Posted on Friday, 11.22.13 62 emailprintcommentreprints In
Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2013 11:39 am
Business oownerinstalled cameras because cops, sometimesmultiple times a day are arresting people for tresspassibg ECEN IF THEY WORKED THERE!. Its honestly mindboggling. They arrested one guy while he was stocking!
This has serously got to stop. Im not the the fold and dont k iw how it is but I woukd ratger let someone go to error on the side of possible infringement of ones rights than to trample them.
Business oownerinstalled cameras because cops, sometimesmultiple times a day are arresting people for tresspassibg ECEN IF THEY WORKED THERE!. Its honestly mindboggling. They arrested one guy while he was stocking!
This has serously got to stop. Im not the the fold and dont k iw how it is but I woukd ratger let someone go to error on the side of possible infringement of ones rights than to trample them.