I'm curious, how many of y'all carry a dedicated self-defense knife? I know that EDC knives can also be used for protection but.... I was just curious if any of y'all have dedicated knives for self defense only.
Here's mine...it's a Spyderco Civilian
Here's the description from the Spyderco website.
In the 1990s Spyderco was approached by a specialized branch of U.S. law enforcement about making a knife for their undercover agents. These plain-clothes LEOs found themselves in situations where they often could not carry a firearm but carrying a knife was not a problem. Most had no formal training in self-defense tactics or MBC but as a last resort could use a blade to protect or extricate themselves from a life-threatening situation. This was how the Civilian model came to be.
I just carry a regular old Buck knife with a clip. I carry it inside my front left pocket clipped over the front of pocket. It rides in the outside corner of my pocket. Carry more for cutting material things than for defensive purposes. Although it would work for that also. The one I'm using now actually came from the NRA-ILA. They sent it to me for making a donation. Buck knife made in USA. It's a good one.
Just picked up an Emerson Sheepdog with the new bearing system (in serrated spearpoint blade). It was expensive, but it has the smoothest opening action and grippiest handle of any self defense knife in my collection:
"You may all go to H3ll, and I will go to Texas." - Davy Crockett
"Fast is fine, but accuracy is everything." - Wyatt Earp
NRA Life Member
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Good one TAM, I was thinking the same thing I haven't practiced much with knives a means of self defense, I keep an Esee Izula neck knife with me most of the time, but it is only for when I run out of bullets.
Take away the Second first, and the First is gone in a second
I've carried a knife since my granddad gave me a pocket knife when I was 10. He bought it when I was born and kept it in his drawer until he thought I was ready. I had a Cub Scout knife before that, but didn't really carry it. I still have that knife he gave me but don't carry it.
I carry a SOG Flash II, if I have pants on and not in an airport secure area. No self defense use so far, but it makes quick work of Amazon, Fedex, UPS et al deliveries, and quite a few around the home and car tasks. I've had it for 10 years or so, entirely satisfactory.
Luckily, I have enough willpower to control the driving ambition that rages within me.
I guess I was fortunate to have a father that is well versed in a few different forms of martial arts. As a young whipper snapper, I was taught Shotokan Karate and Eskrima. I'm fairly decent with a small blade, even better with a samurai... BUT, my favorite was Eskrima stick fighting. I'm much more comfortable picking up a couple sticks and going to town than I am a blade.
But yes, my blade is only for when I run out of bullets
I want my knife to be useful as a utility knife, since that's how I'll use it most often. I have extensive training in Filipino MA so that got me into a lot of knife self defense study. So....as a utility/self defense knife my choice is also an Emerson, Journeyman (http://emersonknives.com/shop/knives/li ... yman-sf-2/). Since it doubles as a utility I don't want mine serrated.
I love Emerson's Wave cut for deploying. Deploying the knife blade is so fast it might as well be spring loaded.
There's a number of knives pictured above me I would never buy for self defense. They don't have anything hinting of a hilt. There's a reason hilts are between the blade and the grip. It's to keep your hand from slipping forward and cutting your fingers on the blade....should you ever needed to stab someone. It happens. You hit a bone or something hard and your fingers can slide right up onto the blade. Short of a hilt I want a folder that has a deep grip for my forefinger. It's a compromise. Likewise I want the handle to have a lot of grip so no slick-metal grip/handle for me.
Here's how the Wave works:
What I don't like about Emersons is the tinny screws that hold on the clip. If you carry it regularly you will ware out the screws and they'll break in half. I ordered the screws online from Amazon. I got 100 for $4. "Steel Pan Head Machine Screw, Black Oxide Finish, Meets ASME B18.6.3, #1 Phillips Drive, #2-56 Thread Size, 1/4" Length, Fully Threaded, Import (Pack of 100)"