Teacher on guns "wanted to make them horrified"

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Re: Teacher on guns "wanted to make them horrified"


Post by VMI77 »

This is why I'm ultimately pessimistic and believe we will loose our self-defense rights: the liberal nutters control the schools. We've got generations of indoctrination to overcome and we're not even close to purging the schools of this nonsense.
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Re: Teacher on guns "wanted to make them horrified"


Post by VMI77 »

RPB wrote:http://www.huffingtonpost.com/pamela-kr ... 10699.html
What these 13-year-olds ...
They were fascinated to hear that people their grandparents' age tackled the man, and swiped the bullets from his hand, but they just weren't horrified that he had the gun. I wanted to make them horrified that he had the gun.
Read the article here http://www.huffingtonpost.com/pamela-kr ... 10699.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Great, Teachers are horrifying our kids.

The teacher who wrote the article is a complete loon, as well as either being extraordinarily ignorant or intellectually dishonest. She actually posits that confronting people who have invaded your home is about nothing more than giving up a TV set, and suggests you should just let them have the TV. Yeah, that's right, there are no bad people who rape and kill, just a few unfortunates who'd like to have a TV set so they can watch PBS. This woman is using her classroom to advance her political agenda, and she is proud of it, entitling her screed: "Controlling Guns, One Classroom at a Time." Imagine the outcry if some teacher dared instruct his class in the value of guns for self-defense.

And I should point out one method of seeing just how organized anti-gun propaganda is in general....look at the headlines on various national news feeds. Whenever you pull up Google, Yahoo, whatever, there is no criminal act with a gun too insignificant for national attention --from a kid bringing a gun to school to actual shootings. Now, consider how many acts of self-defense get national attention? For instance, a jewelry store owner killing three bad guys. Those stories remain local. It can only play out this way by design.

This article makes it clear we're facing two much larger problems: one immediate and one long-term. The immediate problem, illustrated by this article, is that a huge organized gun control propaganda campaign is in the works and it is apparently just getting started. People on the faux right, like Noonan, Cheney, Kristol, and Lugar are apparently jumping on the bandwagon --so whatever is motivating this anti-gun campaign goes well beyond the usual liberal attack on self-defense rights. Expect an unrelenting barrage of this idiocy until our rights to self-defense have been dramatically reduced. And let's be clear, this idiot teacher doesn't just want to take away guns, she wants to eliminate the right to self-defense.

The longer term problem is that there are a lot of people just as stupid as this woman teaching our children, and that her delusional world view is endorsed by the people running the schools. And here I'm being charitable: this teacher may really be as dumb as she sounds, and she sounds like a useful fool, but the leadership is unprincipled and ruthless and will do absolutely anything to get their way.
Last edited by VMI77 on Sun Jan 23, 2011 7:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Teacher on guns "wanted to make them horrified"


Post by psijac »

All the home schooled people I know are just a little bit off. They have no sense of how to interact with their peers. Its like watching a live version for Sheldon Cooper from the big bang theory
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Re: Teacher on guns "wanted to make them horrified"


Post by VMI77 »

psijac wrote:All the home schooled people I know are just a little bit off. They have no sense of how to interact with their peers. Its like watching a live version for Sheldon Cooper from the big bang theory
How many do you know? Two? Three? You don't have a teacher in the family by any chance do you?
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Re: Teacher on guns "wanted to make them horrified"


Post by Beiruty »

That teacher is terrorizing her students. Is she a terrorist? Seriously, some of her students would say. "My Dad is a Policeman, he carries a gun daily. Is my dead is a bad Guy?" He responds daily to arrest people who steals a can of bear. Is my Dad a bad guy"? My Dad draws his gun on people too. He is not afraid to pull a a trigger if has to do so. Is my Dad a bad guy? Should my Dad let every criminal to steal a TV from Best Buy because it is just a TV?
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Re: Teacher on guns "wanted to make them horrified"


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dcphoto wrote:Sounds like her students have a better grasp on reality than she does. :roll: :banghead:

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Re: Teacher on guns "wanted to make them horrified"


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so, does this teacher own a TV, or a car, or have family she loves?? I wonder if it's ok for some thugs to just go to her home and take those things from her? does she have the right to defend her property or when it comes to her stuff is it "just a TV" or "just a car". . . . I also can't believe the level these students are on. . . sounds like they are 1st or 2nd graders.
I feel sorry for this teacher (and her students). . . can she have so little critical thinking skills that she can actually ask the question, "what would happen if only the police or military had guns?" I am suspicious when things like this are so obvious. I pray that this teacher can get the real answers to the questions she asks and can permit herself to open her mind to the them!
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Re: Teacher on guns "wanted to make them horrified"


Post by Oldgringo »

Here are the facts of the matter - everybody take a deep breath.

