Fire Mission - ABC News poll

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Re: Fire Mission - ABC News poll


Post by TexasGal »

at 86% against now

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Re: Fire Mission - ABC News poll


Post by Vol Texan »

howdy wrote:You'll never hear about this poll.
That's guaranteed. The MSM will assume this poll never took place.
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Re: Fire Mission - ABC News poll


Post by erick619 »

Just voted... I was the 1911 th "no"! :fire :anamatedbanana

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Re: Fire Mission - ABC News poll


Post by jimlongley »


I could do the math, but the numbers pretty much speak for themselves, and they have it set up in a way that makes it hard to vote more than once (although that CAN be defeated.)
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Re: Fire Mission - ABC News poll


Post by Abraham »

Pardon my cynicism, but why should we trust any poll sponsored by ABC or any other left wing media?

Given a recent poll, if a vote goes is going to go against them, they simply fix the vote in their favor.

So, what's the point in participating in internet polls?

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Re: Fire Mission - ABC News poll


Post by Abraham »


I understand your point, but why bother exerting the energy to vote when lefties create so-called polls they're going to fix?

This being the case, I don't see it as fighting the good fight, but a waste of time.

But hey, maybe I'm just being cynical...

Perhaps, as a counter, conservatives should create their own skewed polls and then we'd be even.

Then skewed anti/pro gun polls would cancel each other out.

No muss - No fuss- No need to bother with poll voting.
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Re: Fire Mission - ABC News poll


Post by baldeagle »

Abraham wrote:Pardon my cynicism, but why should we trust any poll sponsored by ABC or any other left wing media?

Given a recent poll, if a vote goes is going to go against them, they simply fix the vote in their favor.

So, what's the point in participating in internet polls?
The point of participating is that it influences others. Every time you post something positive about guns, people who never post anything read it. Some of them will be influenced by what you write. That's why you never stop standing up for your rights. You may think you're having no impact, but nothing could be further from the truth. You impact people every time you write or speak.
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Re: Fire Mission - ABC News poll


Post by Abraham »

AndyC and baldeagle,

Obviously, I'm not articulate enough to get my point across.

I'm not throwing in the towel.

I'm simply stating that polls that are NEVER going to be honest, hosted by leftys - are a waste of time to participate in.

Independently posting conservative/pro gun posts are an entirely different matter.

Or going head to head with a lefty in an open forum.

Or participating in any number of different approaches that aren't fixed make good sense to me to participate in.

Lefty sponsored pre-determined polls: I say: Why bother?

So, it isn't really a poll - it's a hoax.

You're fooling yourself if you think your pro-gun effort is taken into good faith consideration by antis.

Your pro-gun vote goes into the dumper.

Rant off.
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Re: Fire Mission - ABC News poll


Post by TexasGal »

Just do it to be a pain in the patute. Do it because somewhere there is a group of lefties there who will see those numbers and know we are not a few, we are not complacent, and we are not going out without a fight.
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Re: Fire Mission - ABC News poll


Post by anygunanywhere »

TexasGal wrote:Just do it to be a pain in the patute. Do it because somewhere there is a group of lefties there who will see those numbers and know we are not a few, we are not complacent, and we are not going out without a fight.

Haven't you ever done something just make someone angry?

Quite refreshing!

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Re: Fire Mission - ABC News poll


Post by wil »

Abraham wrote:AndyC and baldeagle,

Obviously, I'm not articulate enough to get my point across.

I'm not throwing in the towel.

I'm simply stating that polls that are NEVER going to be honest, hosted by leftys - are a waste of time to participate in.

Independently posting conservative/pro gun posts are an entirely different matter.

Or going head to head with a lefty in an open forum.

Or participating in any number of different approaches that aren't fixed make good sense to me to participate in.

Lefty sponsored pre-determined polls: I say: Why bother?

So, it isn't really a poll - it's a hoax.

You're fooling yourself if you think your pro-gun effort is taken into good faith consideration by antis.

Your pro-gun vote goes into the dumper.

Rant off.
I don't agree it's pointless for several reasons.
First, hitting polls such as this denys them a weapon they need to wage the ideological war they're waging. Polls are used to shape public knowledge and/or opinion. Hammering a poll such as this and tilting the results as sharply as was done here denys them one more poll they could have otherwise hold up and further the lie of "see, here's a poll which says everyone wants this and agrees it's reasonable and rational" With the underlying premise of "you should agree with this otherwise you're unreasonable and irrational" It also denys them a weapon to browbeat legislators into thinking the majority of public opinion does rest in support of unconstitutional civilian disarmament under the lie or guise of 'gun control' Hence votes in elections resting on whatever side of the political fence.

Second, I agree trying to reach the left and change thier mind is a complete waste of time, so far as I'm concerned the breach in our nation and society is complete. There is no more common ground for a bonafide debate, the leftist mindset is such there is no reasoning with them. the current political discourse is in no way any kind've bonafide debate.
However There are still plenty of people in this country who are reachable in terms of the truth and/or the facts. Any efforts we make should be done with those people in mind, not the futility of trying to reach the leftists in this country.
As to who is reachable and how will we know we're reaching them? They are perhaps what's best called 'the remnant' and most likely you'll never know who or when or where or how you managed to reach any of them with the truth. All that can be done is to continue on with the knowledge that we will never find them but they will find us speaking the truth by whatever means available to us.

Third, hammering polls such as this is a worthwhile effort for a reason you brought up. If the polls are fixed as you claim, and I agree they would be if needed, eventually thier credibility will be destroyed. And that is one of things that absolutely needs to be done, destroy the credibility of the positions of the left. So long as thier positions carry any credibility then they can continue on with propagating the lies as truth. Eventually if enough of the polls are fixed, then it will get out and the polls will lose the power of thier credibility. Hence they will no longer have the power to shape public knowledge and/or opinion as well as carry any political power.

I don't see it being impossible for the remnants of our society to look at these polls and see the results, even if they are taken down some will see them before that happens and it only takes one such result as this for a person to at least look at it and stop & think about it. If that individual at least stops to think about the results, then that's the first step and one of the biggest.

Edit: spelling.
Last edited by wil on Thu Apr 11, 2013 2:02 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Fire Mission - ABC News poll


Post by jimlongley »

Abraham wrote:AndyC and baldeagle,

Obviously, I'm not articulate enough to get my point across.

I'm not throwing in the towel.

I'm simply stating that polls that are NEVER going to be honest, hosted by leftys - are a waste of time to participate in.

Independently posting conservative/pro gun posts are an entirely different matter.

Or going head to head with a lefty in an open forum.

Or participating in any number of different approaches that aren't fixed make good sense to me to participate in.

Lefty sponsored pre-determined polls: I say: Why bother?

So, it isn't really a poll - it's a hoax.

You're fooling yourself if you think your pro-gun effort is taken into good faith consideration by antis.

Your pro-gun vote goes into the dumper.

Rant off.
I would argue that no poll is totally honest. It is way too easy to skew the answers by presenting the questions in a manner calculated to do so, this one being a case in point: I am not even in favor of the laws that exist, but that is the only vote I get to cast because the others are even more onerous, and the pollsters can then say "In a random poll conducted on the internet (or some such language) it was found tha gun owners support current laws."

Even supposedly blind polls can easily be skewed by presenting question in a certain order in order to guide the pollee to the answer desired.

OTOH, I think it's worth the effort because, for now at least, those results are sitting out there where anyone can see them, so if someone says that a random survey conducted on the internet showed an overwhelming number in favor of checks and bans, there will be a lot of people who will know they are lying.

And it's not that much effort anyway.
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