What if, I asked, no one had guns, except for policemen and soldiers. They looked at me as if I were a loon.
Which, she undoubtedly is.
"Why wouldn't you just let him have the TV?" I persisted. "It's just a TV. It's a machine."
Because their parents worked hard to get that TV. It's not just a TV, it is a reward to themselves for doing the right thing, working, being law-abiding citizens, and not taking any shortcuts (i.e. government handouts). (I'm giving the parents the benefit of the doubt). Also, it is not the thief's TV. He didn't work for it. He didn't decide he had enough to spend on something he and his family would enjoy. He is a recidivistic scumbag. He is trespassing, which is against the law, and taking something that is not his, which is also not just against American Law, but also one of the "Big 10". (Thou Shall Not STEAL).
This woman has no idea about reality. And I bet she is the first one who would scream bloody murder if someone came in to steal something of hers. Of course, she might say "just take it", at which point she might be beaten, raped, or killed. (Or all 3).
if you can't tell, people like this make my blood boil.