cb1000rider wrote:I'm sorry that happened to you.
I want to be concerned along side you.. But I believe that some companies are taking cover under Obamacare and taking advantage. I think other people (not necessarily you) are not fully making an apples to apples comparison. Help me understand:
1) What were your "before" premiums? You mentioned "pocket premiums are $13,200/yr". I assume that is for all 3 of you at $1100/mo.
2) New premiums are $842.33 for 2 people, but you switch to medicare and supplemental insurance (new policy) at $580/mo for a total of $1422.33/mo
So moving from 3 people from a Blue Cross Blue shield PPO to a Humania Platnium PPO (2 people) and adding medicare plus a supplemental policy results in a cost increase of 29%.
Are the coverages on the PPO plans the same, worse, or better?
That data helps me decide...
What were prior year to year increases on the Blue Cross PPO? I know that we dropped them due to increases over the last 3 years.
My wife's Humana policy, before the Obama/DemocratCare rollout was $245/month. First, she got a letter saying it was being canceled on 12/31/13. A couple of weeks later, she got a 2nd letter saying she could keep her policy through 12/31/14, but it would go up to $596.00/month. I had a supplemental insurance policy and a $50,000 life insurance policy which cost me $99/month. It is canceled as of 12/31/13, so I lose both my supplemental insurance AND my life insurance.
We talked to Blue Cross/Blue Shield about a multistate PPO plan for the both of us. (We didn't even consider the HMO because there are almost no providers in Tarrant County, where we live.) The cost is $1,278.00/month for a policy with similar coverage to my wife's previous Humana plan, but with a larger deductible. We're on a more or less fixed income. Because of our adjusted gross income for 2012 (2013 isn't calculated yet) we qualify for a subsidy which will reduce the payment from $1,278.00 to $536/month. So those are the numbers.
Here's the philosophical objection:
- Before Obama/DemocratCare, my wife and I were not a burden to the U.S. taxpayer. We paid our way, and we had contingency plans in place should the catastrophic happen. Obama/DemocratCare forces us onto a federal dependency. That robs me of my dignity if nothing else, or it forces me to pay a fine for refusing to kowtow to the commies, and that is just plain inarguably unjust and immoral. It forces us, who are both very pro-life, to support abortion, which is an abomination in God's eyes. It forces this aging empty-nester couple to pay for the pediatric care of other people.
The personal financial objections:
- Instead of an annual outlay of $4,128 plus office visits (I always got a good price because of being a "cash customer") plus deductibles, we are now going to pay $6,432 plus copays + a larger deductible. . . . .and this is AFTER the subsidy. In exactly what world is that a just thing to do to my wife and I, who are no longer spring chickens and whose purchasing power is rapidly succumbing to the ravages of a democrat economy? We're actually considering selling our 100% paid for home and moving to another county with lower property taxes, just so that Obama/DemocratCare doesn't wipe us out entirely.
The macro economic objections:
- The entire boondoggle depends absolutely critically on young people signing up. They're not doing that. The reason it depends on them signing up is that the system depends on their being part of the insurance pool to amortize the cost of insuring people like me and my wife. The reason they're not signing up is that the law mandates that the premiums for people like me cannot be more than 3 times the premiums of young people. But since they cannot possibly afford to insure people my age for three times what a young person used to pay, they had to raise the rates for young people to 1/3 of the rate of the (increased) senior rates under the new plan. So not only do seniors pay a significant amount more, but the young are paying a staggering amount more. So they are not signing up.
The problem with that, of course, is that since they are not signing up, the whole house of cards is going to come tumbling down within 12 months. Come fiscal 2015, there won't be enough young participants to keep the thing going for seniors, and the insurance companies will no longer have the financial incentive to participate in the exchanges. The law doesn't require their participation, if they just want to sell "cadillac policies" (to use the democrat misnomer) to the rich, who don't need to worry about the cost of Obama/DemocratCare to their personal family insurance plans. When that system collapses, we'll have no insurance at all because the subsidy will end and Blue Cross/Blue Shield will terminate our policy which we'll no longer be able to afford at $1,278/month (for 2 people) on a reduced income.
In 24 months, either Obama/DemocratCare will be repealed, or republicans will cave in and allow passage of single payer. . . . which was the democrats' plan all along. Welcome to the "social democracy" of western europe. We're hosed. Honestly, if everyone of those peckerwoods who had anything to do with conceiving, writing, passing, signing into law, and implementing Obama/DemocratCare dropped dead tomorrow, I wouldn't give it a moment's thought. I would actually feel a burden lifted off my shoulders.
“Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.”
― G. Michael Hopf, "Those Who Remain"