LA: Legislature special session to override Gov veto of ConCarry

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LA: Legislature special session to override Gov veto of ConCarry


Post by ELB » ... nal-carry/
The constitution calls for a veto session to be scheduled automatically when a governor jettisons legislation. However, a majority vote of either the House or Senate can scrap the gathering, and lawmakers had canceled every veto session over nearly five decades.

But the Republican-led House and Senate are spurning that tradition this year. Neither chamber’s membership turned in enough ballots by the Thursday midnight deadline to stop this year’s session.

That’s a shame.

What are the odds that Louisiana will become the nation’s 22nd constitutional carry state? Pretty good, judging by the margins by which the bill passed in each house. The constitutional carry bill passed both the House (73-26) and the Senate (27-9) by veto-proof majorities.
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Re: LA: Legislature special session to override Gov veto of ConCarry


Post by ELB »

Wow. They failed to over-ride. ... ut-permit/
In an unprecedented veto-override session Tuesday, the Louisiana Senate failed to override the governor’s veto of a bill that allows residents to carry concealed guns without any permits or training — a policy referred to as “constitutional carry.”


During its initial passage in June, the House voted for it 73-28 and the Senate voted for it 27-9 — above the required two-thirds. Republicans and a handful of Democrats in both chambers supported the legislation, but some of those Senators changed their positions on Tuesday. Those included Sen. Gary Smith (D-Norco), Sen. Patrick Connick (R-Marrero), Sen. Louie Bernard (R-Natchitoches), Sen. Franklin Foil (R-Baton Rouge) and Sen. Greg Tarver (D-Shreveport).
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Re: LA: Legislature special session to override Gov veto of ConCarry


Post by seph »

Typical spineless law makers.
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Re: LA: Legislature special session to override Gov veto of ConCarry


Post by madwildcat »

I will never understand how any lawmaker thinks flip flopping like that is going to work out for them. All they are doing is making it obvious that they can be persuaded, pressured, bought or intimidated to change their minds. I might not agree with every lawmaker elected, but at least stick to your guns....
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Re: LA: Legislature special session to override Gov veto of ConCarry


Post by Grayling813 »

Plenty of spineless RINO’s in Louisiana
“Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add 'within the limits of the law' because law is often but the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual.” --Thomas Jefferson
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