G26ster wrote: Because it has the following definition of a "journalist.":
"(A) means a person who— is, or on the relevant date, was, a salaried employee, independent contractor, or agent of an entity that disseminates news or information by means of..."
I think that leaves an awful lot of room for interpretation, and does exclude bloggers who are not salaried, or contractors, or agents of entities. I'm sorry, but I do not believe that the motivation behind this amendment is to prevent little Jimmy in his basement from being shielding against testifying, nor do I believe all judges will have anything near the same interpretation of what a jornalist is or is not.
"agent of an entity" covers bloggers, covers anyone who belongs to anything by definition. Even if they are the only individual involved in in the reporting. If that entity is journalistic( did I just make up a word) in nature than they would be covered.