My Raccoon Troubles (Dead Raccoon Pic Attached)

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Re: My Raccoon Troubles (Dead Raccoon Pic Attached)


Post by der Teufel »

I'm not going to swear this is true, but it's what I've been told and *believe* to be true.

A land owner may trap raccoons if they are a nuisance, however once trapped there are only two options. The land owner may kill the raccoon or release it elsewhere on his property. I believe that it is prohibited to transport said raccoon to another location and release it, thereby making it 'someone else's problem'.

The document referenced below has some good information. Note the statement near the end which reads"
Landowners wishing to live-trap raccoons and relocate them after they have been caught must notify representatives of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. ... /l1902.pdf" onclick=";return false;

So, perhaps it is permissible to relocate raccoons under certain circumstances, but I don't know what TP&W would have to say on the subject.
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Re: My Raccoon Troubles (Dead Raccoon Pic Attached)


Post by texasmusic »

Gun them down if you see them.
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Re: My Raccoon Troubles (Dead Raccoon Pic Attached)


Post by Middle Age Russ »

Where possible without undesirable ramifications, SSS (Shoot, Shovel, Shut Up) is the appropriate response. Trapping prior to SSS may be a good idea to "relocate" these dark-of-the-night raiders.
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Re: My Raccoon Troubles (Dead Raccoon Pic Attached)


Post by Kimber_Fan »

One less masked bandit!
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Re: My Raccoon Troubles (Dead Raccoon Pic Attached)


Post by Divided Attention »

While I too believe in we are in their territory, when they start tearing up feed bags and endangering my livestock's health especially my chickens. SSS is the answer. Found a posthole digger and about a 2 foot hole work well. Doesn't sink in for the animals to step in and get hurt. Planted quite a few over the years because my neighbor feeds barn cats! Sure hope they don't come up.

One of the eeriest things I ever saw was I went out to check why the neighbor's horses were fussing in the middle of the night. Shined the big flashlight down the fence row where the horses were staring and there were probably 2 dozen pairs of coon eyes glowing back from atop the fence!

They can be quite the nuisance and health hazard. They will tear up a rubbermaid trashcan for feed, and tear up barn siding as well - goodness forbid they set up shop in your attic! :shock:
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Re: My Raccoon Troubles (Dead Raccoon Pic Attached)


Post by The Annoyed Man »

Middle Age Russ wrote:Where possible without undesirable ramifications, SSS (Shoot, Shovel, Shut Up) is the appropriate response. Trapping prior to SSS may be a good idea to "relocate" these dark-of-the-night raiders.
You mean, like, relocate them to underground? :mrgreen:
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Re: My Raccoon Troubles (Dead Raccoon Pic Attached)


Post by WildBill »

My friends [they live in the city] had a couple of raccoons in their attic. I remember when they told me the story, at first I thought that it was kind of funny, but they weren't laughing. Those critters really torn the place up. It was heck getting rid of them. They finally had to hire an exterminator.
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Re: My Raccoon Troubles (Dead Raccoon Pic Attached)


Post by smtimelevi »

The Annoyed Man wrote:I "confronted" one through my back door, which is glass, about a year ago or so. He put his back up at me and dared me to come out and get a butt whoopin'. I live in the thick of suburbia, so I resisted the temptation to take a .22 to him. He left, but not before parking a large dropping on a decorative rock in my garden to let me know who owned the joint, and I don't think he washed his hands afterward. I distinctly heard rap music as he was leaving.
I know this is older post but I got a good laugh out of it.
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