John Cornyn of Texas is focused on bump-stocks

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Re: John Cornyn of Texas is focused on bump-stocks


Post by bblhd672 »

mojo84 wrote:Even a republican congressman that is going to propose legislation admits it's just a step to more.
I fear the Constitution is dead. There are no real opposition parties in Washington DC. Those who believe the country will be better once the common people have been disarmed wear both D and R tags.
The left lies about everything. Truth is a liberal value, and truth is a conservative value, but it has never been a left-wing value. People on the left say whatever advances their immediate agenda. Power is their moral lodestar; therefore, truth is always subservient to it. - Dennis Prager

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Re: John Cornyn of Texas is focused on bump-stocks


Post by BBYC »

If you think we'll get something from a bump ban compromise, remember these are the people who still haven't repealed Obamacare, and couldn't push through hearing protection before the LV massacre.
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Re: John Cornyn of Texas is focused on bump-stocks


Post by parabelum »

But hey, Cornyn and his friends will now have an "conversation" on "common sense" gun control, you know, like banning bump-stocks, they will feel good that they are doing something, you know, bipartisanship and such.

Cornyn and his comrades will not however have a "common sense" "conversation" about Antifa thugs beating people up, Soros funding them, nor will he open a "bipartisan dialog" about the ridiculous cafe standards (whatever that means) regulating car emissions, you know, there's thousands of bodies each year pulled from wrecks where intrusion/collapse that some of us in Fire/EMS saw as survivable just few years ago are resulting in unimaginable injuries incompatible with life. Hey by the way, why did they stop compiling crash statistics? :waiting:

Anyways, yea, bump-stocks, that's the priority folks!
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Re: John Cornyn of Texas is focused on bump-stocks


Post by ScottDLS »

parabelum wrote:But hey, Cornyn and his friends will now have an "conversation" on "common sense" gun control, you know, like banning bump-stocks, they will feel good that they are doing something, you know, bipartisanship and such.

Cornyn and his comrades will not however have a "common sense" "conversation" about Antifa thugs beating people up, Soros funding them, nor will he open a "bipartisan dialog" about the ridiculous cafe standards (whatever that means) regulating car emissions, you know, there's thousands of bodies each year pulled from wrecks where intrusion/collapse that some of us in Fire/EMS saw as survivable just few years ago are resulting in unimaginable injuries incompatible with life. Hey by the way, why did they stop compiling crash statistics? :waiting:

Anyways, yea, bump-stocks, that's the priority folks!

CAFE = Corporate Average Fuel Economy
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Re: John Cornyn of Texas is focused on bump-stocks


Post by Chemist45 »

With all due respect to Hickok45, a compromise is where each group gives up a little something to get something in return.
If we agree to a ban on bump stocks, what are the gun grabbers giving up? What do we get in return?
A promise from Pelosi to use this as the start of the "Slippery slope"?
Oh, yeah - that's a bargain.

Oh, and for the record: I am a life member of TSRA and an Endowment Level member of the NRA.
I support TSRA dinners and volunteer at the annual NRA meetings.
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Re: John Cornyn of Texas is focused on bump-stocks


Post by bmwrdr »

Not trying to be cynical but if this would have happened in Chicago it would be just a spike in the statistics.
What I don't understand about the liberals is their ignorance towards Chicago's murder rate and the fact it is ongoing. Is it because a liberal wouldn't pick on another, in this case the major of Chicago or is it because they would need to admit their policies aren't worth the paper written on?

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Re: John Cornyn of Texas is focused on bump-stocks


Post by eyedoc »

I got this reply from senator Cornyn.

Dear Dr. XXXXXX:

Thank you for contacting me with your suggestions for federal firearms policy. I appreciate having the benefit of your comments and am encouraged that you and other concerned citizens are committed to reducing gun violence in America.

Like every Texan, I want to prevent gun violence, and I believe this begins with fully enforcing existing gun laws. Under the Obama Administration, gun crime prosecutions have dropped significantly. This is a starting point: going after the criminals and those who lie on their background checks.

