Oregon, New York add steps to their permit process

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Oregon, New York add steps to their permit process


Post by Paladin »

Oligarchs with dark money funds, a Microsoft billionaire, and the NEA attack fundamental rights with massive funding:

States Tighten Second Amendment Rules as SCOTUS Lifts Restrictions
It was a well-funded campaign based on reports filed with the Oregon Secretary of State’s office. “Lift Every Voice Oregon” spent just shy of $2.4 million.

The top three contributors to the campaign were Connie Ballmer of Bellevue, Washington, who contributed $750,000. Ballmer is an Oregon native and married to former Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer. Together, they have started several organizations to support charitable and political causes.

The National Education Association, a teacher’s union, contributed $500,000, and the 1630 Fund contributed $250,000. The 1630 Fund is described by the website Influencewatch.org as a possible “dark money” fund that supports progressive causes.

When asked about the fund, Knutson pointed out that, as a 501c4, it is not required to disclose its donors. He said the fund was set up to help progressive political campaigns.
Oregon Donors Who Opposed Measure 114

Groups opposing Measure 114 spent a combined $130,776.92. They included “Oregon Sportsmen Opposed to Gun Violence: Vote NO on 114” and the “Stop 114 Committee.”
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Re: Oregon, New York add steps to their permit process


Post by Oldgringo »

Oregon has some beautiful coastlines and mountains, that's about all. As for Noo Yawk, nothing!
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