JALLEN wrote:ShootDontTalk wrote:JALLEN wrote:
The solution is the ballot box. Who are we to tell the people of Florida they cannot again select as their representative a disgraced Federal judge who was impeached, convicted and removed from the bench for bribery, just because they had already selected him several times before?
State office? No. Federal office? We already have some regulations in place that determine who the good people of Florida may or may not elect to federal office. I really think that much of the problems in state houses would work themselves out if we didn't have such a cesspool in DC that every politician aspires to join.
I refer to one Alcee Hastings, one of the very few U.S. District Court judges to be impeached, convicted and remove vied from the bench, now in his 11th term as a Congressman. It has nothing to do with state office.
That is my point. He is a US Congressman. Federal term limits would remove him from serving 11 terms.
JALLEN wrote:Before you become too enthusiastic about this as the solution to all problems, study carefully the experience of California which has had term limits in state legislative offices for some years, and is worse off for it, IMnotalwayssoHO.
I don't really think California should be the measure of how successful or unsuccessful any legislation, up to and including, removal of garbage from city streets should be. When was the last time they did anything right?
I rest my case. Term limits is a bad idea. Pete Wilson got in some good moves when he was Governor ~25 years ago but it's been downhill since.
My point? Anything enacted in California is a bad idea. That doesn't mean term limits for federal offices wouldn't work in saner parts of the world. I don't see many options to fixing the mess. Do you?
That the country will implode is pretty much a foregone conclusion, I fear, unless something drastic happens. History (The Rise and Fall of The Roman Empire for example) is very clear about the consequences of the path America has/is taking.
I'm well aware of the history of the rowdiness of Congress in the early years of the republic. During the time of the writing and ratification of the Constitution, however, they did get the job done under immense pressure of being captured and hung by the British. Thank God they didn't have the added burden of someone like the current POTUS.
Lastly, I don't have any illusion that term limits would solve all our problems. But when you have roaches in the cupboard, you have to start by getting them to leave. Then, and only then, it is worthwhile to clean up the mess they made.
Our way is voting them out. You are upset, as am I, that the voters have made appalling choices, which they will continue to do under term limits. It'll just be new cockroaches replacing the term limited ones.
I see zero chance on the horizon that voters are going to get smarter. We've been "dumbing down" for 30 or more years. Does anyone see any chance of that trend reversing?
The people of France were faced with a similar dilemma. I would rather we try something, anything, before the people of the former United States resort to the same draconian measures the French chose. Any suggestions?
Don't get me wrong. I pray daily that things will change. Perhaps the Lord will intervene, perhaps not. I found it significant that The Book of Revelation, in describing the events of the end times, makes no mention whatsoever of America having a role. Indeed, it would seem America doesn't exist. I'm concerned that my children may see that come to pass.