Haunted Places in Texas

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Haunted Places in Texas


Post by WildBill »

Does any member have any experience in this phenomenon?
http://theshadowlands.net:80/places/texas.htm" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
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Re: Haunted Places in Texas


Post by Oldgringo »

No, but my C-Pap causes me to have visitations and sightings...every night.

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Re: Haunted Places in Texas


Post by JNMAR »

I'll have to say I'm a bit surprised...I looked and my ex did not make the list...yet anyway. :evil2: :confused5 :eek6
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Re: Haunted Places in Texas


Post by Hoi Polloi »


I have a book of haunted places in Gonzales, TX, which I didn't see represented in the list. It's called Ghosts of Gonzales by Leon Netardus.
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Re: Haunted Places in Texas


Post by joe817 »

Arlington-River Legacy Park-Screaming Bridge: I traveled over that bridge many, many times in the late 70's into the early 80's.
Yes some teenagers died in a car wreck(in the 40's IIRC). No, I've never seen any fog, or lights. It's a 1 lane bridge with high steel sides, with heavy overgrowth of large branches. It is so dark it turns day into night....almost. It was a spooky bridge to go over when it was used.

Arlington-River Legacy Park-Hobo: I believe this is the figment of someone's imagination. :lol: Yes, railroad tracks run to the north of the park.....about 3 miles. River Legacy Park is a fairly new park in Arlington. Built in the mid-to-late 1980's. The tracks are now used by the TRE(Trinity Railway Express; express service between Dallas & Ft.Worth used exclusively for commuters between the 2 cities.) River Legacy Park is about 1/2 miles north of our home. The Arlington sanitary landfill is between the railroad tracks & the park.

The Village Creek water treatment plant is actually between Screaming Bridge and River Legacy Park.

All the other Arlington sightings are news to me, and I've lived in Arlington since 1976. ;-)
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Re: Haunted Places in Texas


Post by 7075-T7 »

The Canyon: Panhandle plains museum is something I've felt. The carriage was in the corner where you can't see it when you walk in the room, and I felt something terribly ominous from that direction I had to get out of the room... Still brings chills...

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Re: Haunted Places in Texas


Post by Wildscar »

Dallas - White Rock Lake.

I grew up in this area and I can say that I have seen her more than once. She does exist.
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Re: Haunted Places in Texas


Post by Leroy »

Lots of rumored hauntings in galveston that go back to the 1900 storm. Also another VERY eerie haunting called "the face", which we have been going to look at since I was a teenager. There is a tour in galveston that takes people to the some of the hauntings. If you go you better make sure you are strapped.....I have heard some people never return from the tour. BWAAHHAAAAAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!

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Re: Haunted Places in Texas


Post by Pete92FS »

Ft. Davis - was there about 6 or 7 years ago, was on a Monday and I basically had the place to myself. Parts of of the old fort are fully restored to the Buffalo Soldier days and parts of the hospital are restored - had a weird feeling in the hospital that I was not alone but never saw anyone (or anything).
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Re: Haunted Places in Texas


Post by Fangs »

I've heard of some of these. I've also seen some really weird stuff that have no logical explanation. It matched up exactly with what the passengers in my car saw and people don't generally have group hallucinations. :shock:

Anyway, I read of a haunted insane asylum / mental hospital in San Antonio a while back where some kids were exploring it at night and got shanked by a mentally unstable hobo. Kinda put a dampener on my zeal to go check out those kinds of places.
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Re: Haunted Places in Texas


Post by jmorris »

I've read that the train track one in San Antonio is bogus. Never happened. Did happen in Arizona (IIRC) and now there's at least six or seven places where it's supposed to have happened.
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Re: Haunted Places in Texas


Post by wninja »

I remember Patterson Road in Houston from my days as a youngster. I never had personal experience because we all thought you were to just stop and turn the lights off, according to that link, you have to turn the car off as well.

Did not see any black apparitions chasing the car as we drove slowly down that road though, but that was one of the other urban legends we heard. My peers said it was black ghost dogs that ran along side your car if you drove slowly enough.
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Re: Haunted Places in Texas


Post by Lefty Writer »

Leroy wrote:Lots of rumored hauntings in galveston that go back to the 1900 storm. Also another VERY eerie haunting called "the face", which we have been going to look at since I was a teenager. There is a tour in galveston that takes people to the some of the hauntings. If you go you better make sure you are strapped.....I have heard some people never return from the tour. BWAAHHAAAAAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!
Ahhh, yes, "the face" on the wall of Ewing Hall on the UTMB Campus.....

http://www.roadsideamerica.com/tip/22421" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

I used to do a lot of stage managing at The Strand Theatre in Galveston, across the street from the Tremont House Hotel, and have experienced patches of FRIGID air that place, especially going up the stairs. Heavy doors have slammed closed by themselves when we've been there.

A bit off topic, my wife and I will be staying at the Stanley Hotel in Estes Park soon. That's the hotel Stephen King and his wife stayed in, and inspired his book The Shining.


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Re: Haunted Places in Texas


Post by Ropin »

Not in Texas, but when I was in college, I was on-site 'security' for the school's Equestrian Center. We were 5 miles from town and campus, and I can't tell you how many times I heard conversations, footsteps, doors opening and the like when I was doing my night checks only to find there was no human around but me.

It freaked me out the first time, but I quickly realized my fellow residents were not malicious, and I was ok with them then. I was not the only person aware of them. There were several times I'd find half finished laundry in the washer, because one of the students would come out to do their clothes, hear that they weren't alone, and take off full speed back to the dorms, leaving their clothes behind until the next day. That was always good for a laugh.
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