Will Obama be arrested for illegal spying on Trump campaign?
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Will Obama be arrested for illegal spying on Trump campaign?
https://www.wsj.com/articles/spying-did ... 1554937112
“Spying did occur”. William Barr Attorney General for the United States of America.
So how far will it go? Did Loretta Lynch know, did Obama know, did he order it?
On the radio today, Bill O’Reilly suggested that William Barr is deciding what to do, as once he starts it will most likely lead to the former President. Does he really want to tear up the country?
A lot of people love the Obama’s. We may find that half the top Democrats were involved.
The news will portray it as a evil Trump going after enemies and right before the election.
Trump can’t really stop it as that would be obstruction of justice.
It will start with the FBI and go from there.
“Spying did occur”. William Barr Attorney General for the United States of America.
So how far will it go? Did Loretta Lynch know, did Obama know, did he order it?
On the radio today, Bill O’Reilly suggested that William Barr is deciding what to do, as once he starts it will most likely lead to the former President. Does he really want to tear up the country?
A lot of people love the Obama’s. We may find that half the top Democrats were involved.
The news will portray it as a evil Trump going after enemies and right before the election.
Trump can’t really stop it as that would be obstruction of justice.
It will start with the FBI and go from there.
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Re: Will Obama be arrested for illegal spying on Trump campaign?
This needs to go in the prayer section.
I don't see how this can make the divide worse between factions in this country. The left hates us. How can they hate us more? They can scream louder.
This might possibly help Trump in 2020.
I don't see how this can make the divide worse between factions in this country. The left hates us. How can they hate us more? They can scream louder.
This might possibly help Trump in 2020.
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"The Smallest Minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities." – Ayn Rand
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Re: Will Obama be arrested for illegal spying on Trump campaign?
Nope, it would never happen. Move on. Let us worry about next general election and keep the control in the congress.
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Re: Will Obama be arrested for illegal spying on Trump campaign?
My only input is this: I'm tired of the "let us worry about the next election", and letting crooks, thieves, and liars get off because we don't want to "cause a ruckus".
That's the whole dam problem with our country, we don't want accountability in the name of getting along.
That's the whole dam problem with our country, we don't want accountability in the name of getting along.
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Re: Will Obama be arrested for illegal spying on Trump campaign?
Did he say, “Spying did occur”, or that he thinks spying occurred? I heard a few sound bites on the news yesterday, but I was driving, so I couldn’t really give it my full attention.
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Re: Will Obama be arrested for illegal spying on Trump campaign?
It will never happen. Should but never happen.
There are a lot more serious things he should be arrested for that wont happen either.
There are a lot more serious things he should be arrested for that wont happen either.

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Re: Will Obama be arrested for illegal spying on Trump campaign?
I doubt Obama will be but I suspect quite of few have pucker factors that are off the chart at the moment.
Also, if we do not take major steps to reign in our corrupt dysfunctional government, we'll end up having a 2nd or 3rd world quality government if we are not already there. At some point, a stand needs to be taken against the corruption. Why not now?
Also, if we do not take major steps to reign in our corrupt dysfunctional government, we'll end up having a 2nd or 3rd world quality government if we are not already there. At some point, a stand needs to be taken against the corruption. Why not now?
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Re: Will Obama be arrested for illegal spying on Trump campaign?
He might be indicted. Might be convicted. Won't serve time - I don't think it's good precedent to start putting ex-presidents in the clink.
But he is paying the price. He looks sick. His legacy is almost completely erased. I would not wish his retirement on anyone.
But he is paying the price. He looks sick. His legacy is almost completely erased. I would not wish his retirement on anyone.
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Re: Will Obama be arrested for illegal spying on Trump campaign?
It's also not a good precedent to allow for outgoing presidents and their administrations to tamper with elections but here we are.
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Re: Will Obama be arrested for illegal spying on Trump campaign?
Look what happened in the 2018 election. The Dems took the House and ALL investigations there came to a screeching halt. If they take the White House in 2020, this investigation will cease too.
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Re: Will Obama be arrested for illegal spying on Trump campaign?
You can wish his retirement on me.

Obummer has it made. Generous pension, paid medical care for life, around the clock protection, invitations from the rich and famous to join them on their villas, yachts, private jets, getting paid to make speeches that say nothing new.
And the knowledge that despite his high crimes and misdemeanors he will never be arrested, tried or convicted, much less put in prison.
Honestly, the only thing he has to fear is a civil war won by his opponents, who may not be as willing to forgive his trespasses and can convince whatever country he has sought asylum in to turn him over.
The left lies about everything. Truth is a liberal value, and truth is a conservative value, but it has never been a left-wing value. People on the left say whatever advances their immediate agenda. Power is their moral lodestar; therefore, truth is always subservient to it. - Dennis Prager
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Re: Will Obama be arrested for illegal spying on Trump campaign?
If they committed a crime they should be punished for it! What sets the United States apart from every other country is the rule of law! NOBODY should be above the law! If the people involved aren't punished this will happen again! I don't think an ExPresident should sit in prison but he should be stripped of all the perks of being an ExPresidrnt up to and including SS protection!
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If you ain't paranoid you ain't paying attention
Don't fire unless fired upon, but if they mean to have a war let it begin here- John Parker