snatchel wrote:This is the speed test. I'm not on true 4G network here in San Angelo, so i'm excited to see what it will do in one of the bigger cities--ATX or DFW.
In Dallas I was able to get 36.26 mps down and 11.45 mps up with LTE
True, but it's a bold statement to say that men who happen to carry around an iPhone, know how to use it, and enjoy facebook/twitter are less manly than you are.
I hunt 3 or 4 times a year--pig, deer, and fowl. I camp & fish often. I am an avid backpacker. I served 6 years in a SWCC unit, am a combat veteran several times over, and have deployed to Afghanistan, Iraq, and Africa. Pretty sure I have enough punches in my man-card to stand up to most standards ;)
While I admit that mankind is losing it's connection to nature and the hard ways of earlier centuries, I am quite certain that all is not lost. I appreciate the sentiment, but not the condescending tone.
snatchel wrote:This is the speed test. I'm not on true 4G network here in San Angelo, so i'm excited to see what it will do in one of the bigger cities--ATX or DFW.
In Dallas I was able to get 36.26 mps down and 11.45 mps up with LTE
Its VERY fast
The new Maps are awful
Blazing fast. Glad Apple has caught up to the rest of the contenders and hopped on the 4G/LTE train.
This morning, updated my iTunes, downloaded all the apps to the computer, backed up the iPhone to iCloud and to the computer directly, then reinstalled iOS6 and did a Restore to Factory Settings. About 4 hours later, the phone was fully restored and charged. I took it off the charger at is 8pm and I'm at 86% battery with a cool phone that is running about 12 apps right now. That's more like it and I'm no longer in Apple bashing mode!!! My 4s is good to go for one more year...then I'll be getting the 5s or 6.
Blindref757 wrote:This morning, updated my iTunes, downloaded all the apps to the computer, backed up the iPhone to iCloud and to the computer directly, then reinstalled iOS6 and did a Restore to Factory Settings. About 4 hours later, the phone was fully restored and charged. I took it off the charger at is 8pm and I'm at 86% battery with a cool phone that is running about 12 apps right now. That's more like it and I'm no longer in Apple bashing mode!!! My 4s is good to go for one more year...then I'll be getting the 5s or 6.
Abraham wrote:Embracing Technology - now there's some manly terminology...right?
(Certainly embracing Twitter can't be considered narcissistic or girly - right?)
Alright, I guess I'm exhibiting my Neandertal-like bias as I just came in from splitting wood using steel wedges, my new ax, and 3 & 10 lb hammers so presumably my testosterone levels are peaking.
Alright, I'm ribbing "you" that find puny plastic talking machines somehow enormously interesting. Obviously, I do too to some extent or I wouldn't be here...
I guess I'm concerned that some of the younger crowd that seem so fascinated by phone/internet technology are muscle-less wimps who surprisingly seem to actually like girls, but aren't particularly manly. Seem to never get off the sidewalk, are pale and rather weak in overall appearance, but are good guys.
However, their ardent interest in things that aren't available in the natural world worries me.
Weak, pale, muscle-less, but yes, brainy men seem not to spell good things for the future.
You just sound like a Neanderthal to me.
Texas LTC Instructor, Missouri CCW Instructor, NRA Certified Pistol, Rifle, Shotgun Instructor and RSO, NRA Life Member
Abraham wrote:Embracing Technology - now there's some manly terminology...right?
(Certainly embracing Twitter can't be considered narcissistic or girly - right?)
Alright, I guess I'm exhibiting my Neandertal-like bias as I just came in from splitting wood using steel wedges, my new ax, and 3 & 10 lb hammers so presumably my testosterone levels are peaking.
Alright, I'm ribbing "you" that find puny plastic talking machines somehow enormously interesting. Obviously, I do too to some extent or I wouldn't be here...
I guess I'm concerned that some of the younger crowd that seem so fascinated by phone/internet technology are muscle-less wimps who surprisingly seem to actually like girls, but aren't particularly manly. Seem to never get off the sidewalk, are pale and rather weak in overall appearance, but are good guys.
However, their ardent interest in things that aren't available in the natural world worries me.
Weak, pale, muscle-less, but yes, brainy men seem not to spell good things for the future.
My dismay with cell phone technology began a few years back when a group of guys I know and I all got together to smoke cigars, knock back a few adult beverages and converse.
Then gradually cell phones made an appearance. I started overhearing conversations that would go something like this: "Whatcha doing? Me, not much. Hanging out. I ate lunch at XYZ restaurant. Well, gotta go." Then a few minutes would elapse and the same guy would make another inane cell phone call. At the time I wondered why bother coming to the get together if you're going to call others for unnecessary reasons. (oh, and this wasn't simply one guy doing this, it was a trend) Gradually, the call frequency lessened, but gazing at the phone while idly navigating the internet kicked in. Or, some form of game playing would be done. All the while, the ostensible reason to get together simply drifted to the way side as interest in cell phones and what they offered gained greater priority. I seemed to be the only one not held in thrall to cell phones. Yet, I seemed to have no interest in cell phones. It was like a virus I'd somehow escaped...while I witnessed some evil science fiction malaise slowly take over my friends who were becoming something like oblivious pod people glued to cell phones.
For my take, a cell phones exist to make a needed call. They're not entertainment or a fill in for socializing, but apparently that's the new norm for many.
Now, I no longer get together with these guys as sitting with a group who want to get together to be alone with their cell phones just isn't for me.
snatchel wrote:This is the speed test. I'm not on true 4G network here in San Angelo, so i'm excited to see what it will do in one of the bigger cities--ATX or DFW.
In Dallas I was able to get 36.26 mps down and 11.45 mps up with LTE
Its VERY fast
The new Maps are awful
I've seen as high as 64 Mbps down and 20 Mbps up on LTE
Texas LTC Instructor, Missouri CCW Instructor, NRA Certified Pistol, Rifle, Shotgun Instructor and RSO, NRA Life Member