What are you doing Sunday?

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What are you watching?

Poll ended at Sun Feb 02, 2014 9:24 pm

Everything. Game, pregame, postgame, halftime show... you name it.
The game but not the halftime show.
The game and halftime show but not the pre/post game coverage.
The commercials.
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Re: What are you doing Sunday?


Post by jmra »

So, any regrets related to those Sunday plans? Those who chose anything other than the game seem to have made the wiser decision.
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Re: What are you doing Sunday?


Post by C-dub »

Had a great time at the range today with my BIL. 5-Stand match was cancelled, but we shot his 1897 shotgun anyway and it did well. The action was still a little stiff, but other than that we didn't really have any problems.

Then we sighted in his new EXPS3-2 and 3x magnifier on his M4 at 50 yards before we moved over to 100 yards. I also got my M4 out with just the 1x EXPS2-2. After about 20 rounds each at 100 yards we moved over to 200 yards. Neither of us had ever shot that far before. We both did fine and had more than half our rounds inside the 12" shoot-n-see target. It was really cool shooting at that distance for the first time. We'll get back out when it's warmer and dryer and I will also do it with iron sights now that I know I can see the target at that distance.
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Re: What are you doing Sunday?


Post by C-dub »

jmra wrote:So, any regrets related to those Sunday plans? Those who chose anything other than the game seem to have made the wiser decision.
Still watched the game and thought it was a great game. Not close, but Seattle played a great game.

My regret about today was eating too much chili, chips, and queso. :ack:
I am not and have never been a LEO. My avatar is in honor of my friend, Dallas Police Sargent Michael Smith, who was murdered along with four other officers in Dallas on 7.7.2016.
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Re: What are you doing Sunday?


Post by jmra »

C-dub wrote:
jmra wrote:So, any regrets related to those Sunday plans? Those who chose anything other than the game seem to have made the wiser decision.
Still watched the game and thought it was a great game. Not close, but Seattle played a great game.

My regret about today was eating too much chili, chips, and queso. :ack:
I don't know, for me in order for a game to be great it has to be competitive. Unless you happen to be a Seattle fan, this has to be in the top 3 worst superbowls along with two other Denver losses (SF 55 - Den 10, and Wash 42 - Den 10).
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Re: What are you doing Sunday?


Post by jimlongley »

So, HD sent a bunch of people home early due to lack of business, and I went home and picked up my honey and we went to the market and did the grocery shopping, got dog and bird food, and snacks for the big game, took a little nap, and have been sitting here wondering why I didn't just stay at work.
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Re: What are you doing Sunday?


Post by Syntyr »

jmra wrote:So, any regrets related to those Sunday plans? Those who chose anything other than the game seem to have made the wiser decision.

Got same range time..

Stopped by Wal Mart and scored 360 rounds of 5.56 and 150 rounds of .45

Wound up the day finishing up a pen for my brother in law the fire fighter...

Nice day over all

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Re: What are you doing Sunday?


Post by jmra »

Syntyr wrote:
jmra wrote:So, any regrets related to those Sunday plans? Those who chose anything other than the game seem to have made the wiser decision.

Got same range time..

Stopped by Wal Mart and scored 360 rounds of 5.56 and 150 rounds of .45

Wound up the day finishing up a pen for my brother in law the fire fighter...

Nice day over all

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Sounds like a very nice day.
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Re: What are you doing Sunday?


Post by Oldgringo »

jimlongley wrote:So, HD sent a bunch of people home early due to lack of business, and I went home and picked up my honey and we went to the market and did the grocery shopping, got dog and bird food, and snacks for the big game, took a little nap, and have been sitting here wondering why I didn't just stay at work.
...or mow the yard or something. I can't think of any football game I've ever seen that was over on the first down. :roll:

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Re: What are you doing Sunday?


Post by longtooth »

I did watch about 15min of the 3rd Q.
Kickoff return said it all.
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Re: What are you doing Sunday?


Post by baron »

Syntyr wrote:Wound up the day finishing up a pen for my brother in law the fire fighter...

[ Image ]
That looks like some nice craftsmanship and a gift from the heart.
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