Enterprise Car Rental Drops the NRA

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Re: Enterprise Car Rental Drops the NRA


Post by Jeff B. »

Now that Avis and National are turning Progressive/Tranzi, there are limited alternatives. Still, I fired this off to them;

"Just a note to let you know that National/Alamo/Enterprise is on thin ice with me. Although I've never used the NRA discount, I am a "Life Endowment" member and am highly displeased with your firms decision to act in such an antagonizing manner towards many of your customers, in fact, some of your best customers. If AVIS had not followed suit, I'd have switched back in a minute, but I see they too are following the herd led by the Progressives and Media shills. As such, I will look for alternatives to your service and seek to minimize my patronage.

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I've deleted my name and account number from the post, but the text is exactly as sent. I'm going to send essentially the same email to AVIS and let them know their missing a business opportunity by going along with the pack.

Jeff B.
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Re: Enterprise Car Rental Drops the NRA


Post by ScottDLS »

Unfortunately three years ago hertz dropped me...something to do with two wrecks, but I thought that’s what the CDW was for.,,Anyway now stuck with Avis who I hear following Enterprise lead :mad5
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Re: Enterprise Car Rental Drops the NRA


Post by NotRPB »

Crossroads wrote:Avis owns Budget, Zipcar and Payless
Hertz owns Dollar and Thrifty
Enterprise owns Alamo and National
Advantage owns E-Z Rent-A-Car

Guess that means my car rental needs are down to Advantage and E-Z Rent-A-Car. Anyone ever use Advantage?
10 years or so ago I noticed every car wreck client where the At Fault person had State Farm, State Farm sent an Enterprise Rent car ... I asked and was informed that State Farm owned Enterprise
AndyC wrote:17 brands have now ended their relationship with the @NRA:

1. @MetLife
2. @symantec
3. @BestWestern
4. @Wyndham
5. @Alamo
6. @NationalPro
7. @Enterprise
8. @FNBOmaha
9. @Hertz
10. @Budget
11. @Avis
12. @NortonOnline
13. @northAmericanVL
14. @SimpliSafe
15. @ChubbNA
16. @LifeLock
17. @DeltaAirlines

Also, News on TV just added Bank of America to the list
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Re: Enterprise Car Rental Drops the NRA


Post by rob777 »

DocV wrote:
thatguyoverthere wrote:LifeLock has bailed.
Bye Bye LifeLock.
Just cancelled LifeLock... won't be using Enterprise anymore either.
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Re: Enterprise Car Rental Drops the NRA


Post by WTR »

With all the rental car companies listed, I don't have any options left here.
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Re: Enterprise Car Rental Drops the NRA


Post by anygunanywhere »

WTR wrote:With all the rental car companies listed, I don't have any options left here.
Uber, dude.
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Re: Enterprise Car Rental Drops the NRA


Post by srothstein »

Syntyr wrote:Just got off the phone with Enterprise. I had them delete my prefered cusromer account. In the past 2 years i have spent 4289.43 with them. I frequently rent for business travel. I made sure they saw the exact number. Iit has been much more in the previous 20 years i have been renting from them. No more. The rep tried to "explain" that it was just their discount program. I explained that i have never used that program because i get a discount through work. However, if they are dropping the NRA they are dropping me. Not one more penny. Line, sand, wont cross!
A friend and I were discussing this and I told him I thought this was the error int he business calculation. It was a business decision on which political position will cost them fewer customers. I am willing to bet they looked at how many NRA discounts were claimed. I pointed out that I never used my NRA discount, or my AMA (motorcyclist or model airplane) discount or a bunch of the other discounts available to me. It did not mean I was not a customer of the business, I just used other means, mostly my AAA membership because they booked the travel at the same time and got the discounts for me.

And now I have a list of who I wont do business with again. In some cases, it will not mean anything to the company, but I just had an Enterprise rental last week. No more Enterprise (and no more Alamo since they are owned by Enterprise).
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Re: Enterprise Car Rental Drops the NRA


Post by WTR »

anygunanywhere wrote:
WTR wrote:With all the rental car companies listed, I don't have any options left here.
Uber, dude.
I live in the sticks. Enterprise won't come get me, I need a ride in. Uber will be 50.00 min. Just to come out here.
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Re: Enterprise Car Rental Drops the NRA


Post by anygunanywhere »

WTR wrote:
anygunanywhere wrote:
WTR wrote:With all the rental car companies listed, I don't have any options left here.
Uber, dude.
I live in the sticks. Enterprise won't come get me, I need a ride in. Uber will be 50.00 min. Just to come out here.
Hey man, I feel you. All this political posturing is just the beginning. I got the feeling us gun owners will soon become a pariah. Fine with me. I really don't care one way or the other. I'd just as soon it all come to a pus filled head and get it over with.

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Re: Enterprise Car Rental Drops the NRA


Post by EastTexasRancher »

State Farm does NOT own Enterprise. It is privately held by the Taylor family out of St Louis Missouri.
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Re: Enterprise Car Rental Drops the NRA


Post by SQLGeek »

WTR wrote:With all the rental car companies listed, I don't have any options left here.
Neither do I and I expected as much. I might just punish Enterprise/National because they were first. Unfortunately they also had the best customer service of all of the ones I've dealt with in my extensive business travels. :???:
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Re: Enterprise Car Rental Drops the NRA


Post by txglock21 »

SRO1911 wrote:So if FNBO is no longer supporting NRA, what does that do for the NRA visa? That is one of only two credit cards I maintain - do they continue using the NRA logo?
Ill be looking into another line of credit elsewhere, just curious how that works?
Your NRA Visa is still good. The guy I talked to said if I had decided to keep it, the only thing that would change would be the card's design when it the current card expires. The only detail he knew about was what is being put out in the news, that FNBO is dropping their contract with the NRA. He didn't even know the timeframe of that. As I posted earlier, I told him to cancel my card and I would pay it off next month when my final bill came in. Mine was set to expire in March anyway. :tiphat:
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