Are you handing out candy this year?

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Are you handing out candy this year?


Post by TheCytochromeC »

I'm debating leaving the front porch light on this year. It'll be my first time setting up stuff for neighborhood kids. I had the rotten idea of giving out twizzlers, smarties and red hots to the kids that have boring costumes :evil2:

You plan on handing out candy this year?
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Re: Are you handing out candy this year?


Post by E.Marquez »

I live at the end of a country road outside of town limits and have a 324 foot drive way. .... no one in the are trick or treats that I have seen when home on Halloween. And three large dogs roam the front property all day, every day... pretty sure locals know that.. dont think anyones is coming over unannounced. :smilelol5:

So we would, but, ain't happening.

Oh and...... GET OFF MY LAWN...................... :mrgreen:
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Re: Are you handing out candy this year?


Post by RPBrown »

As we do every year since we had kids and now grandkids, we sit outside with the candy so as not to upset the dogs. Armed of course.
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Re: Are you handing out candy this year?


Post by Commander Cody »

I live in the wilderness outside of Trinity. I always have candy ready at halloween, but no one comes. I am always stuck having to eat all the candy by myself. :mrgreen:
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Re: Are you handing out candy this year?


Post by gthaustex »

We do as RPBrown indicated above. That and I provide an armed escort for my kids when they go visit other places for candy....

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Re: Are you handing out candy this year?


Post by Abraham »

We have a 36 ft. gate (well, 2 - 18' gates that swing together) and are completely fenced in - so no.

I wish I had a moat too...
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Re: Are you handing out candy this year?


Post by mewalke »

I've noticed that a lot of people in our neighborhood sit out in their driveways to hand out candy too. Is that a Texas thing? Is it because it is usually still fairly warm at Halloween? I had never seen that before coming from New Mexico.

We will be handing out candy again this year as well as taking our 3 year old around the neighborhood to collect candy. We thought about doing one of those parking lot trick or treat things at our church, but one of us wants to stay home with our 1 month old while the other takes our 3 year old around the neighborhood.
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Re: Are you handing out candy this year?


Post by The Annoyed Man »

We usually hand out candy to the kids. A couple of years ago I got all done up like Yosemite Sam, wearing the hat in my avatar, and came to the door in character.

Me (gravelly voiced, bow-legged, with my pants tucked into my boots and red flannel underwear top, swaying back and forth a bit as I answer the door):
"Gol' durn varmints are a tryin' ta steal my candy again!!!!. Oh my what a cute little princess you are. Is your brother really Batman?"

The kids are usually wide-eyed, and their parents giggle their heads off.
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Re: Are you handing out candy this year?


Post by Cedar Park Dad »

I don't know, I just thought it was kind of fun to sit out during the "kid rush hour" instead of fighting off dogs every time the door bell rang.

I give out crate fulls of candy. I'm like the M&M/Hershey Bar Santa Claus. And the good stuff too.

Strangely one of the bags opened the other day and wrappers mysteriously appeared around my chair. It must be the NSA...

EDIT: I want to trick or treat Annoyed's house now.
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Re: Are you handing out candy this year?


Post by Oldgringo »

In a word, "NO".
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Re: Are you handing out candy this year?


Post by jmra »

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Re: Are you handing out candy this year?


Post by texanjoker »

Abraham wrote:We have a 36 ft. gate (well, 2 - 18' gates that swing together) and are completely fenced in - so no.

I wish I had a moat too...
I like that set up! For me I'll be working. Normally I set up in the driveway, light the fire pit, pug a few cold ones and watch the kids have fun.
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Re: Are you handing out candy this year?


Post by WildBill »

mewalke wrote:I've noticed that a lot of people in our neighborhood sit out in their driveways to hand out candy too. Is that a Texas thing? Is it because it is usually still fairly warm at Halloween? I had never seen that before coming from New Mexico.

We will be handing out candy again this year as well as taking our 3 year old around the neighborhood to collect candy. We thought about doing one of those parking lot trick or treat things at our church, but one of us wants to stay home with our 1 month old while the other takes our 3 year old around the neighborhood.
Since the weather in Houston varies from hot to cool on Halloween, it is probably a "Texas Thing". Sometimes I sit in the driveway because the mosquitos hang around my front porch and I don't want to invite them into my house.

I am a chocolate lover, but I have given up on chocolate for Halloween treats because of the weather. This year I found some Act II Popcorn Halloween Minis at Sam's Club. That's what I will be giving out this year.

I have good memories of Halloween when I was a kid, so I don't care if they walk on my lawn. :mrgreen:
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Re: Are you handing out candy this year?


Post by Blindref757 »

We usually pass out some sweet tarts or whatever is cheap...but this year Brookshires offered us 500 bonus points to take 50cents a gallon off of gas if we would buy $25 worth of Hersheys we are passing out the good stuff and the boy (12 yrs old) is roaming the subdivision alone as I pass out the goods. Might sit in the driveway...and smoke a cigar!
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Re: Are you handing out candy this year?


Post by Texas_Blaze »

We don't celebrate hell-oween. to me, it is a wicked celebration. So, no, no candy or clown suits. You wanted to know. If you read this and are offended, I don't care.
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