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Re: Bottom Handguns!


Post by JakeTheSnake »

Oh, I was going to say, "Thats a weird place to carry".
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Re: Bottom Handguns!


Post by Lena »

Back in my day RG was the king, we had one in the property room that you could cur slivers off it with a pocket knife the metal was so soft. No one would shoot it.
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Re: Bottom Handguns!


Post by C-dub »

My dad still has a "Saturday Night Special" Bryco-Jennings/Jimenez .380. I've asked him to never fire the thing and advised him to just throw it in his pond or some how destroy it so that no one else may ever try to fire it.

Regarding Hi-Points: An acquaintance of mine was lauded his Hi-Point until the day another friend of his let him fire his S&W M&P45. They were at a range together and my acquaintance had shot his Hi-Point first and the his friend's M&P45. He said he was afraid to shoot his Hi-Point after that. He said he had no idea how bad or loose his felt until he shot something of much higher quality. He never did shoot it again and sold it, while saving up a little more to buy an M&P45. Personally, I've never held or fire a Hi-Point and think they are even uglier than Glocks and I own two Glocks and carry a 21SF 99% of the time when I do carry.
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Re: Bottom Handguns!


Post by C-dub »

Pariah3j wrote:Glocks :rolll

Pot stirrer! :lol:
I am not and have never been a LEO. My avatar is in honor of my friend, Dallas Police Sargent Michael Smith, who was murdered along with four other officers in Dallas on 7.7.2016.
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Re: Bottom Handguns!


Post by puma guy »

Lena wrote:Back in my day RG was the king, we had one in the property room that you could cur slivers off it with a pocket knife the metal was so soft. No one would shoot it.
"rlol" I don't blame them. They made a model that was just two pot metal frame and barrels sides with a sleeved barrel stuck in the shroud formed by the casting of the barrel. Fitted together with a couple of screws. We had one returned when the barrel shot out with the projectile! II tried my best to steer buyers away but for $10.88 back in the 60's and 70's some folks bought them. :lol: I'd be surprised if they all didn't shave lead when fired.
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Re: Bottom Handguns!


Post by Syntyr »

OldCannon wrote:
lama wrote:I do not understand why Hi-Point makes these lists. Some you list will blow up in your hand, the Hi-Point is just ugly as sin. In my experience I would much rather have a Hi-Point than any semi auto Taurus makes. Ugly pistols are better than single shot pistols.
A lot of people wave off these kind of pistols, and I would definitely tell you to NOT buy one if you can afford something like a Glock. On the other hand, for $150, a Hi-Point is perfectly fine as a home defense gun. It takes PP+ ammo and goes bang when you pull the trigger (and the bullet goes the correct direction :lol: ).
My Stallard (which is basically hipoint) would work perfectly for one 8 round mag and then jam city. I would then spend 15 minutes cleaning the crud out of tbe pistol and true to form. First mag no problems. Second mag fail to feed after ftf. Tried changing mags, rounds, polishing feed ramp, checking slide face, mag feed lips everything. At least it was heavy enough to throw when it jammed.
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Re: Bottom Handguns!


Post by Lena »

puma guy wrote:
Lena wrote:Back in my day RG was the king, we had one in the property room that you could cur slivers off it with a pocket knife the metal was so soft. No one would shoot it.
"rlol" I don't blame them. They made a model that was just two pot metal frame and barrels sides with a sleeved barrel stuck in the shroud formed by the casting of the barrel. Fitted together with a couple of screws. We had one returned when the barrel shot out with the projectile! II tried my best to steer buyers away but for $10.88 back in the 60's and 70's some folks bought them. :lol: I'd be surprised if they all didn't shave lead when fired.
That is exactly the one we had I mentioned,
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Re: Bottom Handguns!


Post by puma guy »

Lena wrote:
puma guy wrote:
Lena wrote:Back in my day RG was the king, we had one in the property room that you could cur slivers off it with a pocket knife the metal was so soft. No one would shoot it.
"rlol" I don't blame them. They made a model that was just two pot metal frame and barrels sides with a sleeved barrel stuck in the shroud formed by the casting of the barrel. Fitted together with a couple of screws. We had one returned when the barrel shot out with the projectile! II tried my best to steer buyers away but for $10.88 back in the 60's and 70's some folks bought them. :lol: I'd be surprised if they all didn't shave lead when fired.
That is exactly the one we had I mentioned,
You were wise not to try it out! :lol:
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Re: Bottom Handguns!


Post by bigtek »

JakeTheSnake wrote:Oh, I was going to say, "Thats a weird place to carry". ... ng-arrest/
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Re: Bottom Handguns!


Post by treadlightly »

The forum topic reminds me of an ER photo I saw back in about 1980. S&W Model 39 and 59 crunchentickers were all the rage on the Austin PD. The photo was of a distinguished detective with a groove in his sit-down from what came before Glock perfection. At least he didn't appendix carry. Quoth ET, "Ouuuch."
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Re: Bottom Handguns!


Post by TexasJohnBoy »

I used to own two Taurus pistols.
I now own two S&W pistols.

Another vote for Taurus.
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Re: Bottom Handguns!


Post by SIGFan43 »

I had a Taurus 850 CIA All Titanium .38 revolver I carried for 13 years. It had the smoothest DAO trigger, better than any S&W snub nose I've ever owned, and was very accurate. I fed it nothing but Gold Dots and when I sold it, I got as much as I paid for it. They are now impossible to find. I wish I still had it. I have also shot Taurus semi-automatics before, but would never buy one because the triggers were atrocious and not accurate. My EDC now is a SIG P239. Next to an HK P7 I used to own, the best semi-auto I've ever owned. The worst gun I owned had to be a little plastic .32 ACP; I don't remember the name, but they're still in business.
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Re: Bottom Handguns!


Post by stroo »

FIE 22 revolver. I bought it cheap to see what it was like to shoot a 22 single action revolver. At that time, it was so leaded up the the pattern from 7 yards looked like a shotgun at 50 yards. With a lot of work, I got the lead out. Now at 7 yards it shoots about a foot to the right and 6-8 inches low with a 6 inch group. After 3 cylinders, it still shoots in the same location but the group gets down to about 3 inches.

It is made of pot metal with a steel sleeve barrel. At least it shoots every time I pull the trigger.

I need to take it to one of those gun buy backs sometime.

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Re: Bottom Handguns!


Post by ckelly9460 »

Phoenix, Cobra, and unpopular opinion on my part Keltec
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Re: Bottom Handguns!


Post by Pariah3j »

C-dub wrote:
Pariah3j wrote:Glocks :rolll

Pot stirrer! :lol:
Just a little - they are really my least favorite of guns that I would actually be willing to spend money on - I thought that's what the thread was asking before I realized we were talking about HiPoints and lesser made junk. So I went ahead and posted it anyways :biggrinjester:
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