
Posted: Sun May 26, 2019 4:49 pm
by joe817
Jusme wrote: ↑Sun May 26, 2019 4:38 pm
You definitely showed more restraint than I would. People who don't keep their dogs restrained
( no matter the breed) are not only irresponsible, but believe they are somehow not required to obey laws for living in a civilized society. I try my best, to get along with everyone, but I would not hesitate to drop an aggressive dog, who is threatening me or mine. My dogs, are kept inside a fence, with measures taken to prevent them from even digging out. My dogs are not aggressive, but if they should get out and appear threatening to anyone, I would fully expect them to be shot.

Re: Irresponsible dog owner
Posted: Sun May 26, 2019 5:30 pm
by Jago668
If you don't already have one, might I suggest a camera system for your house/property. It will of course help in case the dog attacks and you have to shoot. It will more importantly help you when the dog's owner decides to continue being a less than savory individual.
Re: Irresponsible dog owner
Posted: Sun May 26, 2019 5:53 pm
by striker55
Jago668 wrote: ↑Sun May 26, 2019 5:30 pm
If you don't already have one, might I suggest a camera system for your house/property. It will of course help in case the dog attacks and you have to shoot. It will more importantly help you when the dog's owner decides to continue being a less than savory individual.
I have a Ring spotlight camera coming, ordered one on Saturday.
Re: Irresponsible dog owner
Posted: Sun May 26, 2019 8:23 pm
by The Annoyed Man
I yelled at him "2 more seconds I would have shot your dog" he yells back "and I'll shoot you".
Your statement is a warning that you will defend yourself against his aggressive dog with deadly force if necessary. His statement is a threat of deadly force against you personally, and sounds like a threat of aggravated assault at minimum, and homicide at worst. Did you tell the nice officer about this verbal exchange? If there were witnesses to it, it would seem to me to be an offense worthy of arrest. If his dog were a sweet little puppy that never attacked anyone, that would be one thing. But his dog is in fact a dangerously aggressive animal, and it is a matter of time until it savages someone, maybe even kills someone.
My wife and I saw a similar story on the news just a day or two ago, involving a pitbull that keeps getting loose and terrorizing a neighborhood somewhere in Dallas. That dog actually did bite some children, chased other people, and trapped another neighbor up on top of his car. Lots of pictures taken by neighbors. In that case, nobody was sure who the owner was, or what home it belonged to. I would shoot a dog like this if necessary, and without remorse..... and to hell with the owner. One problem at a time. You can't let fear of what the owner might do, stop you from doing what you must to protect yourself or your family from
his lack of responsibility or lack of a moral center.
Re: Irresponsible dog owner
Posted: Sun May 26, 2019 8:41 pm
by Oldgringo
The Annoyed Man wrote: ↑Sun May 26, 2019 8:23 pm
I yelled at him "2 more seconds I would have shot your dog" he yells back "and I'll shoot you".
Your statement is a warning that you will defend yourself against his aggressive dog with deadly force if necessary. His statement is a threat of deadly force against you personally, and sounds like a threat of aggravated assault at minimum, and homicide at worst. Did you tell the nice officer about this verbal exchange? If there were witnesses to it, it would seem to me to be an offense worthy of arrest. If his dog were a sweet little puppy that never attacked anyone, that would be one thing. But his dog is in fact a dangerously aggressive animal, and it is a matter of time until it savages someone, maybe even kills someone.
My wife and I saw a similar story on the news just a day or two ago, involving a pitbull that keeps getting loose and terrorizing a neighborhood somewhere in Dallas. That dog actually did bite some children, chased other people, and trapped another neighbor up on top of his car. Lots of pictures taken by neighbors. In that case, nobody was sure who the owner was, or what home it belonged to. I would shoot a dog like this if necessary, and without remorse..... and to hell with the owner. One problem at a time. You can't let fear of what the owner might do, stop you from doing what you must to protect yourself or your family from
his lack of responsibility or lack of a moral center.
Shoot the dog's owner?
Re: Irresponsible dog owner
Posted: Sun May 26, 2019 8:54 pm
by striker55
The Annoyed Man wrote: ↑Sun May 26, 2019 8:23 pm
I yelled at him "2 more seconds I would have shot your dog" he yells back "and I'll shoot you".
Your statement is a warning that you will defend yourself against his aggressive dog with deadly force if necessary. His statement is a threat of deadly force against you personally, and sounds like a threat of aggravated assault at minimum, and homicide at worst. Did you tell the nice officer about this verbal exchange? If there were witnesses to it, it would seem to me to be an offense worthy of arrest. If his dog were a sweet little puppy that never attacked anyone, that would be one thing. But his dog is in fact a dangerously aggressive animal, and it is a matter of time until it savages someone, maybe even kills someone.
My wife and I saw a similar story on the news just a day or two ago, involving a pitbull that keeps getting loose and terrorizing a neighborhood somewhere in Dallas. That dog actually did bite some children, chased other people, and trapped another neighbor up on top of his car. Lots of pictures taken by neighbors. In that case, nobody was sure who the owner was, or what home it belonged to. I would shoot a dog like this if necessary, and without remorse..... and to hell with the owner. One problem at a time. You can't let fear of what the owner might do, stop you from doing what you must to protect yourself or your family from
his lack of responsibility or lack of a moral center.
Yes I told the deputy he said that and they asked the guy who was trapped on his trailer questions but it was in Spanish, don't know if the trapped neighbor heard the verbal exchange or maybe wanted to stay out of it. I suppose I could have demanded the owner of the dog be arrested for threatening me but I let it go.
Re: Irresponsible dog owner
Posted: Sun May 26, 2019 8:57 pm
by striker55
This dog owner and his dog has put a strain in our neighborhood. I believe he is breeding dogs but have no proof, which is against HOA rules.
Re: Irresponsible dog owner
Posted: Sun May 26, 2019 9:06 pm
by The Annoyed Man
Oldgringo wrote: ↑Sun May 26, 2019 8:41 pm
The Annoyed Man wrote: ↑Sun May 26, 2019 8:23 pm
I yelled at him "2 more seconds I would have shot your dog" he yells back "and I'll shoot you".
Your statement is a warning that you will defend yourself against his aggressive dog with deadly force if necessary. His statement is a threat of deadly force against you personally, and sounds like a threat of aggravated assault at minimum, and homicide at worst. Did you tell the nice officer about this verbal exchange? If there were witnesses to it, it would seem to me to be an offense worthy of arrest. If his dog were a sweet little puppy that never attacked anyone, that would be one thing. But his dog is in fact a dangerously aggressive animal, and it is a matter of time until it savages someone, maybe even kills someone.
My wife and I saw a similar story on the news just a day or two ago, involving a pitbull that keeps getting loose and terrorizing a neighborhood somewhere in Dallas. That dog actually did bite some children, chased other people, and trapped another neighbor up on top of his car. Lots of pictures taken by neighbors. In that case, nobody was sure who the owner was, or what home it belonged to. I would shoot a dog like this if necessary, and without remorse..... and to hell with the owner. One problem at a time. You can't let fear of what the owner might do, stop you from doing what you must to protect yourself or your family from
his lack of responsibility or lack of a moral center.
Shoot the dog's owner?
If he carries out his threat, points a gun at you, and you reasonably believe that he intends to shoot at you, absolutely.