The federal government has also not adequately enforced the 2007 NICS Improvement Amendments Act, a law that is supported by organizations ranging from the National Rifle Association to the Brady Campaign. Passed unanimously by Congress following the Virginia Tech shootings, this law requires states to submit the mental health records of individuals who are adjudicated as a danger to themselves or others in order to prevent them from legally purchasing firearms. It is worth noting that Texas has received high marks from the Government Accountability Office for its compliance with the law. Texas has shown how to make the necessary reforms while also protecting Second Amendment rights.

I also believe addressing mental illness is another way to prevent gun violence. On August 5, 2015, I introduced the Mental Health and Safe Communities Act of 2015 (S. 2002), parts of which were later included in the 21st Century Cures Act of 2016, which was signed into law last year (P.L. 114-255). This legislation will enhance the ability of local communities to identify and treat potentially dangerous, mentally-ill individuals. The law also includes reforms to increase the use of treatment-based alternatives for mentally-ill offenders, and improve crisis response and prevention by state and local law enforcement officials. The bill was endorsed by a diverse group of organizations, including the National Alliance on Mental Illness and the National Association of Police Organizations.

This is the debate we should be having—a debate that focuses on the real root causes of mass violence, and a debate that addresses the perilous intersection of guns and mental illness. We can tackle these problems without curtailing Second Amendment rights, and I will continue to push for effective solutions that protect communities while preserving our constitutional liberties.

I am always appreciative when Texans reach out and share their concerns. Thank you for taking the time to contact me.


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Re: John Cornyn of Texas is focused on bump-stocks


Post by MaduroBU »

I shot a full auto M16 at a local indoor range once just to see what it's like. I found that even at 20 yards, I was over the target's left shoulder by the 3rd round. I didn't fire more than a 3 round burst as 3 was my limit for safe, controlled fire (not accurate mind you, just just sufficently accurate to be safe).

I assume that by preemptively leaning into it you could counteract the recoil, but that's essentially deliberate flinch. I left the experience with the strong impression that for light weapons, a more powerful semiautomatic battle rifle is better than a full auto (e.g. a semi .308 vs an auto .223). I think the technique changes with a heavier weapons like an LSW or GPMG (think an M249 or M240 all the way up to an M1917 or Vickers), but as I can't envision myself fending off massed infantry, I have little interest in such a weapon.

The bottom line is that full auto weapons have serious limitations when used in the platforms that civilians could reasonably utilize, and that the larger platforms where their attributes shine (even assuming a military user whose goal is to produce casualties among massed infantry) have essentially always been properly banned from civilian ownership as light artillery pieces.

The shooter in Vegas really seems like he committed a Federal crime under a law that nobody disputes by producing a machine gun. The real coup might be in forcing prosecution of firearms laws, which the NRA strongly endorses.
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Re: John Cornyn of Texas is focused on bump-stocks


Post by sjfcontrol »

MaduroBU wrote: The shooter in Vegas really seems like he committed a Federal crime under a law that nobody disputes by producing a machine gun. The real coup might be in forcing prosecution of firearms laws, which the NRA strongly endorses.
I dispute that! A bump stock does not a machine-gun make! ... initions-0
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Re: John Cornyn of Texas is focused on bump-stocks


Post by MaduroBU »

Have they confirmed that he only used bumpfire and not a modified lower? I thought that was still up in the air.
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Re: John Cornyn of Texas is focused on bump-stocks


Post by DEB »

eyedoc wrote:I got this reply from senator Cornyn.

Dear Dr. XXXXXX:

Thank you for contacting me with your suggestions for federal firearms policy. I appreciate having the benefit of your comments and am encouraged that you and other concerned citizens are committed to reducing gun violence in America.

Like every Texan, I want to prevent gun violence, and I believe this begins with fully enforcing existing gun laws. Under the Obama Administration, gun crime prosecutions have dropped significantly. This is a starting point: going after the criminals and those who lie on their background checks.

