My girlfriend of a couple months has an ex-fiance. That I knew. What I didn't know is just how recently they broke things off. Turns out it was right before she and I met. Also come to find out that he's not quite over her yet, and he blames me for them not working things out and getting back together when he returns from being stationed overseas with the USMC. To top it off, I'd posted a picture of her cuddling with my dog on Facebook, and he saw it, called her, and proceeded to freak out. During this freaking out he repeated several times that he was going to kill me. He also told her he knew my home address and read it to her.
Due to a failed business venture I'm currently living back at home with my mother and 4 little brothers, at the address he has.
The last thing I want to be forced to do is shoot someone serving in the armed forces.
I'm going to fill out a police report, so if anything happens I have a record to help in my defense. The guy's going to be in Texas for a month, staying 4 hours away from where I live. If he shows up here, then he's had several hours of driving to mull over his actions, it wouldn't be a spur of the moment thing. The gf balked when I told her that she's coming with me to file the report. She "doesn't want to get him in trouble" or "make a big deal out of it", and "it's not his fault, he was just mad" (Yeah, like he can never get mad again

I've been locking up my firearms due to having the younger brothers around. I'm taking to carrying my handgun on me at all times at the house again. I'd still feel better if my 12 gauge or SKS were readily available.

I asked the gf how she thinks he'd attempt to kill me if it came down to it, she said bare hands or knife. Excellent. Last thing I need is someone firing at me with the house and my family behind me.

Normally I would just laugh something like this off. It's not the first time that I've had someone threaten to kill me over a girl. Nothing's ever come of it, but then again, no one's ever gone through the trouble of looking up my address (which isn't easy to find on google or some of the other people searching sites that I checked, so he put in some effort). Also, I can just see his side of the story, as told to his friends, the police, anyone: This guy was messing around with my fiance! Blah blah blah. I can totally understand how the guy must feel, I've been there. I was in a 3 year relationship, thought I was going to marry the girl, and then she cheated on me and ran of with some other guy. It took me longer to get over her than the time actually spent in the relationship. The guy's 18, and has a history of being not physically abusive, but yelling / throwing fits / hitting walls when he was with my gf.
There are enough red flags here for me to take it seriously, any advice would be appreciated.
Oh, I've sparred with Marines before, and know I can handle myself in a physical confrontation. I'd just prefer to never let it get there.