Can Beto O’Rourke really beat Ted Cruz?

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Re: Can Beto O’Rourke really beat Ted Cruz?


Post by Redneck_Buddha »

The Daily Caller is reporting that the FEC has flagged a huge number of impermissible foreign donations to O'Rourke. Not quite sure who their source is.
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Re: Can Beto O’Rourke really beat Ted Cruz?


Post by mojo84 »

Redneck_Buddha wrote: Mon Oct 01, 2018 5:22 pm The Daily Caller is reporting that the FEC has flagged a huge number of impermissible foreign donations to O'Rourke. Not quite sure who their source is.
It wouldn't surprise me. I am amazed at the number primetime commercials he has aired over the last couple months.

I also wonder about Gina Ortiz Jones as she has had almost as many commercials.

They both have spent a tremendous amount of money. I'd also like a breakdown by state.
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Re: Can Beto O’Rourke really beat Ted Cruz?


Post by philip964 » ... iew-855385

Robert O’Rourke writes a theatrical review of a play. His review demeans women. But he was 19, before he was a Hispanic and a Republican, so it’s ok.
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Re: Can Beto O’Rourke really beat Ted Cruz?


Post by PUCKER »

Our neighborhood in North Grapevine (on a peninsula on the lake, of course) is a nice quiet place and mostly "red"/conservative...or so I thought!! A few streets over I noticed an overabundance of "beta" signs and finally a Cruz sign across from them...whew!

Well, then one popped up catty-corner to me...that was it, time for war!! :cool: BTW - these are the only neighbors that do not wave back / respond when you say "howdy" so I guess they are "wierdos"....from what I know the living situation there is not mainstream...whatever that is these, my Wifey ordered up a few Cruz signs...we were in process of putting them out (to face the oddball neighbors' sign) when a few of our buddy neighbors were out - "hey, where did you get the sign?" Well, we gave them away and kept one for ourselves and have since ordered more...before we even had an opportunity to put another one in our yard one of the neighbors that we gave a sign to put another one in our yard for us! :hurry: So, needless to say, we are now known as "Cruz Corner!!" :biggrinjester:

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Re: Can Beto O’Rourke really beat Ted Cruz?


Post by sugar land dave. »

philip964 wrote: Tue Oct 02, 2018 9:58 am ... iew-855385

Robert O’Rourke writes a theatrical review of a play. His review demeans women. But he was 19, before he was a Hispanic and a Republican, so it’s ok.
Thank goodness he isn't running for the Supreme Court! :biggrinjester:

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Re: Can Beto O’Rourke really beat Ted Cruz?


Post by MaduroBU »

The thing is, his review was poking fun at the objectification of women, and that STILL wasn't enough to please the base. Male Democrats appear to be finding that they cannot please sexists because they are male. It is a prison of their own design, so my sympathy for Beto is pretty limited.

If you go to work for a boss that can't be pleased and who hates you because of how you were born, the only real answer is to find another job.

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Re: Can Beto O’Rourke really beat Ted Cruz?


Post by WildRose »

Ortiz wrote: Mon Oct 01, 2018 4:07 pm My wife and I just registered to vote. In my area, I have only seen one "Beto" sign but right across the street from the elections office was a house with 3 signs for Beto. The honest truth is down here in deep south texas, the simple phrase of "If you don't vote for Beto, they are going to take away your benefits" is what scares the crap out of people to go and vote. Add, "He will bring sanctuary cities here so they can't deport such and such" and you have an almost guaranteed vote throughout the county.

My wife and I are going to vote for Ted Cruz and hope he wins, but down here, he will most likely lose. I hope I'm wrong, I have been seeing more and more trucks flying the U.S along with the "Don't tread on me" flags. I have yet to see ANY Ted Cruz signs but the people down here are NUTS. Should they see it, they will want to mess with your car, the sign, or home. I'm hoping for an actual Red Wave down here and will be completely surprised if the RGV starts turning red. Guess we'll see.
It's sad that the democrats have resigned themselves to buying off the poor and importing illegals to gain and hold power for as long into the future as we can foresee. Worse, they are closer to succeeding now than perhaps at any point in history thanks to the last administration basically doing nothing about the 12-20 million illegals already here but basically welcoming as many more to come as can get here.

Even though most of these people can't currently vote (comprehensive immigration reform/amnesty) however their kids will be legally eligible to vote the day they turn 18. We're now 2 generations past the last promise to get control of our borders which the dem's of course immediately backed down on and neither Bush had the stones to make it a priority.

