92f-fan wrote:Dr Bowden is a PHD not an MD and he is selling a book ...
I prefer to take my medical advice from MDs ...
I wont even enter the conversation about how he is going to cure my diabetes....
the co-author of that book is cardiologist who does prescribe statins when he believes they are
really needed.
Interesting that you picked on Bowden and ignored all those signatures to the petition to the NIH link.
John Abramson, MD
Clinical Instructor
Primary Care
Harvard Medical School
R. James Barnard, PhD
Dept of Physiological Science
Henry C. Barry, MD, MS
Department of Family Practice
Michigan State University
Stephen Bezruchka MD, MPH
Senior Lecturer
International Health Program
Department of Health Services
Christopher Gardner, PhD
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Stanford University
Lee Green, MD, MPH
Department of Family Medicine
University of Michigan
Barry Groves, PhD
Independent researcher
Oxford, UK
Jerome R Hoffman, MA, MD
Prof. of Medicine / Emergency Med.
UCLA School of Medicine
Michael Jacobson, PhD
Executive Director
Marion Nestle, PhD
Paulette Goddard Prof. of
Nutrition, Food Studies, &
Public Health
New York University
Beverly Rockhill, PhD
Department of Epidemiology
University of North Carolina
Paul J. Rosch, MD, FACP
American Institute of Stress
Clinical Prof. of Medicine &
New York Medical College
School of Public Health & Comm. Med.
University of Washington
That's the first 12 signature (page 6). There are 24 more signatures. If these people question the NCEP's (over) prescription of statins why should I put blind faith in a clinic MD who doesn't do research? I'm not.