The federal government has also not adequately enforced the 2007 NICS Improvement Amendments Act, a law that is supported by organizations ranging from the National Rifle Association to the Brady Campaign. Passed unanimously by Congress following the Virginia Tech shootings, this law requires states to submit the mental health records of individuals who are adjudicated as a danger to themselves or others in order to prevent them from legally purchasing firearms. It is worth noting that Texas has received high marks from the Government Accountability Office for its compliance with the law. Texas has shown how to make the necessary reforms while also protecting Second Amendment rights.

I also believe addressing mental illness is another way to prevent gun violence. On August 5, 2015, I introduced the Mental Health and Safe Communities Act of 2015 (S. 2002), parts of which were later included in the 21st Century Cures Act of 2016, which was signed into law last year (P.L. 114-255). This legislation will enhance the ability of local communities to identify and treat potentially dangerous, mentally-ill individuals. The law also includes reforms to increase the use of treatment-based alternatives for mentally-ill offenders, and improve crisis response and prevention by state and local law enforcement officials. The bill was endorsed by a diverse group of organizations, including the National Alliance on Mental Illness and the National Association of Police Organizations.

This is the debate we should be having—a debate that focuses on the real root causes of mass violence, and a debate that addresses the perilous intersection of guns and mental illness. We can tackle these problems without curtailing Second Amendment rights, and I will continue to push for effective solutions that protect communities while preserving our constitutional liberties.

I am always appreciative when Texans reach out and share their concerns. Thank you for taking the time to contact me.


United States Senator
This is the exact, and I mean exact, same letter I got several months ago when I asked about some of the NFA rules that I found to be troublesome to me, such as short barrel rifles and suppressors. Aw well, I guess being a plebe aint too bad, get a loaf of bread every other day, be allowed to live in some Ghetto or another, watch contact sports, have full access to Porn, deny all Gods (except for the State), receive all protection from the State, and always be available to fight their wars. Who say's Rome died? senatus vivat!
Unless we keep the barbarian virtues, gaining the civilized ones will be of little avail. Oversentimentality, oversoftness, washiness, and mushiness are the great dangers of this age and of this people." Teddy Roosevelt"
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Re: John Cornyn of Texas is focused on bump-stocks


Post by rbwhatever1 »

The title of this thread gives the illusion that John Cornyn still has the ability to focus. This bought & paid for liberal establishment RINO needs to be gone from Texas...

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Re: John Cornyn of Texas is focused on bump-stocks


Post by Abraham »

How well does Cornyn's logic square with any other dangerous this or that item, like a vehicle, a heavy wrench, a chain saw ... Heck, my shovel/hoe/sledge hammer are all potentially lethal and well, you get my drift...

Sanity can't be legislated.

If someone wants to harm others, they will, they'll find a way...guns have nothing to do with it.

Heck, just plain stupidity and simple carelessness kills a lot of people: Not long ago an acquaintance poorly elevated a small/heavy trailer, crawled under it to work on it and in the process somehow foot bumped the inadequate jack with no chocking - down came the trailer crushing him to death.

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Re: John Cornyn of Texas is focused on bump-stocks


Post by wheelgun1958 »

This is the debate we should be having—a debate that focuses on the real root causes of mass violence, and a debate that addresses the perilous intersection of guns and mental illness. We can tackle these problems without curtailing Second Amendment rights, and I will continue to push for effective solutions that protect communities while preserving our constitutional liberties.

Just the 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th.
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Re: John Cornyn of Texas is focused on bump-stocks


Post by mojo84 »

Apparently there are quite a few not politically savvy enough to guess why Cornyn and the NRA are reacting in the manner in which they are regarding these items. ... le/2636806

I do not have a bump-stock and do not expect to ever own one. However, reacting so quickly by putting them on the sacrificial legislative and/or regulation alter seems to be premature and desperate.

Political insiders have trouble guessing why us outsiders do not have much confidence in them and their methods. Here's a hint, when the dems win control, they run the show. When the repubs win, the dems run the show and the repubs argue and talk down to one another.
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