Are campus police unnecessary?

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Re: Are campus police unnecessary?


Post by EconDoc »

It seems to me to be very inappropriate to make a blanket statement that campus police are unnecessary/necessary. It depends on the campus, the number of students, the location in terms of what the surrounding area is like, and a number of other variables. Certainly, a campus of 40,000 students will need a police presence at all times, just because of the numbers involved. On the other hand, a small school might not need full-time police, unless it is located in a bad area where a lot of problems spilled over onto campus from the surrounding community. My $0.02 worth.

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Re: Are campus police unnecessary?


Post by WildBill »

EconDoc wrote:It seems to me to be very inappropriate to make a blanket statement that campus police are unnecessary/necessary.
I think that Ameer was playing devil's advocate. :evil2:
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Re: Are campus police unnecessary?


Post by stash »

Off topic a little bit, but now I read that the county hospital in El Paso wants their own PD and a bill has actually been filed toward that end.
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Re: Are campus police unnecessary?


Post by fulano »

stash wrote:Off topic a little bit, but now I read that the county hospital in El Paso wants their own PD and a bill has actually been filed toward that end.
They are on a border along which is a civil war. They may need one. I can imagine that "Neighborhood Watch" is more than just a sign on a pole in El Paso.
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Re: Are campus police unnecessary?


Post by stash »

Well the hospital may need one, but El Paso is one of the safest larger cities in the U.S. even though they share a border with Juarez, Mex.
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Re: Are campus police unnecessary?


Post by rosebud99 »

my wife was telling me about a meeting they had at school where they watched a legislator talking about trying to get rid of campus police and security guards on public schools, and basically more rules about giving the kids little to no responsibilty for their actions, that they need to find more ways to pacify the trouble makers instead of punishment, eliminate boot camps also.. all this _______ plus more because this lady thinks its all the schools fault more kids are dropping out at an earlier age. she does not remember the name but will try to get it.
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Re: Are campus police unnecessary?


Post by fulano »

stash wrote:Well the hospital may need one, but El Paso is one of the safest larger cities in the U.S. even though they share a border with Juarez, Mex.
You are correct. It is safe; especially when compared to the opposite side of the border. Many officals from Mexican cities close to El Paso chose to live in the city of El Paso even though they are elected officals from Mexico, so strange. I hope this level of safety continues.

I have several friends from the border states and they are praying for an end of the madness.
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Re: Are campus police unnecessary?


Post by The Annoyed Man »

baldeagle wrote:Campus police do a lot more than respond to active shooter situations. They investigate crimes, arrest perpetrators, write tickets for moving violations, provide security for events, ensure that buildings are properly secured at the appropriate times, etc., etc., etc. If there were no campus police those duties would fall on the local police department.
You forgot "take rape victim reports in gun-free zones." I'm sure there are others I can think of if I put my mind to it.... trouble is, my mind is fried....
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Re: Are campus police unnecessary?


Post by baldeagle »

Well, you got me there, TAM. :bigear:
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Re: Are campus police unnecessary?


Post by atouk »

stash wrote:Off topic a little bit, but now I read that the county hospital in El Paso wants their own PD and a bill has actually been filed toward that end.
If it's safe they don't need a PD. If it's not safe, it's immoral for them to disarm a CHL.
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Re: Are campus police unnecessary?


Post by OldCurlyWolf »

No, but most of them are rendered useless by the various boards of reagents.
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Re: Are campus police unnecessary?


Post by Ameer »

OldCurlyWolf wrote:No, but most of them are rendered useless by the various boards of reagents.
I thought reagents are supposed to bring about a reaction.
I believe the basic political division in this country is not between liberals and conservatives but between those who believe that they should have a say in the personal lives of strangers and those who do not.
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Re: Are campus police unnecessary?


Post by OldCurlyWolf »

Ameer wrote:
OldCurlyWolf wrote:No, but most of them are rendered useless by the various boards of reagents.
I thought reagents are supposed to bring about a reaction.
YES. It should be Regents.
I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, and I won't be laid a hand on.
I don't do those things to other people and I require the same of them.

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