Just like Obama, Pelosi, Reid, et al, who were elected by the people, teachers are hired and tenured by school boards who are elected by the people. Clean out her school board and you'll flush her, and her ilk. out of the various shool systems.

Coming full circle now, this sort of {stuff} all begins and ends with the voting parents in the home. Now, y'all go and do the right thing.
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Re: Teacher on guns "wanted to make them horrified"


Post by psijac »

VMI77 wrote:
psijac wrote:All the home schooled people I know are just a little bit off. They have no sense of how to interact with their peers. Its like watching a live version for Sheldon Cooper from the big bang theory
How many do you know? Two? Three? You don't have a teacher in the family by any chance do you?
Probably around three. No teacher in here though. Point being children need to interact with other children, I think intramural sports would help
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Re: Teacher on guns "wanted to make them horrified"


Post by TexasGal »

psijac wrote:All the home schooled people I know are just a little bit off. They have no sense of how to interact with their peers. Its like watching a live version for Sheldon Cooper from the big bang theory
Respectfully, I would ask you to attend one of the home school conventions where some of the best curriculum in the world is offered for sale. Home Schoolers are not just making it up as they go along. The booths are overwhelmingly run by home school families whose small to teen children will discuss the merits of whatever is available on an intelligent adult level. I have been to several and it never fails to impress me the average public high school student would be a fish out of water. The students who are breaking records at your local college for the youngest to graduate are home schooled. I have had the chance to see several home school families raise their children to adulthood. The vast majority of them is happy, healthy, well adjusted to all age groups--not just their own. They go on field trips to actually see the things the public school kids see in a book or watch in a class presentation. They have not been hazed by bullies, been in drug rehab, arrested by the police, etc. They actually notice what goes on in the world and don't hate their parents or their siblings. They don't live in a vacuum without friends. The older ones sit in our waiting room quietly helping the younger ones to study. Are there SOME weirdos---yep, but FAR less than what you will see at any public school you care to point to. I hope this did not sound like a rant. It was not meant to be offensive. :tiphat:
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Re: Teacher on guns "wanted to make them horrified"


Post by RPB »

"children need to interact with other children"

The two home schooled girls I raised had skates, swingset with all attachments, vollyball/badminton nets, basketball goal, and an in-ground swimming pool, and dolls, and toys, and games, and computers ... they had more neighborhood kids "interacting" than I knew what to do with. They had lots of playmates, without the drug emporium, and "influences" which I wouldn't have known about, at school.

And, I knew, or got to know ... their parents.
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Re: Teacher on guns "wanted to make them horrified"


Post by VMI77 »

psijac wrote:
VMI77 wrote:
psijac wrote:All the home schooled people I know are just a little bit off. They have no sense of how to interact with their peers. Its like watching a live version for Sheldon Cooper from the big bang theory
How many do you know? Two? Three? You don't have a teacher in the family by any chance do you?
Probably around three. No teacher in here though. Point being children need to interact with other children, I think intramural sports would help

Not much of a sample to draw from. There are homeschool groups in many places that put children together. Of course, the bigger the town the greater the number and style of these groups.

Most homeschoolers I've had any contact with participate in a variety of activities with other children. I'm not sure exactly what you're alluding to by "no sense of how to interact with their peers." What I've seen typically is that homeschooled children are more mature than their "peers." I've lectured at public schools a number of times and I've seen a lot of public school child "peer" interaction that doesn't impress me. And I agree that socialization is important, but I think the type of socialization is more important. Children "socialize" in street gangs too.

