My cousin spent several years in Texas, and her husband, a Fireman, joined me at the Texas CHL Forum event south of Houston a few years ago. He fell in love with shooting as a result. Now, he is a Fireman back in California, but as a first responder took the opportunity to get a Glock 19 9mm. that he plans to use for CCW. He is a big man, the same as me. I have holster ideas, but for large men that carrys such a gun, what are your opinions? He is 6 foot plus, and 260 lbs. Vefy similar to me. I have carried a full size H&k USP .45., and now carry a Kimber Tactical Ultra (3" 1911) Yes, it's a bit smaller than that, but I'm looking for fellas that have a large build to recommend holster and carry positions that he may use. He's a NOOB! In Canlifornia! With a CCW! I'm proud of the fact that I turned him on to shooting while they lived in Texas. He's asking my opinion now. This doesn't come directly from me. It comes from his question to me. I used imput from the folks on this site to help me in the beginning. I'm sure that ya'll can help hiim in the follow up..
I have video of him at the event doing "Shooting On The Move". I'm not sure if a youtube video is permitted, as I've been gone for a bit, but I haven't been around for a while.
The instructor is the man that is responsible for Comp-Tac holsters. if I remember correctly. Also previousely a FBI instructor. Correct me if I'm wrong. This is my memory of the event.
Re: New California CCW carry.
Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 12:55 am
by n5wd
As far as carry option for us big guys (well, I'm finally under 300lbs and hopefully continuing the southward progression), I'm 6' and find that an IWB holster works well for me and my set of carry guns (normally either a Walther 9mm PPS or an XD(m) 9mm 5.25" barrel. Both conceal easiy. My choice in Holster now is White Hat Holsters, in Arlington, who special-made a kydex holder for the PPS when I added a Viridian C5L laser/light. Comp-tac, who makes very good holsters and is down near Houston, wouldn't talk to me when I asked for a holster for the laser-equipped PPS, so they're now on my list of "maybe's". I HAD used them (the MTAC minotaur) quite well till the need for a new holster arose.
IWB at 3:30-4:30 seems to work very well for this right-hander.
Re: New California CCW carry.
Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 2:08 am
Good to hear. thanks.
Re: New California CCW carry.
Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 2:49 am
A video of me doing the same as my Cousin on the Texas CHL Forum event.
You can embed the videos here on the forum. Click on the youtube button, post the link between the two elements and remove the www. from the link (and the "s", if it's https)
Re: New California CCW carry.
Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 2:41 pm
by Jumping Frog
HOSSISFREE wrote:... but as a first responder took the opportunity to get a Glock 19 9mm. that he plans to use for CCW....
Living in CA, he might as well carry a Glock 26 since he is limited to 10 round mags anyway. No point in carrying a Glock 19 if he can't own the 15 round mag.
Re: New California CCW carry.
Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 6:46 pm
by tarkus
drjoker wrote:Smartcarry holster.
That doesn't look like a great choice for guys with Dunlop Syndrome.
Re: New California CCW carry.
Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2014 5:04 pm
Jumping Frog wrote:
HOSSISFREE wrote:... but as a first responder took the opportunity to get a Glock 19 9mm. that he plans to use for CCW....
Living in CA, he might as well carry a Glock 26 since he is limited to 10 round mags anyway. No point in carrying a Glock 19 if he can't own the 15 round mag.
No limitation on magazine capacity that can be carried, IF: A person possessed the magazine prior to any state restrictions then that person can use them as intended.