I saw three OC EMPLOYEES in my Kroger today (with photos)

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I saw three OC EMPLOYEES in my Kroger today (with photos)


Post by Vol Texan »

I only got a good photo of the first guy. The other one down below is a bit too dark to make out clearly.

But you can clearly see this first guy is (a) open carrying, and (b) has very little situational awareness about him.
The next two guys...one had a right-hand carry, and the other was a lefty.

I think those are some of the fancy new Symbol Technologies RC9000 bar code scanner guns! Wish I had a rig that would carry THAT!

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Re: I saw three OC EMPLOYEES in my Kroger today (with photos)


Post by drjoker »

Incidentally, Kroger is the only supermarket chain that publicly stated that they will allow open carry.
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Re: I saw three OC EMPLOYEES in my Kroger today (with photos)


Post by mojo84 »

You got my attention! :smilelol5:
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Re: I saw three OC EMPLOYEES in my Kroger today (with photos)


Post by wnp2004 »

:lol: He definitely has it attached to his belt, so I assume this is legal. LOL!

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Re: I saw three OC EMPLOYEES in my Kroger today (with photos)


Post by tlt »

IF there were a Kroger here, I would shop them just because of that fact. It does make me curious about the owners.

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Re: I saw three OC EMPLOYEES in my Kroger today (with photos)


Post by cbr6864r »

I hope it last everyone on here needs to message kroger and let them know their actions are a welcome relief. Its the only place ill shop now. Give them your support
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Re: I saw three OC EMPLOYEES in my Kroger today (with photos)


Post by MadMonkey »

drjoker wrote:Incidentally, Kroger is the only supermarket chain that publicly stated that they will allow open carry.
And oddly enough, I'm about to go grocery shopping :cool:
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Re: I saw three OC EMPLOYEES in my Kroger today (with photos)


Post by longhorn86 »

Kroger come back to the San Antonio market!!!
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Re: I saw three OC EMPLOYEES in my Kroger today (with photos)


Post by MadMonkey »

I OC'd in the Keller Kroger this evening. One doubletake is the only reaction I noticed. I was a little nervous, but as soon as I went through the door it went away and felt completely normal.

All I know is that I'm looking forward to summer MUCH more now since I'll be able to carry a fullsize pistol.
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Re: I saw three OC EMPLOYEES in my Kroger today (with photos)


Post by Maxwell »

WAIT! They aren't in holsters so they are NOT LEAGL!!! ;-)
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Re: I saw three OC EMPLOYEES in my Kroger today (with photos)


Post by Texsquatch »

Maxwell wrote:WAIT! They aren't in holsters so they are NOT LEAGL!!! ;-)
But it is attached to his belt so he gets a pass.
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Re: I saw three OC EMPLOYEES in my Kroger today (with photos)


Post by cbunt1 »

I was about to complain about "Click Bait" but I can't.


You do, however, owe me a keyboard. :)
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Re: I saw three OC EMPLOYEES in my Kroger today (with photos)


Post by Jumping Frog »

cbr6864r wrote:I hope it last everyone on here needs to message kroger and let them know their actions are a welcome relief. Its the only place ill shop now. Give them your support
Kroger is based in Cincinnati Ohio. They went through several issues with some of their stores posting in Ohio after concealed carry passed in Ohio in 2004 (where a simple gunbuster sign has force of law).

There was a lot of "polite interaction" with various 2A groups, primarily Ohioans for Concealed Carry and Buckeye Firearms which resulted in Kroger taking a public stance that they will support state law in whatever state they are operating. That policy was tested again when open carriers in Ohio encountered issues with some local store managers that also got escalated to corporate, where corporate clarified their policy to allow whatever is allowable under local law.

Heck, I open carried in Kroger many, many, many times when I lived in Ohio. Never a single issue.

By the time Moms Demand Action targeted Kroger a couple of years ago, Kroger had already had this policy in place for at least 8-9 years and had no desire to provoke another large reaction from the 2A community. I would not expect them to make any changes just for Texas.

Walmart has an interesting company policy at the corporate level. They will not post their stores. There have been instances where an individual store manager posted that store, but calls to corporate quickly had those signs taken down. However, in the case of open carry, the local store managers do have the authority to verbally ask someone to leave if they feel it is creating any issue inside the store such as a customer complaint. I did not open carry in Walmarts.

(There is an infamous case in Ohio regarding Walmart which resulted in one of the few documented convictions of a concealed carry licensee trespassing while armed. In that case, the Marion Ohio Walmart store manager verbally notified an unconcealed licensee that he wanted him to leave the store. The licensee argued back that the store was not properly posted with a sign per Ohio law and thus they could not make him leave. The police were called. The police witnessed the man still arguing they couldn't make him leave because there was no sign. His witnessed persistent refusal resulted in a trespassing conviction.)
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Re: I saw three OC EMPLOYEES in my Kroger today (with photos)


Post by stroo »

I was at our local Krogers on Saturday and I saw a sign that requested no carry of long arms. It wouldn't affect pistols or revolvers but only rifles and shotguns.
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Re: I saw three OC EMPLOYEES in my Kroger today (with photos)


Post by LSUTiger »

I OCed in Kroger while getting milk and some fried chicken from the Deli this weekend and I must say it was the best shopping experience ever!

I got the milk and then headed to the deli. The manager and assistant manager happened to be standing there. They said hello and I said hello. I waited in line for my turn and the guy behind the counter was the nicest guy you would ever want to meet. He even offered to scan his discount card for me to save a buck or two.

They are usually very nice to me anyway and I to them. I just felt as if OCing made them nicer? They were not at all weird or anything. I just felt weird that they were not being weird to me and no one else was being weird.

Isn't that weird?
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