Calls for open rebellion

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Re: Calls for open rebellion


Post by Soccerdad1995 »

Skiprr wrote:
Soccerdad1995 wrote:Putting aside the irony that they are in agreement with sheriff Joe Arpaio....
You mean ex-sheriff Joe Arpaio. Unfortunately, on Tuesday Sheriff Joe lost his bid for a seventh term in Maricopa County. He lost to Democrat Paul Penzone. ... /93534098/
Being a stickler for minutiae I had added a sentence on this but deleted it for brevity. Here it is.

Yes I know he lost the election but he is still the sheriff as of this moment, so the correct terminology is sheriff, I believe.

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Re: Calls for open rebellion


Post by bdgyeah »

Saw a news clip this morning where a white senior citizen was beat up by 3 or 4 thugs because he voted for Trump. I also see a lot of Mexico flags waving in these protests. I struggled to find the words.

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Re: Calls for open rebellion


Post by chuck j »

I am not trying to instigate a problem in the thread but ....I'm tired of it .Being labeled a hater/racist because I'm white, I own guns so am accused of being dangerous . I have faith in my GOD so they say I am intolerant when my Lord commands me to love my neighbor .
I am quiet and peaceful , I obey the law of the land . I have never to the best of my knowledge been suspected of committing a crime , never been in jail . I go about my business bothering no one and I am on living my life this way . I'll not have otherwise .
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Re: Calls for open rebellion


Post by LucasMcCain »

chuck j wrote:I am not trying to instigate a problem in the thread but ....I'm tired of it .Being labeled a hater/racist because I'm white, I own guns so am accused of being dangerous . I have faith in my GOD so they say I am intolerant when my Lord commands me to love my neighbor .
I am quiet and peaceful , I obey the law of the land . I have never to the best of my knowledge been suspected of committing a crime , never been in jail . I go about my business bothering no one and I am on living my life this way . I'll not have otherwise .
:iagree: I refuse to be ashamed of who I am and what I believe. I will not cower in silence. I should not have to. I am a Christian, straight, white, working class, gun owning, southern proud, Texan man. I love my God, my wife, and my country, and I will shout it from the rooftops. :patriot: :txflag:
I prefer dangerous freedom to safety in chains.

Let's go Brandon.

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Re: Calls for open rebellion


Post by vjallen75 »

bdgyeah wrote:Saw a news clip this morning where a white senior citizen was beat up by 3 or 4 thugs because he voted for Trump. I also see a lot of Mexico flags waving in these protests. I struggled to find the words.
They also, reportedly, stole this mans vehicle as well. I too struggle to find words
chuck j wrote:I am not trying to instigate a problem in the thread but ....I'm tired of it .Being labeled a hater/racist because I'm white, I own guns so am accused of being dangerous . I have faith in my GOD so they say I am intolerant when my Lord commands me to love my neighbor .
I am quiet and peaceful , I obey the law of the land . I have never to the best of my knowledge been suspected of committing a crime , never been in jail . I go about my business bothering no one and I am on living my life this way . I'll not have otherwise .
I have a lot to say about this, my true opinion would violate forum rules. I will say the media has glorified calling Trump supporters racist, sexist, etc. I used to not voice my opinion on anything political, but if we don't speak up liberals will go unchecked. Don't insight violence but IMO we have to fight back (not physically or verbally but with dignity, no matter how hard that may be). People don't want to acknowledge that Americans of African decent voted for Trump too (I am one of them) as well as Americans of Hispanic decent. Christians are not "allowed" to vote for Trump because "it goes against our beliefs." Again I say it's time for us to speak up and not be silent, metaphorically we have been silent this whole election.
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I have contact my state rep., Jonathan Stickland, about supporting HB 560. Fine out who represents you, here.

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Re: Calls for open rebellion


Post by chuck j »

Agreed . To expand your statement ...We have been quiet for YEARS , too many years . I don't care what color you are , push come to shove when trouble comes we will be shoulder to shoulder together . Americans

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Re: Calls for open rebellion


Post by vjallen75 »

chuck j wrote:Agreed . To expand your statement ...We have been quiet for YEARS , too many years . I don't care what color you are , push come to shove when trouble comes we will be shoulder to shoulder together . Americans
:iagree: Just want people to know it's coming from all sides regardless of race.
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I have contact my state rep., Jonathan Stickland, about supporting HB 560. Fine out who represents you, here.

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Re: Calls for open rebellion


Post by chuck j »

I understand , as it should be . Thank you

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Re: Calls for open rebellion


Post by greyjack »

bdgyeah wrote:Saw a news clip this morning where a white senior citizen was beat up by 3 or 4 thugs because he voted for Trump. I also see a lot of Mexico flags waving in these protests. I struggled to find the words.
Korean grocers know how to solve that problem.
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Re: Calls for open rebellion


Post by Bolton Strid »

bblhd672 wrote:Most likely these protests are organized and funded by the losing side of the election.
Indeed they are - there are want ads all over the internet seeking to recruit people for pay to do these things.
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Re: Calls for open rebellion


Post by Jago668 »

Bolton Strid wrote:
bblhd672 wrote:Most likely these protests are organized and funded by the losing side of the election.
Indeed they are - there are want ads all over the internet seeking to recruit people for pay to do these things.
I would sign up to carry a sign if I didn't work 6 days a week. Could use the extra money to buy another gun, or some upgrades for my computer.
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Re: Calls for open rebellion


Post by Bolton Strid »

Jago668 wrote:
Bolton Strid wrote:
bblhd672 wrote:Most likely these protests are organized and funded by the losing side of the election.
Indeed they are - there are want ads all over the internet seeking to recruit people for pay to do these things.
I would sign up to carry a sign if I didn't work 6 days a week. Could use the extra money to buy another gun, or some upgrades for my computer.
Great idea - snatch up some of that Soros money to put towards a better cause - the derelicts would just put it towards some kind of dope to smoke up - you would would put it towards something that generates a different kind of smoke, Heh. :fire
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Re: Calls for open rebellion


