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Smart To Buy An AR Now Rather Than Wait?
Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 11:00 pm
by cedjunior
I've finally scratched my 1911 itch enough that I'm thinking about buying an AR-15 rifle. Question is, with current prices and availability (most companies will allow back orders though), would you buy one now, or wait until prices come down? There are good AR's to be had for $1000 or so which isn't really that bad, but when you think back to 3 - 4 months ago when you could get that same gun for $200-$300 less, is it wise to buy now?
Ideally I'd wait a while until prices stabilized and availability was more than zero that is now. But if the current rush to buy doesn't end before an AWB type law looks like its going to become a reality, current prices would be nothing compared to what you'd see then.
So I guess its a gamble. Wait until prices come down hoping that with the economy in ruins the democrats wont have time to get to gun legislation before then, or buy now, pay more, wait a few months to actually receive the gun, but dodge the inevitable AWB bullet.
What would you do?
Re: Smart To Buy An AR Now Rather Than Wait?
Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 11:19 pm
by boomerang
Looking at the chosen One's plan to "stimulate" the economy, I would wait a few months. With no ban and a bad economy, maybe I would find someone who wants $500 cash more than they want the AR-15 they can't afford ammo to shoot. That's how I'm betting but I could be wrong.
Re: Smart To Buy An AR Now Rather Than Wait?
Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 11:20 pm
by HighVelocity
I agree, the current prices are inflated. But... If you pay attention, you can find a good deal. If you can take home a quality AR for under $1000 right now, that's probably about as good a deal as you'll find in the retail sector. You can find used ones for less but they sell FAST.
In my opinion, wait but don't wait too long. I don't believe the prices are going to come down much for a while and they may even go up.
Re: Smart To Buy An AR Now Rather Than Wait?
Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 12:10 am
by Jeff B.
The time to buy was a three months or more back, but for most of us, we have to set priorities and make our purchases when we can afford them. An alternative you might think about is prting one up. You can purchase the lower, bolt group, upper and accessories as you go, and who knows, prices might start dropping in a couple of months. Maybe not, but you have to think positively!
Jeff B.
Re: Smart To Buy An AR Now Rather Than Wait?
Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 1:04 am
by Backslider
I went through the same debate and finally decided now was better than later, despite the inflated prices.
The optimism/value calculation is a personal thing, though.
Re: Smart To Buy An AR Now Rather Than Wait?
Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 8:07 am
by flintknapper
Backslider wrote:I went through the same debate and finally decided now was better than later, despite the inflated prices.
The optimism/value calculation is a personal thing, though.
I see no indication that demand for AR's (and many other firearms) is waning.
At the very least....I would buy a stripped lower NOW!
Re: Smart To Buy An AR Now Rather Than Wait?
Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 8:59 am
by AEA
Plenty of AR's at the Bullet Trap in Plano.
Was in there the other day and saw them on the wall.
The ones that were going for 800-900 3-6 Months ago are now 1500+.
Sure glad I got mine from Carlson1 over a year ago!
Re: Smart To Buy An AR Now Rather Than Wait?
Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 9:11 am
by CHLSteve
I am waiting. I don't know if it will be better or worse, but I refuse to pay inflated prices. There is no way demand can stay this high on an item like this IMHO.
Re: Smart To Buy An AR Now Rather Than Wait?
Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 4:11 pm
by cedjunior
AEA wrote:Plenty of AR's at the Bullet Trap in Plano.
Was in there the other day and saw them on the wall.
The ones that were going for 800-900 3-6 Months ago are now 1500+.
Sure glad I got mine from Carlson1 over a year ago!
Yeah I'm not going to buy locally unless its a good deal. No reason I should spend $1500 on a Bushmaster when I can get a CMMG online for $1000. I can wait, as long as I know I'm waiting for something.
Re: Smart To Buy An AR Now Rather Than Wait?
Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 4:20 pm
by Purplehood
Ah-hah~! My Bushmaster was only $1450.00, so I must have got a bargain.
Re: Smart To Buy An AR Now Rather Than Wait?
Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 4:47 pm
by cdc101
Purplehood wrote:Ah-hah~! My Bushmaster was only $1450.00, so I must have got a bargain.
Ouch...I just bought a brand new Bushmaster ORC off the shelf of Academy (Pearland)for $999.99 (plus tax of course) the Sunday before last (1/25/09).
They also had an M&P 15A for $1099.99 and had just sold 2 Sig 556's (don't know how much), and a SOCOM on the shelf for $1999.99.
Keep you eyes peeled at Academy!
Re: Smart To Buy An AR Now Rather Than Wait?
Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 4:49 pm
by Purplehood
Those SOCOM's look purdy...
Re: Smart To Buy An AR Now Rather Than Wait?
Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 5:09 pm
Inflated seems to apply to an item one is selling for too high of a price with the option to go to seller B and buy for a reasonable price. In this case seller B is sold out and would be price inflater A is getting market value. I bought one for 1k with a few minor accessories. I would not buy one for over 1100 or 1200 though. Mine was used ownership, but looked like it MAYBE had a magazine of ammo through it. My buddy bought an AR the same month and fired 250 rounds through it and mine still looked cleaner after he cleaned his. He got his for 899 plus tax at Gander Mountain. Acadamy also had some 16" M4 carbines for 899 the other day. Good luck and happy hunting. I do not for see the price coming down in the near or distant future. Once price is up and there is more demand than ever why would they lower the price back down? They do control the supply mind you...they being manufacturers.
Re: Smart To Buy An AR Now Rather Than Wait?
Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 7:53 pm
by cedjunior
Well, I just put an order in for a CMMG MedCon 16 inch for $925. Back order, of course.
Re: Smart To Buy An AR Now Rather Than Wait?
Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 7:34 am
by Liberty
RECIT wrote: Once price is up and there is more demand than ever why would they lower the price back down? They do control the supply mind you...they being manufacturers.
My economics prof told me that consumer has something to do with it. It has been a long time though maybe economics theory has changed in the past 30 years.