Tecumseh wrote:Why is it the most wealthy country/institution in the world, the Holy Roman Catholic Church, doesn't just take care of all the homeless and sick people? Why doesn't the local church down the street raise money for cancer patients and operate a homeless shelter after church services? Why should I be forced to do that with my tax dollars. Churches don't even pay taxes but keep the money they are gifted and don't even use it for good works. Just another reason that the tax system is not fair. Churches need to start coughing up money and doing their fair share.
I'll assume that you speak from a lack of knowledge, not ill will.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catholic_Relief_ServicesCatholic Relief Services has served in Haiti since 1954, CRS has committed to a $200 million, 5-year earthquake recovery program in partnership with more than 200 local organizations, focusing on community revitalization and shelter, health, water and sanitation, and protection
Catholic Relief Services donated $190 million dollars to fund a five-year relief and reconstruction effort to help 600,000 victims of the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake.
All while using the donations for relief not aggrandizement,
2011 Better Business Bureau/Wise Giving Alliance: CRS was found to meet all 20 Standards for Charity Accountability, which take into account an organization’s governance, financial accountability, truthfulness and transparency. The September 2011 audit found that only 2% of the CRS's expenses were for administration, leaving 3% for fundraising and 95% for program costs
Since it's formation the U.S. Catholic Bishops Overseas Relief Fund, now CRS, has through the donations of parishioners here in the U.S., distributed tens of billions of dollars in direct aid and assistance.
In addition:
http://www.catholiccharitiesusa.org/wha ... /programs/ Good reading for you.
Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) is the domestic antipoverty and social justice program of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
Catholic Hospitals, like Christus,
http://www.christushealth.org/CHRISTUSLegacy founded in San Antonio 150 years ago, provide low cost, free and needs based health care here in the U.S. as well as around the world.
Catholic Schools and Universities, supported by parishioner donations, educate children and young adults here in the U.S. as well as, once again, around the world. 244 Colleges and Universities in the U.S. alone,
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Ro ... ted_States
The Gabriel Project,
http://www.gabrielproject.com/, supports expectant mothers and the unborn.
Society of St. Vincent De Paul,
http://www.svdpusa.org/News/NewsReleases.aspx even the Red Cross donates. Why? 99% of donations go to those in need.
Shelters, Pantries, Kitchens
http://www.stmartha.com/index.cfm?load=page&page=218 on a local level (to numerous to list) feed, clothe, and put roofs over the heads of millions, in Houston and once again World Wide.
That said, the primary work of the Catholic Church is the teaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Corporal and Spiritual works of mercy are an outgrowth of those teachings.