Another aspect of relationship to child peers is a function of education and intelligence. Quite frankly most public school children are astoundingly ignorant, and bright public school children have their own problems interacting with their "peers," especially if they're not part of the "in" crowd.
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Re: Teacher on guns "wanted to make them horrified"


Post by Purplehood »

TexasGal wrote:Folks, this is why some people want to be in education. It's not to teach our children how to read and write. It's to mold their opinions to agree with their own agendas. Just like Hitler, they know getting to the young is how you change the world to your way of thinking.
Always read your child's textbooks and homework. Ask what things were discussed in class that were not in the book. I'd have had words with this teacher. Very civil words to be sure, but my child would have been withdrawn from her class in a nanosecond. Homeschooling is where YOU get to mold your child's opinions. Home schooled kids overwhelmingly are better adjusted, better educated, and more able to think for themselves. This teacher rejected the responses of the kids who were thinking independently. That is not her job. :banghead:
I have to disagree with the statement that home schooled kids overwhelmingly are better...for the exact reasons posted but in favor of public schooling.

Public schooling and Home schooling are both only as good as the Educators. If you get a crappy school district, school, administrators or teachers or any combination of the above, then you get a lousy education. It works that way in home-schooling also.

I send my kid to Public school for various reasons.
- Reason 1: Surrogate baby-sitters (not really a valid reason, but it demonstrates that I cannot stay at home and school my child).
- Reason 2: Exposure to different viewpoints, interests and religions (I want that).
- Reason 3: Exposure to common colds, viruses and the like (I want that. Builds up immunities that a child may never develop when home schooled. I have no scientific basis to support that, it is simply my opinion).
- Reason 4: I am horrible at Algebra. I want my son to learn it correctly.

I could go on all day, but I am not in favor of limiting my son's horizons to a sheltered environment with his family. I want him to grow up to be a strong, independent and self-willed individual that is well-able to cope with society.

No disrespect intended to those that Home-school their children. That is their choice and it should be their choice.

As for the topic of this thread. A parent needs to be proactive and involved in their publicly educated childs education. You watch for this kind of ridiculous behavior and directly confront it by addressing your concerns to all involved. You don't sit and ignore it.
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Re: Teacher on guns "wanted to make them horrified"


Post by chasfm11 »

Purplehood wrote: I could go on all day, but I am not in favor of limiting my son's horizons to a sheltered environment with his family. I want him to grow up to be a strong, independent and self-willed individual that is well-able to cope with society.

No disrespect intended to those that Home-school their children. That is their choice and it should be their choice.

As for the topic of this thread. A parent needs to be proactive and involved in their publicly educated childs education. You watch for this kind of ridiculous behavior and directly confront it by addressing your concerns to all involved. You don't sit and ignore it.
I hold a permanent teaching certificate and taught in the public schools, though I admit it wasn't in Texas or recently.
1. Public education today most does the opposite of what you want for your son. It stifles creativity, champions conformity, tries to force every child to learn the same way and, above all, discourages independent thinking. I'm not saying that all schools and teachers are like this but just that the preponderance of our education system across all States behaves this way.
2. The next situation that I hear about where a parent was happy about their proactive involvement in the public schools within the past 20 years will be the first. The zero tolerance mentality is far reaching and covers many more topics than weapons in a school. There may be an occasional school where parents can have some influence but, by and large, it is a topic government bureaucracy and they will tell you want is good for both you and your child. Good luck presenting a different point of view.

My wife and I are both teachers. She has taught recently and in Texas. We've both tried to be proactively involved in schools and understand the difference between approaching a topic from an adversarial point of view and a cooperative, helpful one.

Lastly, I'm lousy at Algebra, too. If the time comes when our granddaughter is taught Algebra in the same manner that I've observed, I'll drag out the Algebra materials and figure it out so that I can teach her. Your assumption that just because a school has an Algebra teacher that your child is better off in that class than with the individual instruction that he could get from you may not be accurate. Besides, the quickest way to learn something yourself is to try to teach it to someone else. Home schooled kids often have access to tutors for some of the more difficult subjects. There is a whole network of home school parents that have the same problems that you might and have built resources to help..

In someway, our educational system is much like the subject of guns. There are many inaccurate perceptions that have little to no basis in fact.

Edit: to include this link
http://www.odysseyofthemind.com/ as example of better ways to helping kids to be creative. My wife and I were coaches.
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Re: Teacher on guns "wanted to make them horrified"


Post by Oldgringo »

We have no involvement with local schools other than being forced to pay our school taxes every year. It may just be me, but I get the impression that the emphasis is on passing this TAKS Test, whatever that is, rather than on learning.
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