I gave up all social media (except this website) and "LOUD" and partisan news websites and aggregators for Lent. I've never done anything like this before. I'm a Protestant not a Catholic, so many of these kinds of semi-formal religious observances are not necessarily part of MY traditions. I have fasted from food for a day or two......even for a week once......but it wasn't for Lent, and it was always intended to be temporary. For those of you who are connected to me on Facebook, by now you're in stitches and enjoying my discomfort. I posted a blog post about it on my website, but was interested in hearing (A) if anyone is doing something like this for Lent, (B) how's it going for you so far, and (C) do you think it will be temporary or permanent? I'm doing this because I think I have an addiction.

So far, I am doing really great at it. I'm still using Facebook Messenger simply because I have 2 or 3 friends that that's how I text with them, but I haven't spent any time on the Facebook website at all. I have three tabs "pinned" in my safari browser on my laptop - Facebook, this forum, and Drudge Report. The other day, I went to click on the tab for this forum, and accidentally clicked on Drudge. I was instantly transfixed for about a second and a half - which goes to show how addicted I was to it, and then I immediately clicked out of it and got to this website. I told my wife about it afterwards, and told her that I felt like I had accidentally looked at porn or something. I felt kind of dirty, and I actually felt better confessing it to my wife......even though I realize that I hadn't actually done anything morally wrong. It was just the feeling that I had seen something I wasn't supposed to, and it bothered me. BTW, she's on the same fast as I am, fasting from social media and loud news sites.
I still use my computer, I'm (obviously) still online, I still maintain email correspondences with friends - often about political topics - but I'm just not out there anymore posting challenging articles on Facebook and getting in heated political debates with anyone. Once in a while someone sends me a link to an article of a political nature, and I'll look at it, and maybe comment in general about the topic to the person who sent me the link, but I'm not nearly as engaged as I was, and I feel SO much calmer. I haven't watched news on TV at all. I've been going to the axios.com website and looking at their news summaries which are very politically neutral and short, so I'm staying informed, but I'm just not getting dragged into the mud; and it feels great.
I haven't completely decided yet, but I may just make this a permanent change and keep it up after Easter. Anybody else giving up something else for Lent, or doing what I'm doing, for religious reasons or otherwise?
BTW, if you are on a journey like this, I thought we could use this thread to encourage one another.