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Retirement grows closer

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2018 7:07 pm
by Sidro
Turning 66 soon and starting to think about hanging it up. May do some consulting occasionally but will be selective. I have worked for this company for 42 years and gave a lot of free labor to them growing up.
Recently bought a house as we live in a company furnished house and we are in the final stages of finishing up on it with what we wanted to change. Told my wife of 43 years a very long time ago when we finally bought our own house I would put new furniture in it with no questions asked. I made good on that promise yesterday, boy could I have bought some nice guns for the money that was spent. She deserves it for putting up with me this long.
If nothing changes it looks like July 1st I will be out. It is going to be a little different not being at work at 5:30 am and going home after 4:00 pm or whenever the job is finished. Don't think I will miss being on call 24/7 and troubleshooting problems after a call in the wee hours of the morning.
Maybe I can just sit around and build rifles for the grandbabies. This will also mean I can make an Elm Fork Shotgun get together with out work nixing it.
The possibilities abound for me I just have to make the best of them. I am starting to look forward favorably to July and the rest of my life.

Re: Retirement grows closer

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2018 7:28 pm
by Jeff B.
Good for you! I understand about the tolerance of a wife. We're a bit behind you at 35 years, but I get it. :)

Start thinking on your post work plans. It seems the happiest retired folks have things to do, places to go and people to see...

On their own schedule of course.

Jeff B.

Re: Retirement grows closer

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2018 8:01 pm
by pushpullpete
Congratulations !! :tiphat:
My wife & I will hit 40 this yr. I retired a couple yrs ago & proudly admit that I work harder to not spoil my kids & grandkids
than I ever thought I would. Enjoy and good health in your new endeavors. :cheers2:
:txflag: :patriot:

Re: Retirement grows closer

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2018 8:08 pm
by Take Down Sicko
Congrats on your retirement coming up and your new house. Making holsters would be a nice hobby for you to have. I'll pre-order mine from you for a S&W 686 4 inch.

Re: Retirement grows closer

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2018 8:47 pm
by 67N20
Retirement is great. Retired in 2011, joined an airplane flight museum and am now a B-17 and B-25 crewchief, play softball two mornings a week from March-June and September-November.
Picking up a 2016 Corvette convertable tomorrow.

Re: Retirement grows closer

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2018 10:37 pm
by carlson1
Congratulations! We will be praying for you as you begin a new chapter. A lot of time with your bride and grandkids is the way to go.

Re: Retirement grows closer

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2018 10:38 pm
by gamboolman
Well done & congrats Sidro !

I'm not far behind you on the pending retirement .....I am looking to hang it up at the end of 2019 and will have worked 42+ years in the oilpatch. Oilfield has been and is good to us - but it is all consuming - especially living oversea's full-time. So we / I are really looking forward to being free to do what we want when we want....23 months and counting now.......

Ms. gamboolgal is planning on replacing lots of our old furniture also.......ha all good stuff !

Again OP - congrats and well done sir ! :txflag:

Re: Retirement grows closer

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2018 10:18 am
by anygunanywhere
Retirement is great but it is also a big change so be prepared for some bumps.

Mrs. Anygunanywhere and I had never spent so much time together. The first 3 months were interesting. I annoyed her and she annoyed me because we interfered with each other's routines. We eventually worked through the issues and settled into a comfortable zone.

Good luck on your retirement. I hope you have a long and healthy retirement.

Re: Retirement grows closer

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2018 10:44 am
by G26ster
I retired at 66, but if I knew then what I knew now I would have waited until 70. Now, if monthly income from outside sources is no issue, then ignore me. But if it IS important and you rely on SS to provide a substantial portion, then waiting until 70 is almost a 33% increase in monthly benefits over age 66. Just my $.02

Re: Retirement grows closer

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2018 12:41 pm
by JustSomeOldGuy
G26ster wrote:I retired at 66, but if I knew then what I knew now I would have waited until 70. Now, if monthly income from outside sources is no issue, then ignore me. But if it IS important and you rely on SS to provide a substantial portion, then waiting until 70 is almost a 33% increase in monthly benefits over age 66. Just my $.02
Waiting til 70 {to draw ssi} is my tentative plan also.....

(edited once to improve clarity of intent......)

Re: Retirement grows closer

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2018 1:05 pm
by Oldgringo
We hung it up at 62 and haven't looked back. Waiting until one is 70 kinda' cuts into the time one has to enjoy the rest of one's allotted time and health. If not the time and health of one, perhaps that of someone close to one? :nopity

Tempus fugit, y'all.

Re: Retirement grows closer

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2018 1:25 pm
by rotor
I retired at 72 and as Oldgringo says you really don't know how much time you have. Work was an obsession for me and provided a very good income. I learned one thing in retirement and that was that I didn't have to work. I could sleep late, do what I wanted to do or do nothing. I made it a goal in life to do one project a day and if I skipped that project who cared. Also started new hobbies. Bought some land, traded in aircraft and flying for ATV's and riding. We all have only so much time so enjoy and do what you want and get over the fact that you don't have to do something every day if you don't want to.

Re: Retirement grows closer

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2018 2:48 pm
by lowdogtx
62 and counting every day
Good luck

Re: Retirement grows closer

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2018 2:48 pm
by Abraham
Don't wait to retire.

There are no guarantees you'll get to enjoy what years and health you have.

How would I know?

I retired at 45 and I'm in my 70's now and every moment of every day has been great.

Now, my health is fading fast, but it's been a great ride!

Re: Retirement grows closer

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2018 3:32 pm
by The Annoyed Man
Sidro wrote:Turning 66 soon and starting to think about hanging it up. May do some consulting occasionally but will be selective. I have worked for this company for 42 years and gave a lot of free labor to them growing up.
Recently bought a house as we live in a company furnished house and we are in the final stages of finishing up on it with what we wanted to change. Told my wife of 43 years a very long time ago when we finally bought our own house I would put new furniture in it with no questions asked. I made good on that promise yesterday, boy could I have bought some nice guns for the money that was spent. She deserves it for putting up with me this long.
If nothing changes it looks like July 1st I will be out. It is going to be a little different not being at work at 5:30 am and going home after 4:00 pm or whenever the job is finished. Don't think I will miss being on call 24/7 and troubleshooting problems after a call in the wee hours of the morning.
Maybe I can just sit around and build rifles for the grandbabies. This will also mean I can make an Elm Fork Shotgun get together with out work nixing it.
The possibilities abound for me I just have to make the best of them. I am starting to look forward favorably to July and the rest of my life.
Welcome to the club Sidro! Now, maybe we can find something to keep each other busy. LOL