Was channel flipping thru the cable box guide the other night, caught the name 'Dorothy Dandridge' in passing and flipped back to that entry. The movie was 'Bright Road' (1953). Since I'd never seen anything she was in, I brought up that feed (probably TCM, or might have been AMC) and watched for a few minutes. Her character is a 4th grade teacher in a school in the south. I blipped in shortly before morning class is called to order; after an exhibit of the usual Hollywoood kid roles of the period (teachers pet, class clown, etc) class is called to order and they recite the pledge of allegiance.

So I'm reliving the elementary school milieu of my youth (OK, >MY< youth was 10 years later, but things hadn't changed appreciably yet...) and then I'm
rudely jarred out of my nostalgia when the sound track recites "one nation,

and I immediately look at the visuals for any evidence of continuity errors in the video. Didn't see any, but I'm not a lip reader, so I couldn't tell if 'under God' was still being mouthed by the kids under a modified sound track.
Was George Orwell right, and 'The Ministry of Truth' is now editing 80 year old, "nobody watches these" movies to sanitize references to God?
Or to put it in terms 80's kids can relate to, we've actually achieved the manipulation of reality laid out in the Max Headroom series, Season One, Episode Six "The Blanks", to whit; "Data Rescan and the Trojan Sheep"?
As we say down here on the border, "son of a motherless goat, don't you losers have anything better to do with your time?!"