NYT Front Page Editorial Calling for Gun Confiscation

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NYT Front Page Editorial Calling for Gun Confiscation


Post by VMI77 »

It's a full court press by the left to get our guns....they've even dispensed with pretense that "no one wants your guns" and are calling for outright confiscation.

http://www.nytimes.com/2015/12/05/opini ... .html?_r=0

A sample of what passes for "intellect" by the traitors at the NYT:
Opponents of gun control are saying, as they do after every killing, that no law can unfailingly forestall a specific criminal. That is true. They are talking, many with sincerity, about the constitutional challenges to effective gun regulation. Those challenges exist. They point out that determined killers obtained weapons illegally in places like France, England and Norway that have strict gun laws. Yes, they did.

But at least those countries are trying. The United States is not. Worse, politicians abet would-be killers by creating gun markets for them, and voters allow those politicians to keep their jobs. It is past time to stop talking about halting the spread of firearms, and instead to reduce their number drastically — eliminating some large categories of weapons and ammunition.
Samples of the "intelligence" of the NYT readers:
Bluevoter San Francisco 7 hours ago

I respect your right, too, but you don't need an automatic weapon nor a cartridge that can hold 50 bullets in order to defend your family.
Rev. Jim Bridges Arlington, WA 7 hours ago

I'm terrified to live in a nation that respects your right to defend your family, your home, and your personhood, but also grants you the ability on a whim to kill my family, detroy my home, and kill me for no reason whatsoever. I submit that what you describe is not freedom; it is insanity.
Susan Taylor London 6 hours ago

The subtext of your comment is that the problem here is terrorism by extremist Muslims. But one could argue quite forcefully that the pervasiveness of guns of all types in the US is terrorism. When I see a civilian carrying a gun in an "open carry" state, such as Tennessee, where I have a home, I am filled with terror.
And the comment section is full of Fudds talking about their shotguns and wanting to ban our rifles. One idiot claiming to be an NRA life member....the NRA should excommunicate these anti-gun nut jobs once they publicly announce they're really our enemies.
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Re: NYT Front Page Editorial Calling for Gun Confiscation


Post by twjones »

VMI77 wrote:
Susan Taylor London 6 hours ago

The subtext of your comment is that the problem here is terrorism by extremist Muslims. But one could argue quite forcefully that the pervasiveness of guns of all types in the US is terrorism. When I see a civilian carrying a gun in an "open carry" state, such as Tennessee, where I have a home, I am filled with terror.
And when she sees a police officer - filled with terror, huh?

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Re: NYT Front Page Editorial Calling for Gun Confiscation


Post by cprems »

This is going to be their final push to ban guns. The lid is off on their aganda and they aren't even pretending anymore.

I believe that ship sailed long ago. I see Clinton and her ilk spouting off about more gun control. This will be the Dems downfall, IMO. We just had a terrorist attack and they're calling for BG checks and placing bans on those who are on watch lists. Where is the due process?

I believe that IF a lawsuit is filed the SCOTUS will rule these lists as unconstitutional since there is no due processl! There is no way of knowing who is on their list and for what reason. Just look at the IRS and what they were able to get away with!

The California massacre should be a wake up call for the Dems but I doubt they'll be on the right side of history on this one. Looking back on the last 7 years, they've learned nothing!
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Re: NYT Front Page Editorial Calling for Gun Confiscation


Post by JALLEN »

We can view these hysterics with serenity. A record number of guns were purchased last month. The number of NICS checks on Black Friday set a record. For the last 20 years or so, gun control has been the third rail for Democrat candidates. Those who grabbed it died. Legislatures, and even courts, have been loosening, rather than tightening, gun laws.

With the President making such blatantly absurd pronouncements, people are reacting with their feet and credit cards, stocking up on guns and ammo.

There is no chance whatsoever of enacting CA style laws nationwide, with a GOP Congress. Obama can sign some EOs, maybe, that will make gun owners and buyers lives a little more miserable, but that's it. And when he is gone, those will go, because people will understand the Commies fka Democrats have gone nuts on this, and vote them out.

There will be more of these attacks. Eventually, one will be stopped or seriously curtailed by someone with a gun, and that argument will be over for good.

This is not to say we can just close our eyes or relax, but no need for undue alarm.
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Re: NYT Front Page Editorial Calling for Gun Confiscation


Post by longhorn86 »

My gut is telling me that there will be an implosion of the Democratic Party soon, I pray that my gut is on target!

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Re: NYT Front Page Editorial Calling for Gun Confiscation


Post by b4aftr »

Well I would have turned mine in, but sadly all of them and their ammo sank in my boating accident in the gulf.

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Re: NYT Front Page Editorial Calling for Gun Confiscation


Post by Abraham »

We're under attack!

What to do?

Throw away our guns and hope we'll be given some gruel and potato sacks for clothes after we convert.

Or, keep our guns and fight!

Gutless pukes (democrats/socialists) will awkwardly admit, later in concentration camps, well after the guns are confiscated that (sigh) the conservatives were right, but it's too late.

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Re: NYT Front Page Editorial Calling for Gun Confiscation


Post by Weg »

Call me a Pollyanna on guns if you want, but i just don't see gun control of any type being passed on a Federal level anytime soon. In my opinion gun control has been a political liability since the 1994 congressional elections and is still unpopular with the voting public. I say voting public, because you always see polls saying Americans are for this or that gun control, but when it comes down to who gets elected to congress ( by people who actually vote), the pro gun people win. This is not to say we should not stay vigilant and support pro gun groups.
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Re: NYT Front Page Editorial Calling for Gun Confiscation


Post by SA_Steve »

I'm glad the Dems are making a lot of noise about new gun laws. It's always been a loser for them come election time.
They really have no choice with the killings happening world wide, failure of Obama policies, they need to change the subject and offer a fix which the gun control talk does for them.
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Re: NYT Front Page Editorial Calling for Gun Confiscation


Post by Bitter Clinger »

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Re: NYT Front Page Editorial Calling for Gun Confiscation


Post by Jago668 »

b4aftr wrote:Well I would have turned mine in, but sadly all of them and their ammo sank in my boating accident in the gulf.
Damn shame that, I feel for your loss. I wonder how many similar accidents have hurt gun owners recently.
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Re: NYT Front Page Editorial Calling for Gun Confiscation


Post by Ruark »

Oh, crap, here comes another ammo shortage.....
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Re: NYT Front Page Editorial Calling for Gun Confiscation


Post by nightmare69 »

Thankfully I sold all my guns to a gentleman named Joe a few months back. I have no idea where Joe lives.
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Re: NYT Front Page Editorial Calling for Gun Confiscation


Post by Jago668 »

Ruark wrote:Oh, crap, here comes another ammo shortage.....
This is why I told my girlfriend to buy a box or two of ammo every time she went to Wal-mart. So she could have some ammo to shoot. I just went and picked up a few more boxes of my carry ammo just in case.
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