How would you answer?

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Re: How would you answer?


Post by RoyGBiv »

RPBrown wrote:I do not think I would have outright lied since he had his teen with him and that is not a good example to set.
I see your point, but, I might disagree with you here.... I'm not sure...
If I did disagree my argument would be this....

If somebody asks you a question that's none of their business, don't feel obligated to answer 100% truthfully, since you have no idea what is their real reason for the question.... Privacy trumps honesty in conversations with unknown strangers, with the caveat that telling lies to gain some financial advantage is always a bad thing to do.

Perhaps a good lesson for a teenager. :confused5
I am not a lawyer. This is NOT legal advice.!
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Re: How would you answer?


Post by J.J. »

I would also try to deflect or redirect the question.
I also try not to lie at all, much less in front of my child.
Good post! I have thought about being outed if my shirt exposed my weapon, but an unprompted inquiry such as this sets off some warning flags!

I like these replies,
Why do you?
Why do I need one?
That is an odd question, why do you ask?

If he redirected the question I think I would reply with "If I did that would be a personal matter. Why is this such a concern?"
At this point I may consider walking away on the deal if things didn't get better quickly.

I think I would also try to figure out if there was anything I did to clue him in on the fact that I was carrying. Whether the grip was printing as I bent over while inspecting the car or if my shirt lifted and exposed the weapon.
Just my $.02!
Thanks for sharing. I love it when I can learn from others experiences!
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Re: How would you answer?


Post by SewTexas »

My teens know that I might lie given such situations. However, I think....such a question would probably result in the question back...along the lines suggested above...
"Why? do I need one?"
"Wow, exactly how bad is this side of town?"
BUT>...the gun would NOT leave my possession!
Gun control is what you talk about when you don't want to talk about the truth ~ Colion Noir
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