I dropped my wife and daughter off this morning at Hobby Airport for their trip to California. My wife sent me a text that when she went through the metal detector with the stroller, a TSA agent pulled her aside and informed her that she had triggered "an alarm". They escorted my wife and daughter to a private room where they proceeded to strip search my wife down to her underwear and toss all of her baggage. Thankfully, they did not touch my 8 month old daughter. After they found nothing, they let my wife get dressed and she threw some colorful language at them and told them exactly where they could go. They, of course, could not understand why people were getting so upset over them "just doing their jobs."
She did not press for any more of an explanation because this made her late for her flight, which she thankfully caught. And her being wise enough to know how mad she was, probably would have not gotten very far anyways.
I am sick and tired of these jack boots with Federal protection and now it really hits home! I'm already sitting down tonight to write my representatives, both senators and the governor. What else should I be doing? Is there any thing else I can do? I've never felt so angry and yet helpless at the same time. I wasn't the one that was severely violated but it sure feels like it.