Acquittal in Bundy Ranch Prosecutions

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Re: Acquittal in Bundy Ranch Prosecutions


Post by anygunanywhere »

Fed dot gov should not own state land. This is the United States. If the fed dot gov needs land it should buy/lease from the states. The fact that fed dot gov owns a large portion of western lands is insane.
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Re: Acquittal in Bundy Ranch Prosecutions


Post by WTR »

Flightmare wrote:
WTR wrote:
RoyGBiv wrote:
Liberty wrote:OK They got a mistrial.
Charges were dismissed "with prejudice". Not a mistrial... Cannot be retried unless there is a new crime alleged.
Then why has a new trial date been set? ... 013685001/
U.S. District Judge Gloria Navarro said a new trial would not be sufficient to address the problems in the case and would provide the prosecution with an unfair advantage going forward. She dismissed the charges against the four men "with prejudice," meaning they cannot face trial again.
I see. She set a trial date for four other defendants.

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Re: Acquittal in Bundy Ranch Prosecutions


Post by WTR »

anygunanywhere wrote:Fed dot gov should not own state land. This is the United States. If the fed dot gov needs land it should buy/lease from the states. The fact that fed dot gov owns a large portion of western lands is insane.
It has always been Federal land. Most Western States where.not like Texas.

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Re: Acquittal in Bundy Ranch Prosecutions


Post by rotor »

BLM tried a land grab in North Texas as well putting Texas ranchers into a nightmare scenario trying to take land away that their families have held for generations. ... ettlement/

This kind of action creates tremendous distrust against the federal government and ends up causing honest law abiding citizens to spend a ton of money fighting a federal bureaucracy. I did not follow the Bundy story completely but I sided with Bundy because I saw what BLM was doing to my neighbors on the Red River. There must be a senior BLM person sitting in an office right now asking himself "How can we screw another honest citizen out of his property?". Maybe less risk under Trump than Obama. I still wonder though who is next.
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Re: Acquittal in Bundy Ranch Prosecutions


Post by anygunanywhere »

The $1 million lie that the fed dot gov spewed was actually a $8,815.50 trespass fee, a ten dollar service charge and a $283,776 administrative fee. This was part of the evidence that was withheld from Bundy's defense attorney(s). ... -released/

Just another example of the criminal fed dot gov.
"When democracy turns to tyranny, the armed citizen still gets to vote." Mike Vanderboegh

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