No State shall convert a liberty into a privilege, license it, and charge a fee therefor. -- Murdock v. Pennsylvania If the State converts a right into a privilege, the citizen can ignore the license and fee and engage in the right with impunity. -- Shuttleworth v. City of Birmingham
USA1 wrote:So last night I got a wild hair and attempted to "Plank" across a chair. was unsuccessful.
Sounds more like it was due to "Wild Turkey" than a "Wild Hair"
(Oh, and by the way, I believe the phrase is "Wild Hare")
Nope... It is "wild hair." It comes from the phrase, "so and so got a wild hair up his hoohaaw......" You know.... the kind of thing that makes a guy start squirming around when he is supposed to be parade rest.
“Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.”
USA1 wrote:So last night I got a wild hair and attempted to "Plank" across a chair. was unsuccessful.
Sounds more like it was due to "Wild Turkey" than a "Wild Hair"
(Oh, and by the way, I believe the phrase is "Wild Hare")
Nope... It is "wild hair." It comes from the phrase, "so and so got a wild hair up his hoohaaw......" You know.... the kind of thing that makes a guy start squirming around when he is supposed to be parade rest.
USA1 wrote:So last night I got a wild hair and attempted to "Plank" across a chair. was unsuccessful.
Sounds more like it was due to "Wild Turkey" than a "Wild Hair"
(Oh, and by the way, I believe the phrase is "Wild Hare")
Nope... It is "wild hair." It comes from the phrase, "so and so got a wild hair up his hoohaaw......" You know.... the kind of thing that makes a guy start squirming around when he is supposed to be parade rest.
Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence. - John Adams
No State shall convert a liberty into a privilege, license it, and charge a fee therefor. -- Murdock v. Pennsylvania If the State converts a right into a privilege, the citizen can ignore the license and fee and engage in the right with impunity. -- Shuttleworth v. City of Birmingham
Ok that was a good one I actually thought it was real. I tried to flick it off the screen unsuccessfully until I read your post. Well played, well played...
American by birth Texan by the grace of God
Not to be a republican at twenty is proof of want of heart; to be one at thirty is proof of want of head.
-Francois Guisot
Ok that was a good one I actually thought it was real. I tried to flick it off the screen unsuccessfully until I read your post. Well played, well played...