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Trip to New Mexico and Arizona

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 1:52 pm
by rgoldy
I strongly suggest that before you take a trip to either of these states you review their CHL
laws. There are some significant differences from Texas that can get you into a tight if you
are not aware of them. I did not see any signs that prohibited carry in either state.
One major difference is prohibited carry in ANY place that sells liquor.
This includes restaurants, even if it is just offering wine or beer with the meal,
and convenience stores that sell for off premises consumption. None of such places are
required to post any signage. Texas CHL is recognized and accepted in both states.

Re: Trip to New Mexico and Arizona

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 8:55 am
by barres
I strongly suggest that any time you travel to a state that recognizes your Texas CHL you study that state's carry laws, because they may be different from ours. "But that's not the way we do things back in Texas," will not get you off from breaking a law in Arkansas or Florida or ...

Another law that could catch a Texan by surprise in New Mexico is that BUGs are illegal. You can only carry a single firearm.

Re: Trip to New Mexico and Arizona

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 10:58 pm
by ttorion
rgoldy wrote:......One major difference is prohibited carry in ANY place that sells liquor.
This includes restaurants, even if it is just offering wine or beer with the meal,
and convenience stores that sell for off premises consumption. None of such places are
required to post any signage.
I'm in NM at the moment on a trip. I checked into the laws for concealed carry. NM changed the law on July 1, 2007, such that a CHL can carry into an establishment selling liquor for off premises consumption.

Another thing to be aware of is you can't carry on tribal lands.

It's fairly difficult researching the applicable laws. It would sure be nice if NM (and all the states) put together a nice CHL booklet like Texas does!

Re: Trip to New Mexico and Arizona

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 5:11 pm
by Aridzonashooter
In AZ the prohibition is only in establishments which sell alcohol for consumption on the premises; bars and restaurants. A C-store/grocery/walgreens, iow a package store, is not off-limits. ARS 4-244.

Re: Trip to New Mexico and Arizona

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2008 9:21 am
by stash
Also in NM I think you can carry only one handgun.

Re: Trip to New Mexico and Arizona

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2008 3:26 pm
by Target1911
stash wrote:Also in NM I think you can carry only one handgun.
Only one "on your person"? Meaning can you carry one on YOU and have one in console? Or is only ONE TOTAL?

Re: Trip to New Mexico and Arizona

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2008 8:53 pm
by Aridzonashooter
One on your person. NM considers your vehicle an extension of your home, so whatever's in the truck, however carried, is okay. P3AT, ma deuce, whatever.