An Indiana college incident

Colleges are places to learn, not die at the hands of attention-starved mass-murderers.

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An Indiana college incident


Post by NAVY CHIEF »

After reading this, I asked permission from the OP about using to post here - I got it, so here is some food for thought for our young people and parents who send their kids to colleges.

Post follows below:

I need to rant...
I work for a community college. A lot of our student's are a bit "rough around the edges" but I would say about 97 percent of them are good people just trying to get a education. Then there is the other 3 percent.

Well, today we had a bit of a "incident". One of the local white supremacists decided that they wanted to sign up for classes. Ok, whatever. I don't really care who takes classes as long as they don't bother me. Well, First time students have to speak with an advisor to sign up for their classes. The guy starts flipping out because all of our advisors are black and refuses to speak to any of them. He is told "Great, cya later!" He starts raising a bit of a commotion and is escorted out of the building by our security staff.

45 mins later he comes back and walks into a bathroom. Someone that had seen the first incident noticed him and called security which then called the police. The police come, cuff him and cart him off. As he is being dragged out the door he screams "I'm coming back and I'm going to kill every <insert racial slur> in this place!"

I wasn't present for the first incident but I was present for the second one. Oh, I should probably mention any employee found to be carrying a firearm on campus is grounds for immediate termination.

So I go and talk to the head of security. He is a retired cop that did 35 years on the force. I ask him "Are you armed?" He said no. "Do you PLAN on being armed from this point forward?" "No, it's against school policy" "Is ANYONE on this campus armed?" "No" So we just had someone threaten to come into out building and start killing people and we don't have a single person on this campus that could do ANYTHING about it?? And the reason we don't have that is because it's against school policy???

He said that for the next few days they would have a couple of uniformed officers hang out on campus but after that we are basically on our own. I seriously CAN NOT BELIEVE that people are THIS stupid.

End of post.

Frightening and all to real.

Forewarned is forearmed.

Navy Chief
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Re: An Indiana college incident


Post by surprise_i'm_armed »

At such time that the guy comes back and kills a bunch of folks,
I'm sure the witnesses and the media will wring their hands and
say "nothing could have presented this!"

People just do not understand that when you declare a "gun free zone",
it only means that good people who obey rules will not be able to defend
themselves and their peers. Sheesh!

N. Texas LTC's hold 3 breakfasts each month. All are 800 AM. OC is fine.
2nd Saturdays: Rudy's BBQ, N. Dallas Pkwy, N.bound, N. of Main St., Frisco.
3rd Saturdays: Golden Corral, 465 E. I-20, Collins St exit, Arlington.
4th Saturdays: Sunny St. Cafe, off I-20, Exit 415, Mikus Rd, Willow Park.
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Re: An Indiana college incident


Post by karl »


At the University of Oklahoma they had their own private police division the school paid for (yea it's a CC so good luck with a division) but they should really arm someone. Don't know the legal logistics of how, who, when, and where it can be done, but they were armed at OU so it's gotta be do-able there.
The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions, that I wish it to be always kept alive. It will often be exercised when wrong, but better so than not to be exercised at all. I like a little rebellion now and then. It is like a storm in the atmosphere. -Thomas Jefferson

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Re: An Indiana college incident


Post by srothstein »

Whether or not they can be armed depends on the state. Texas allows any college, even private ones, or any school district to have their own police departments. They would be police officers with full police powers. Some states do not allow their schools to have their own cops, or allow them to be certified cops but unarmed.

And while I really do not understand how you can employ someone as a cop and not arm them, we do that to at least one group (officer commissioned by the Pharmacy Board, Occupations Code chapter 554.010) in Texas.
Steve Rothstein
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Re: An Indiana college incident


Post by NAVY CHIEF »

srothstein wrote:And while I really do not understand how you can employ someone as a cop and not arm them, we do that to at least one group (officer commissioned by the Pharmacy Board, Occupations Code chapter 554.010) in Texas.
Don't let the drug cartel or dealers know that! :shock:

CHL class: 8/29/09
Plastic Received:22OCT09

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