Feinstein Gun Control Bill to Exempt Government Officials

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Feinstein Gun Control Bill to Exempt Government Officials


Post by The Annoyed Man »

http://www.weeklystandard.com/blogs/fei ... 97732.html
Feinstein Gun Control Bill to Exempt Government Officials
8:06 AM, JAN 25, 2013 • BY DANIEL HALPER
Not everyone will have to abide by Senator Dianne Feinstein's gun control bill. If the proposed legislation becomes law, government officials and others will be exempt.

"Mrs. Feinstein's measure would exempt more than 2,200 types of hunting and sporting rifles; guns manually operated by bolt, pump, lever or slide action; and weapons used by government officials, law enforcement and retired law enforcement personnel," the Washington Times reports.
Please note that the wording draws a distinction between "government officials," and "law enforcment and retired law enforcement personnel." The latter would include all cops and retired cops.......which is a whole other can of worms.......but the former means that Diane Feinstein and Nancy Pelosi can buy a new banned weapon, but not you or me. I seriously hope that republicans in Congress point this out as one more elitist fantasy.
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Re: Feinstein Gun Control Bill to Exempt Government Official


Post by Wodathunkit »

I wonder if she would do a straw purchase for me, never know, maybe she would open up FeinSteins Guns & Ammo. She would be a great FFL

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Re: Feinstein Gun Control Bill to Exempt Government Official


Post by grumble »

I've not looked at the text of the full bill, but it looks like some sites are making their own edits and paraphrasing. This is how I've seen it presented in a multitude of mainstream outlets:

"The legislation excludes the following weapons from the bill:

Any weapon that is lawfully possessed at the date of the bill's enactment;
Any firearm manually operated by a bolt, pump, lever or slide action;
Assault weapons used by military, law enforcement, and retired law enforcement; and
Antique weapons."

This is taken from: http://www.cnn.com/2013/01/24/politics/ ... index.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Not trying to start an argument, but there's so much sleight of hand by both sides, gotta keep citations and quotes fair. :tiphat:
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Re: Feinstein Gun Control Bill to Exempt Government Official


Post by texanjoker »

They are politicians. They will keep adding stuff to this until they get enough votes to pass it. No different then any other garbage they put out.

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Re: Feinstein Gun Control Bill to Exempt Government Official


Post by RPB »

Antique weapons should imho include all 1911s I mean that old antiquated over 100 year old technology and all... and since they define certain guns by similarities or characteristics like if they have a barrel shroud etc ..., I'd exempt any similar to a 1911 type gun which uses that firing pin thingamajig
I'm no lawyer

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Re: Feinstein Gun Control Bill to Exempt Government Official


Post by VMI77 »

The Annoyed Man wrote:http://www.weeklystandard.com/blogs/fei ... 97732.html
Feinstein Gun Control Bill to Exempt Government Officials
8:06 AM, JAN 25, 2013 • BY DANIEL HALPER
Not everyone will have to abide by Senator Dianne Feinstein's gun control bill. If the proposed legislation becomes law, government officials and others will be exempt.

"Mrs. Feinstein's measure would exempt more than 2,200 types of hunting and sporting rifles; guns manually operated by bolt, pump, lever or slide action; and weapons used by government officials, law enforcement and retired law enforcement personnel," the Washington Times reports.
Please note that the wording draws a distinction between "government officials," and "law enforcment and retired law enforcement personnel." The latter would include all cops and retired cops.......which is a whole other can of worms.......but the former means that Diane Feinstein and Nancy Pelosi can buy a new banned weapon, but not you or me. I seriously hope that republicans in Congress point this out as one more elitist fantasy.
Doesn't matter what it says in the Bill. The laws don't apply to our rulers and their pals anyway.
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Re: Feinstein Gun Control Bill to Exempt Government Official


Post by Excaliber »

grumble wrote:I've not looked at the text of the full bill, but it looks like some sites are making their own edits and paraphrasing. This is how I've seen it presented in a multitude of mainstream outlets:

"The legislation excludes the following weapons from the bill:

Any weapon that is lawfully possessed at the date of the bill's enactment;
Any firearm manually operated by a bolt, pump, lever or slide action;
Assault weapons used by military, law enforcement, and retired law enforcement; and
Antique weapons."

This is taken from: http://www.cnn.com/2013/01/24/politics/ ... index.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Not trying to start an argument, but there's so much sleight of hand by both sides, gotta keep citations and quotes fair. :tiphat:
Note that the only way to establish an individual gun was lawfully possessed by a given person at a given time is to register the gun to that person.

I think everyone knows what comes after registration.

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Re: Feinstein Gun Control Bill to Exempt Government Official


Post by warhorse10_9 »

Excaliber wrote:
Note that the only way to establish an individual gun was lawfully possessed by a given person at a given time is to register the gun to that person.

I think everyone knows what comes after registration.
I want to start by saying that I am very opposed to this bill. If you read the full text of the bill, the way they will tell if a gun was legally possessed at the time the ban goes into effect is the fact that it doesn't have a date of manufacture on it as would be required for all weapons manufactured after that date. The bill says that transfers of firearms not already legally possessed by an unlicensed individual is illegal. Those firearms will have been logged into whatever FFL's inventory that happens to be unlucky enough to have not sold them and they will be unable to sell them after the ban goes into effect.

Please not that according to the bill a grandfathered firearm can be transferred, it just has to go through an FFL.

Again, I am completely opposed to the bill, but it does not provide for registration. However, if by some stroke of bad luck it passes, I could see them wanting registration in the future.
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Re: Feinstein Gun Control Bill to Exempt Government Official


Post by ilovetabasco »

Wodathunkit wrote:I wonder if she would do a straw purchase for me, never know, maybe she would open up FeinSteins Guns & Ammo. She would be a great FFL

Indeed I believe she would. She and Obama have already sold more guns than any FFL I know.
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Re: Feinstein Gun Control Bill to Exempt Government Official


Post by Beiruty »

To enforce private sale vial FFL, you need to have reregistration. Otherwise, how do you know who own what at the time when the ban goes into force?
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Re: Feinstein Gun Control Bill to Exempt Government Official


Post by Bob in Big D »

Maybe our Governor can draft all Texas CHL holders into "A Well Regulated Militia" for the defense of our State?
Of course we may need select fire weapons but I will just keep my AR-15 until it comes in.
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Re: Feinstein Gun Control Bill to Exempt Government Official


Post by punkndisorderly »

And what makes retired police special?
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Re: Feinstein Gun Control Bill to Exempt Government Official


Post by gringo pistolero »

I sincerely apologize to anybody I offended by suggesting the Second Amendment also applies to The People who don't work for the government.
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Re: Feinstein Gun Control Bill to Exempt Government Official


Post by grumble »

punkndisorderly wrote:And what makes retired police special?
Retired police officers are at a greater risk of violence. All those BG's that get sent upriver have a long time to stew over those that they believe put them there (in reality, they put themselves their by their own accord).
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Re: Feinstein Gun Control Bill to Exempt Government Official


Post by mr surveyor »

grumble wrote:
punkndisorderly wrote:And what makes retired police special?
Retired police officers are at a greater risk of violence. All those BG's that get sent upriver have a long time to stew over those that they believe put them there (in reality, they put themselves their by their own accord).

It's not gun control that we need, it's soul control!
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