If we don't take care of it in the next few years we will have surrendered the country to a new "class" of citizen, those from foreign countries drawn here on the promise of never ending welfare benefits who will be willing to take whatever they want by force if it is refused.

That's just the sad reality of what has happened over the last 40 years.

Fortunately the Kavanaugh hearings seem to really be energizing the sane people to get out and vote against a complete takeover by the radical left in November.
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Re: Can Beto O’Rourke really beat Ted Cruz?


Post by Ortiz »

WildRose wrote: Wed Oct 03, 2018 2:25 am
Ortiz wrote: Mon Oct 01, 2018 4:07 pm My wife and I just registered to vote. In my area, I have only seen one "Beto" sign but right across the street from the elections office was a house with 3 signs for Beto. The honest truth is down here in deep south texas, the simple phrase of "If you don't vote for Beto, they are going to take away your benefits" is what scares the crap out of people to go and vote. Add, "He will bring sanctuary cities here so they can't deport such and such" and you have an almost guaranteed vote throughout the county.

My wife and I are going to vote for Ted Cruz and hope he wins, but down here, he will most likely lose. I hope I'm wrong, I have been seeing more and more trucks flying the U.S along with the "Don't tread on me" flags. I have yet to see ANY Ted Cruz signs but the people down here are NUTS. Should they see it, they will want to mess with your car, the sign, or home. I'm hoping for an actual Red Wave down here and will be completely surprised if the RGV starts turning red. Guess we'll see.
It's sad that the democrats have resigned themselves to buying off the poor and importing illegals to gain and hold power for as long into the future as we can foresee. Worse, they are closer to succeeding now than perhaps at any point in history thanks to the last administration basically doing nothing about the 12-20 million illegals already here but basically welcoming as many more to come as can get here.

Even though most of these people can't currently vote (comprehensive immigration reform/amnesty) however their kids will be legally eligible to vote the day they turn 18. We're now 2 generations past the last promise to get control of our borders which the dem's of course immediately backed down on and neither Bush had the stones to make it a priority.

If we don't take care of it in the next few years we will have surrendered the country to a new "class" of citizen, those from foreign countries drawn here on the promise of never ending welfare benefits who will be willing to take whatever they want by force if it is refused.

That's just the sad reality of what has happened over the last 40 years.

Fortunately the Kavanaugh hearings seem to really be energizing the sane people to get out and vote against a complete takeover by the radical left in November.
Here is the funny part. This area is run by democrats. Anytime I encounter a person that is pure Dem I ask them how are the jobs in the area. They always tell me the same thing, "It's hard finding good work down here, I have family members that go out of the area to work." It ALWAYS ends up this way so I end up saying, "So there isn't much work down here that is ran by Dems but you or family members have to work out of the area where Republicans run things for a good paying job?"

It amazes me that this never ending cycle continues. I'm starting to see a different trend now but still believe we are in the minority. The problem from what I see, it's easier to complain about having no job and keep receiving benefits rather than uplifting yourself to try and succeed. Those that live down here that make decent money, they aren't getting it from the local jobs. Ask any honest person down here trying to make a living, they will all say they want more and more work. The sham marriages from illegals to collect benefits are a huge majority and ultimately lead the votes down here. I can't drive more than 5 miles on the freeway without seeing billboards regarding immigration legal counsel.

I'm prior service and have lived in different areas of the country, was even in Pennsylvania for 2 years until we decided to come back last year. I still see the type of dependencies the people take advantage of. My wife and I going to the grocery store with one cart of food and other items while the person in front of us has two carts, steaks, burgers, cokes, you name it and paying it all through the Lone Star card. I get it, some people need it and should my wife and I run into financial issues, I would whole heartedly appreciate any type of assistance. But it crosses the line when you see it's obviously for a party. Some folks even have their own "business" where they cook from home and sell plates to people all through the Lone Star card so it's 100% profit.

Anyways, this is a long post and honestly since being back here, we've thought about leaving the area again. The only thing that is keeping us down here still is that the area is just starting to change. More and more pro 2nd folks are starting to be vocal, more people displaying their Dont Tread On Me flags, anytime politics does come up in public, it's usually from folks that are voting red. There is hope, thank goodness there is hope and this November, my hopes are the we finally start seeing a change from blue to red and I'll make damn sure we try to make this change come voting time. Thanks for reading it all gents.

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Re: Can Beto O’Rourke really beat Ted Cruz?