Post by Pawpaw »


Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence. - John Adams
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Re: Calls for open rebellion


Post by The Annoyed Man »

karder wrote:This is typical of the left. They embrace rule of law when it protects their ideology and shun it when it doesn't. They cheered on Obama's pen and phone, but will scream to high heaven about separation of powers if Trump tries to circumvent Congress with executive actions. To the Liberal, immigration laws are the responsibility of the Federal Government when local authorities question the citizenship of a detainee, but they will turn around establish sanctuary cities at every opportunity and proudly defy federal law at the same time. With the Left, everything is about ideology and the ends justify the means. That is why Liberals often beat up on Conservatives successfully. To the Conservative the law is primary, to the Liberal the ideology is primary. The Liberal will use the law to block and deflect the Conservative but the Liberal cannot be blocked or deflected by the law he doesn't respect in the first place.
Karder, you've hit the nail square on its head here. Respect for the rule of law over ideology is exactly what separates the left from the right, and you're spot on that this is how liberals club conservatives into submission. But there is also another factor in play, and that is the degree of value placed on democratic processes by either side. The reason the left believes that ideology trumps the rule of law is that they fundamentally do not believe in the legitimacy of democratic government — by which I mean the processes of a democratic republic, not the democrat party.

Existing in a semi-permanent psychologically immature state, they require instant gratification, like a giant Baby Huey; and if they do not receive it, then the tantrum is mighty, and their giant diaper overflows with powerfully odoriferous "sentiment" — of which the rest of us have to either clean it up or learn to live with it. they are only able to break free of that psychological immaturity when their efforts fail, and they get hungry enough to realize that their degrees in women's studies and gender biases in ethno-musicology will not put the tofu on the table, and they must [GASP!] get a real job in the real world. That is exactly when they will come to realize that their years wasted in the protective cocoon of college, sculpting themselves into the perfect snowflake, have prepared them only for flipping burgers and asking if you want fries with that out in the real world. It is hard enough to know that you are graduating with an engineering degree and $100K in student load debt, but with the knowledge that your degree will get you a good job, and that eventually your debt will be paid off. But to take on that kind of debt, only to learn that your degree has prepared you only for a minimum wage job is a bitter pill to swallow. And so they refuse to swallow it. If you've spent your 4-6 years of college crafting yourself into a special kind of snowflake, then your natural inclination will be to blame the system, rather than your own fecklessness.

There is a word to describe the outcome: in social darwinism. Those who have deliberately made themselves unfit for survival, are now protesting a situation of their own making, and they expect for the rest of us to simply hand over our gains in the social, economic, and political marketplace so that they don't have to face the consequences of their poor decision-making. Tough love demands that we allow them to experience the fruits of their fecklessness. Without allowing them to experience it, we condemn them to a lifetime of fruitless dissatisfaction, always pursuing the gains made by others, instead of their own gains. It is therefore our social obligation to let them fail in life. Those of them who still possess an inner spark of humanity will realize the error of their ways, stop digging, and begin to pull themselves up out of the pit they've dug for themselves to improve upon their lives. They should be applauded, the same way we applaud someone who was anti-gun and becomes a 2nd Amendment supporter. We owe it to the ones who won't stop digging, to keep shoveling the dirt back into their holes, so that they keep occupied and leave the rest of us alone until the point where they come to realize the fruitlessness of their endeavors and begin to pull themselves up out of their holes. Eventually, the ones who never learn to stop digging will die off.

In the meantime, we have a most important duty ahead of us, and that is to recapture and restructure the education of our youth. The single biggest error we have made as a society (driven by liberals, of course) is to restructure primary and secondary education to prepare students for college, instead of preparing them for life. College is neither a legitimate nor a destined-to-be-successful end goal for a large number of students. Over the years, I have watched schools shed their vocational and athletic programs, to keep funding available for college prep programs. To what avail? I have nothing against getting a college education, and the opportunity should be there for those so inclined, but so should there be opportunities for someone to pursue a living in the trades. In the REAL world, when a high school graduate plumber can make $150K per year and a college graduate with a degree in underwater basket weaving makes $10/hour at Mickey D's, whose interest is being served by continually shunting children into the university systems? It isn't the children's interests; I can tell you that.

The education system has become just another self-justifying industry, with an overall really crappy product. It went from being justified by the success of its product — employed, responsible, productive adults — to being justified by producing hordes of graduates who are, just like the educators themselves, of no use to a functioning society. Socrates and his methods, not being convenient to the creation of a socialist utopia, have been abandoned by institutions of higher learning; critical thinking in the nation's universities is a dead art, and therefore we get armies of snowflakes, armed with nothing more than closed minds and a committed belief in the "lessons" of their own indoctrination, who threaten rebellion with the same degree of fecklessness with which they approached their own "educations".

Fortunately, they are ideologically opposed to having firearms in the hands of private citizens, so........... good luck with that. :lol:
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Re: Calls for open rebellion


Post by bblhd672 »

This weekend I made the comment to family members that President Trump could greatly improve the education system in America by abolishing the Department of Education and telling "the people" that education of the children is their local, county/parish, state responsibility.

Then while all the teacher's unions and education lobbyists are screaming and protesting, find another federal "Department of" to shut down and return the responsibility to the states. Continue until federal government is out of the people's everyday lives.
The left lies about everything. Truth is a liberal value, and truth is a conservative value, but it has never been a left-wing value. People on the left say whatever advances their immediate agenda. Power is their moral lodestar; therefore, truth is always subservient to it. - Dennis Prager
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