California LEOs selling illegal guns

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Re: California LEOs selling illegal guns


Post by MechAg94 »

Jusme wrote:I'm confused by this report. Why is the ATF issuing a warning to California PDs , if they have not arrested anyone for violation of Federal law?
It sounds more like they are trying to assist California with its restrictive laws, rather than do their own job.
Any guns found at crime scenes, which were originally sold to LEO, would be traced back to that officer.
If the ATF, truly thought LEO were engaged in straw purchases, or were engaged in the business, of selling firearms, why not charge them? Why notify CA agencies? The only reason to do this would be to allow CA, to charge the buyers under the more restrictive CA laws, for non LEO.
Maybe I'm wrong, but this whole thing smells fishy to me.
I am thinking along these lines also. What they are describing could simply be a gun owner buying and selling guns through occasional face to face transactions.
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Re: California LEOs selling illegal guns


Post by Superman »

I'm confused...aren't all guns illegal in California?

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Re: California LEOs selling illegal guns


Post by Pawpaw »

Superman wrote:I'm confused...aren't all guns illegal in California?

No. Just most of the good ones.

(not sarcasm)
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Re: California LEOs selling illegal guns


Post by mrchuck »

As a bred,born TEXAN who worked as a FED LEO in California, I can tell you there is a huge difference between Southern California and NORTHERN
California! The residents are that different.
The State should be split into 2 States.
In the mid-1960's, gun shows were popular in SO CAL, and were very similar to today's shows here in TEXAS.
So forget California now, as it has no redeeming value anymore.
TEXAS has everything a gun show should have.
Get your TEXAS Concealed Handgun License immediately, and enjoy your rights the proper way.
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Re: California LEOs selling illegal guns


Post by Flightmare »

mrchuck wrote:As a bred,born TEXAN who worked as a FED LEO in California, I can tell you there is a huge difference between Southern California and NORTHERN
California! The residents are that different.
The State should be split into 2 States.
In the mid-1960's, gun shows were popular in SO CAL, and were very similar to today's shows here in TEXAS.
So forget California now, as it has no redeeming value anymore.
TEXAS has everything a gun show should have.
Get your TEXAS Concealed Handgun License immediately, and enjoy your rights the proper way.
Except for the ability to carry at many of these gun shows.
Deplorable lunatic since 2016
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Re: California LEOs selling illegal guns


Post by E.Marquez »

Abraham wrote:As long as they refrain from telling us how much better it was in California, then I welcome them.
:tiphat: Thank you for the unofficial welcome :biggrinjester: There were a few states and a couple of foreign countries between me leaving CA and making TX home,, but I got here as fast as I could and have tired to assimilate as quietly and efficiently as possible :rolll
Companion animal Microchips, quality name brand chips, lifetime registration, Low cost just $10~12, not for profit, most locations we can come to you. We cover eight counties McLennan, Hill, Bell, Coryell, Falls, Bosque, Limestone, Lampasas
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Re: California LEOs selling illegal guns


Post by ScottDLS »

Flightmare wrote:
mrchuck wrote:As a bred,born TEXAN who worked as a FED LEO in California, I can tell you there is a huge difference between Southern California and NORTHERN
California! The residents are that different.
The State should be split into 2 States.
In the mid-1960's, gun shows were popular in SO CAL, and were very similar to today's shows here in TEXAS.
So forget California now, as it has no redeeming value anymore.
TEXAS has everything a gun show should have.
Get your TEXAS Concealed Handgun License immediately, and enjoy your rights the proper way.
Except for the ability to carry at many of these gun shows.
You can legally carry at any gun show held on government owned property, which many are.
4/13/1996 Completed CHL Class, 4/16/1996 Fingerprints, Affidavits, and Application Mailed, 10/4/1996 Received CHL, renewed 1998, 2002, 2006, 2011, 2016...). "ATF... Uhhh...heh...heh....Alcohol, tobacco, and GUNS!! Cool!!!!"

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Re: California LEOs selling illegal guns


Post by strogg »

E.Marquez wrote:
Abraham wrote:As long as they refrain from telling us how much better it was in California, then I welcome them.
:tiphat: Thank you for the unofficial welcome :biggrinjester: There were a few states and a couple of foreign countries between me leaving CA and making TX home,, but I got here as fast as I could and have tired to assimilate as quietly and efficiently as possible :rolll
I appreciate the welcome too. It was tough getting out of that state, though. Getting the funds to finally ditch the Peoples Republic literally took the power of Trump. Packing up and getting out was a logistical nightmare due to where I used to live. The backwards state also tried to do me in with flooded freeways and roads made of Swiss cheese while making my last drive through the final stretches of Commiefornia. But I finally made it to American soil, where the rest of the move, unpacking, and welcoming was so overwhelmingly easy and joyous that happy tears were practically streaming down my face. It's almost as if the Texan Gods welcomed me to this fine state. :txflag:

Do I miss the ol' home? Not at all. But I do genuinely feel bad for the folks who still couldn't make it out of there.

For those who are bracing for the oncoming storm of the Commiefornians, I wouldn't worry too much. Sure there are those few that come here missing their homeland and wishing it to be the same, making it a smidge scary, but the truly scary folks would die before stepping into this "racist, oppressive cowboy/redneck state where no one's nice." Seriously, some of my more narrow-minded coworkers really do believe that about Texas, and I don't think any sort of convincing will sway their opinion. Fine by me. People like that with their narrow viewpoints are the main reason I left that state. It truly is great to no longer have to deal with racist, oppressive people who aren't nice to me. Hopefully, their minds will open and realize what constitutional freedom really is and the values that we Americans really hold.

Aaaaanyhow, with regards to the LEO article, kudos for them exploiting loopholes on oppressive laws for the common good. I mean... those LEOs are gun enthusiasts who just want some shiny, new toys. It's not their fault they can't rent them before buying something they can't return. How else would they recoup their losses if they didn't like that particular firearm?
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