The 20 Most Homicidal Countries In The World

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Re: The 20 Most Homicidal Countries In The World


Post by tommyg »

An international gun ban will be the worst thing that can happen to
honest citizens. I lived in Manchester New Hampshire for many years.

New Hampshire has easy gun laws and gun incidents don't happen very often

In a more enlightened place like Boston Ma there are 4 or 5 shootings per week

I guess the anti crowd want to reduce the world population by getting rid
of honest citizens

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Re: The 20 Most Homicidal Countries In The World


Post by Heartland Patriot »

AndyC wrote:I think he meant "Where is Zimbabwe in that list?" :mrgreen:
Mighty fine I feel bad for missing that; no Zimbabwe...while Saint Kitts and Nevis IS in the list with 20 murders. I think this is a fine case of showing the fallibility of statistics. If someone told me that I had to either go to Zimbabwe or Saint Kitts and Nevis, well sign me up for a Caribbean vacation...over ten times as many tourists visit there as compared to the actual population of that tiny country. To paraphrase Benjamin Disraeli, a former Prime Minister of Great Britain, "There are three types of untruths: lies, darned lies, and statistics". And the UN does their fair share to ensure that it remains an accurate statement...

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Re: The 20 Most Homicidal Countries In The World


Post by HankB »

AndyC wrote:I think he meant "Where is Zimbabwe in that list?" :mrgreen:
Correct - context means a lot.
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Re: The 20 Most Homicidal Countries In The World


Post by anygunanywhere »

I would question anything that originates in the UN.

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Re: The 20 Most Homicidal Countries In The World


Post by Gyrogearhead »

I think W Harvey ment "where in the list" not "where geographically". :txflag:
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Re: The 20 Most Homicidal Countries In The World


Post by fickman »

HankB wrote:where the heck is Zimbabwe?
I'd guess that stats are hard to come by and unreliable for Zimbabwe. . . and that a lot of the deaths there are caused by the government / military which probably isn't keeping and reporting an accurate count. Sad situation.

When I was in South Africa, the locals largely blame their domestic violent crime problems on the Zimbabwe regime pushing thousands and thousands of refugees across the border. The one maniac is directly responsible for slaughters in his own country and at least indirectly partially responsible for the problems in another.
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Re: The 20 Most Homicidal Countries In The World


Post by 92f-fan »

as was said - statistics
If a small nation has a blip in homicides it rises to the top quickly ..

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Re: The 20 Most Homicidal Countries In The World


Post by drinks »

Hank, if you are asking why Zimbabwe is not on the murder list, likely it is because no one there can afford ammo or a machete, very few can even afford a paring knife.
Another wonderful example of majority rule democracy, from Rhodesia, a major exporter of food and other merchandise to a country where there is something like 80% unemployment and Z 1,000,000 bills are worth less than 1cent, American.

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Re: The 20 Most Homicidal Countries In The World


Post by Katygunnut »

wharvey wrote:Jamaica - licensing, registration, limit on number of guns and a 50 round per year ammo limit. licensing requirement includes 3rd party references.
This has got to be one of the stupidest gun laws I have read about. Apparently, Jamaica is OK with gun ownership but wants to ensure that no one is trained to actually fire their guns accurately.
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