TheCytochromeC wrote:VMI77 wrote:TheCytochromeC wrote:So does this mean that financial collapse is around the corner and that we'll be segregated and forced into internment camps against our will, after they take our guns?

Whatever is around the corner, I won't ever be forced into an interment camp against my will.
That sounds ever so respectable but I have a girlfriend and family that I care about and wish to have a future so my blaze of glory exit is not seeming too viable. Then again if you're segregated you'd, in all probability, never see them again anyways. If you don't mind me asking, what would you do in such a situation?
First, let me make it clear that all this is purely hypothetical. It's not something I expect to happen, especially in the near future. Given that, we have to look at the extremes. Here in the US American citizens of Japanese descent were interned during WW2 and lived through it --though most of them lost all of their property. OTOH, we didn't have a Socialist/Marxist/Communist government back then. When we look at the Socialist end of the government spectrum we see roundups leading to extermination. We are headed now towards the Socialist end of the spectrum. In fact, we might argue we're already there. The difference between the two types of government is essentially the difference between individual rights and collectivism. Socialists are collectivists, and under collectivism, individuals don't have rights, so exterminating a group of people to advance the Socialist Utopia is not just acceptable, it's mandatory.
It basically comes down to the same decision you have to make if you find yourself at the end of a gun during a home invasion. Are you going to trust the good intentions of the thugs that invaded your home or are you going to defend yourself? Are you going to let them tie you and your family up based on their promise you'll be OK if you do? That's your choice. If the government comes to put you in an interment camp are you going to trust THAT government's promises? It's not like such an event is unprecedented. History tells us how government mass roundups have worked out for the vast majority of those targeted. I actually don't think such mass roundups are feasible in the US. Mass gun confiscations are more likely, though probably not feasible either --and of course, a gun confiscation is an entirely different matter than being rounded up for internment.
Again, this is all extremely hypothetical, and I'm not predicting or expecting it to happen, but I will try to answer your question in the remote chance that it could. You say you want a future....we all do. The question for me is what kind of future? I don't consider life in an interment camp a future. And what makes you think that a government that comes to herd you into an internment camp won't also rape your girlfriend, or force her into prostitution? I'm not seeking any glory, and the plain fact is, if such a scenario unfolds, there won't be any glory. Just submission or death. What I will do will depend on the specific circumstances of what is happening. My first choice will be to avoid confrontation, just like I don't intentionally put myself into situations where I might have to defend myself with a gun. I like the now politically incorrect New Hampshire state motto: "Live free, or Die." All I'm saying is that if it comes to the point where I am forced to choose death over enslavement I will choose death, and the only thing going to an internment camp will be my lifeless body. There are worse things than death.
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