Post by MaduroBU »

The issue to me is that charity and GOVERNMENT SPONSORED charity are not the same thing. There is no ceiling on the amount of your income that you can donate to the government. There is no ceiling on the amount of your wealth that you can give away.

Streamlining the process of giving is necessary because real giving breeds respect and gratitude. Impersonal giving via government confiscation breeds resentment and corruption as all of the power rests with a government intermediary which does not care about waste, opportunity cost, or resultant benefits. When I give to a charity, I want to see that they're using that money to help people. When the government confiscates my income, the folks who actually distribute it have no skin in the game.

This sort of moral hazard causes huge problems everywhere that it crops up. The fubdamental cause of the real estate bubble in 2005-7 was the repackaging of loans from originators for sale into the securities market. The people on the ground who knew thatmost of the debtors could never repay the mortgages didn't care because they had no intention of holding on to the loans. The principal-agent problem, which is a broader category containing most of these examples, also describes government taxation based charity very well.

For that reason, the watered down socialism that many Democrats support fails in practice due to an inability to provide intrinsic motivation to key actors.

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Re: Can Beto O’Rourke really beat Ted Cruz?


Post by flechero »

I was surprised to see that the polling on Fox news a few min ago had Cruz up but only by about about 4pts. :shock: That concerns me greatly. I will hang my head in shame, if Cruz is beaten in Nov.

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Re: Can Beto O’Rourke really beat Ted Cruz?


Post by ninjabread »

There is an important distinction that has to be made of course, between imposition of the welfare state, and the spirit of service to the community. The pioneering, conquering spirit of service to the community is not about handing **** out for free to others in your community and nation. It’s about creating opportunities for them to advance themselves, through their own efforts. Certainly, a short-term helping hand can be seen in the pioneering age of every great culture. That is not the same thing as providing a subsidized living for the lazy and stupid.
This is my opinion. There are many like it, but this one is mine.

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Re: Can Beto O’Rourke really beat Ted Cruz?


Post by bblhd672 »

ninjabread wrote: Thu Oct 04, 2018 6:04 pm
There is an important distinction that has to be made of course, between imposition of the welfare state, and the spirit of service to the community. The pioneering, conquering spirit of service to the community is not about handing **** out for free to others in your community and nation. It’s about creating opportunities for them to advance themselves, through their own efforts. Certainly, a short-term helping hand can be seen in the pioneering age of every great culture. That is not the same thing as providing a subsidized living for the lazy and stupid.
:iagree: Amen!
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Re: Can Beto O’Rourke really beat Ted Cruz?


Post by philip964 » ... dorsement/

Robert O’Rourke is apparently not interested in Obama’s endorsement. Can’t tell if Obama is withholding it or Rebert doesn’t want it or what’s going on.

The latest TV ad that is even playing on you tube, says something about attack ads and creating fear.

What it doesn’t talk about is Robert’s goals for Texas or what his position is: on guns, on impeachment, on oil or global warming, on immigration, on taxes, on ICE, on healt care, really on anything.

It says don’t fear and be for Texas and I didn’t wear makeup for this ad, because I am real.

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Re: Can Beto O’Rourke really beat Ted Cruz?


Post by Soccerdad1995 »

philip964 wrote: Fri Oct 05, 2018 2:33 pm ... dorsement/

Robert O’Rourke is apparently not interested in Obama’s endorsement. Can’t tell if Obama is withholding it or Rebert doesn’t want it or what’s going on.

The latest TV ad that is even playing on you tube, says something about attack ads and creating fear.

What it doesn’t talk about is Robert’s goals for Texas or what his position is: on guns, on impeachment, on oil or global warming, on immigration, on taxes, on ICE, on healt care, really on anything.

It says don’t fear and be for Texas and I didn’t wear makeup for this ad, because I am real.
I think Robert believes that B. Hussein Obama's endorsement will hurt more than help. His base is already pretty motivated, and an endorsement probably isn't needed to improve their turnout. But Hussein's endorsement might help to fire up Rafael's base significantly, and increase the turnout of his opposition.

Anyone truly undecided will also not likely be swayed in his direction by an endorsement from that man, Mr. Obama. That is assuming that anyone who is currently undecided will actually be motivated enough to vote in the upcoming mid-term election at all, which I think is unlikely.

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Re: Can Beto O’Rourke really beat Ted Cruz?


Post by philip964 » ... 51530.html

Article on homemade political yard sign removed by police.

Apparently a typical Beto supporter. Shows a little girl with a Republican Elephants trunk just under her dress.

Not sure why the police would be involved. Does it violate some law?
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