Now that's a familiar liberal chant. Neverthless, here's how -- we put a missile into every home and vehicle outside of the U.S. that we identify as containing murdering thugs who will indiscriminately kill Americans. See, fair and balanced.bnc wrote:So how do we go about ensuring that it is fairly applied?
No, the government has not; only some very few within the government made that asinine statement and no action has or will be taken based upon it.bnc wrote:The government has already stated that right wing, Christian, gun owning, Constitution supporting males, especially veterans, are possible domestic terrorists.
No, we haven't lost faith, but you can't try those whom you cannot take into custody. Under your theory, anyone who operates from a country or region that will not or cannot extradite murders to the U.S. does so with impunity. The body-count under your philosophy will be staggaring.bnc wrote:Terrorists like Timothy McVeigh and the Unabomber at least received due process. Even the Nazis were put on trial. The Norway shooter is facing legal proceedings.
Have we lost so much faith in our legal system that we can not trust it to deliver justice to the worst of the worst?