Obama DOJ to eliminate the BATFE?

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Obama DOJ to eliminate the BATFE?


Post by ELB »

According to this article:

http://townhall.com/columnists/katiepav ... ll/preview" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

the DOJ is considering shutting down the BATFE and firing around 450 agents. For budgetary reasons, of course.

I think I would be delighted if one of the blowbacks of Operation Fast&Furious aka Gunrunner is the elimination of the BATFE, but of course the reason that this Administration would do it, as the article notes, is to protect the upper level clowns who actually instigated the Operation at the expense of the field agents.

Since this is a first report, there is a good chance that it has significant errors in it, but I could see Obama and Holder trying something drastic to avoid being held responsible for the Gunrunner fiasco.

A better plan would be to clean house at the DOJ, starting from the top down, and make sure it includes all of the BATFE, the civil rights division, a good percentage (if not all) of the DAs, and every career lawyer that Holder has hired so far.

Then onto the Dept of State, the Dept of Ed, and the EPA.
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Re: Obama DOJ to eliminate the BATFE?


Post by C-dub »


I'm not going to hold my breath.

I wonder what they would try and replace it with.
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Re: Obama DOJ to eliminate the BATFE?


Post by MasterOfNone »

C-dub wrote:NO WAY!!!

I'm not going to hold my breath.

I wonder what they would try and replace it with.
The IRS, of course.
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Re: Obama DOJ to eliminate the BATFE?


Post by OldCannon »

ELB wrote:According to this article:

http://townhall.com/columnists/katiepav ... ll/preview" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

the DOJ is considering shutting down the BATFE and firing around 450 agents. For budgetary reasons, of course.

Before you get excited, just think about this administration and the ham-handed tactics it takes. They ain't gonna leave an empty space. I'm just curious who they would use to enforce firearms code if they actually followed through - perhaps DHS? I don't think they'd do the IRS, as that will paint an even fatter bullseye on them when the political administration changes.
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Re: Obama DOJ to eliminate the BATFE?


Post by surprise_i'm_armed »

IRS = I Represent Satan

Over the years, I have known some people who got sideways with the IRS.

You may think that you've got problems now, but when the IRS gets ahold of you, things
can go downhill fast.

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Re: Obama DOJ to eliminate the BATFE?


Post by MeMelYup »

They would possibly give the firearms and explosives portion to Homeland Security.

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Re: Obama DOJ to eliminate the BATFE?


Post by RPB »

To improve inter-departmental communications which were lacking on 9-11, and to cut the budget, perhaps the IRS/Treasury Dept/Secret Service/FBI/CIA/DHS can be combined allowing the CIA drone missises to be used against Americans on American soil if they are on a "list" Obama made ... like that terrorist they just killed and the 8-year old boy on the no-fly-list who has the same name as a terrorist, but isn't one. They could all share databases and use storm troopers against anyone not paying a tax such as at Ruby Ridge or Branch Davidian Waco (Remember those trials?), when the BATFE wasn't paid the $5.00 and the $200 taxes for owning/manufacturing.
I'm no lawyer

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Re: Obama DOJ to eliminate the BATFE?


Post by C-dub »

The article did say that the BATF's responsibilities might be split between the FBI and DEA, but it's not like those guys are just sitting around twiddling their thumbs. According to the article the possibility of actually doing this is for the sake of damage control before the next election. I guess we'll know soon enough if this is really going to happen.
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Re: Obama DOJ to eliminate the BATFE?


Post by Snap E Tom »

This is definitely a case of the devil you know is better than the devil you don't. I'd much rather deal with an underfunded, incompetent ATF than something like Department of Homeland Security, Firearms Enforcement.
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Re: Obama DOJ to eliminate the BATFE?


Post by MadMonkey »

I'd say everything would be turned over to DHS... and we'd be done for.
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Re: Obama DOJ to eliminate the BATFE?


Post by Heartland Patriot »

The thing is I know I posted something similar here some time ago. About splitting the duties of the BATFE between the FBI, for firearms and explosives, and letting the states enforce alcohol and tobacco law. Not talking trash, just kind of weird to read that article. Of course, I never seriously thought that anything like that would happen.
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Re: Obama DOJ to eliminate the BATFE?


Post by E.Marquez »

lkd wrote: Before you get excited, just think about this administration and the ham-handed tactics it takes. They ain't gonna leave an empty space. I'm just curious who they would use to enforce firearms code if they actually followed through -.
Why that’s simple,, For a grass roots community organizer like Obama, there can be only ONE.
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Re: Obama DOJ to eliminate the BATFE?


Post by blackdog8200 »

Wait until he gets your medical records computerized....then the instant background check can see you had a few bad days at work a few years ago and took Paxil, Lexipro or had ADHD as a child or had counciling for a bad marriage etc.....Refused on Psychological grounds.

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38. Transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to social agencies. Treat all behavioral problems as psychiatric disorders which no one but psychiatrists can understand [or treat].
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Re: Obama DOJ to eliminate the BATFE?


Post by atticus »

If the BATFE is terminated as an agency, then it will slow down the process of responding to Congressional requests for documents in the Gun Runner investigation. It's a simple shell game tactic. It is designed to provide cover for Obama and Eric Holder until after the November 2012 election. Nothing more.
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Re: Obama DOJ to eliminate the BATFE?


Post by sjfcontrol »

atticus wrote:If the BATFE is terminated as an agency, then it will slow down the process of responding to Congressional requests for documents in the Gun Runner investigation. It's a simple shell game tactic. It is designed to provide cover for Obama and Eric Holder until after the November 2012 election. Nothing more.

So... they'll get their 100%-redacted documents even slower? :evil2:
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