Opinions/comments on parking lot guy approching me?

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Re: Opinions/comments on parking lot guy approching me?


Post by Gunner4640 »

Let me add some things I didn't in the first post. The guy was following me from the time I came out of the door. He could have approached me then but he didn't he went around to the back of my car. I was in the end of the parking lot no other cars close to me. He never said a word but I guess I never gave him a chance to say one.
Someone pacing me and going to back of my car instead of coming to the front. I am not going to take any chances. He was not the type of person to have a cell phone either, so him making a call I doubt it
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Re: Opinions/comments on parking lot guy approching me?


Post by SewTexas »

Gunner4640 wrote:Let me add some things I didn't in the first post. The guy was following me from the time I came out of the door. He could have approached me then but he didn't he went around to the back of my car. I was in the end of the parking lot no other cars close to me. He never said a word but I guess I never gave him a chance to say one.
Someone pacing me and going to back of my car instead of coming to the front. I am not going to take any chances. He was not the type of person to have a cell phone either, so him making a call I doubt it

umm, you'd be surprised at who has cell phones. Don't make assumptions there. I've been poor, I've known people who were more poor that I was, they had/have cells, bigger TV's than I did, more computers (we had one that we had had before we lost the job), and video game systems (we didn't). I learned during that time to never make assumptions....

besides, now they have the option to get an ObamaPhone.
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Re: Opinions/comments on parking lot guy approching me?


Post by OldGrumpy »

This time of year it is almost impossible to cross a shopping center parking lot without someone approaching you for a "handout". Just recently had that experience at Bass Pro. Maybe I am cut different but I don't feel threatened by 90% of panhandlers. Ones that used to scare me were those who congregate around the federal Bldg in downtown Dallas. They are super aggressive.
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Re: Opinions/comments on parking lot guy approching me?


Post by rtschl »

Agree about anyone having a phone. Had a man show up at our church yesterday wanting something to eat. He has been "homeless" for about 23 years. Guess what? He had a cell phone.
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Re: Opinions/comments on parking lot guy approching me?


Post by Jumping Frog »

Before you reached the point of reaching for the grip, I have held my hand out, palm forward, in a "Stop" gesture and said loudly and firmly, "Stop right there, do NOT come any closer."

Then, if they continue approaching I am better able to articulate a threat as I next grip my handgun.
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Re: Opinions/comments on parking lot guy approching me?


Post by Oldgringo »

If you do have to shoot 'em, you want to be sure that your version of events is the only one heard. :fire
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Re: Opinions/comments on parking lot guy approching me?


Post by jmra »

Jumping Frog wrote:Before you reached the point of reaching for the grip, I have held my hand out, palm forward, in a "Stop" gesture and said loudly and firmly, "Stop right there, do NOT come any closer."

Then, if they continue approaching I am better able to articulate a threat as I next grip my handgun.
:iagree: This would also be my approach.
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Re: Opinions/comments on parking lot guy approching me?


Post by VMI77 »

SewTexas wrote:I would suggest (for the future) the best way to do this type of move, and what I've done, is to not "show" the gun, but to let the stalker "know" that you have it.

Basically, when I was in the same situation you were, (it was dark-ish and in a WM parking lot, so it was reasonably well lit) I was able to shift my bags to the same hand as my purse and put my hand under the hem of my shirt, he saw what I did, I did it very deliberately and with my eyes on him. There was no mistaking what I had my hand on, but I had not displayed anything, so no one not involved could possibly be nervous.

meanwhile remember, the law was changed about failing to conceal, you're ok. and we don't have a brandishing law. I think you're ok.
I think this is the best approach in an ambiguous situation where you haven't made a clear decision to draw. I read about an incident at a gas station in Austin where a couple of guys were "interviewing" a woman for attack. She did what you did, and he asked "do you have a gun?" Her response was "that's for me to know and you to find out." Him and his buddy jumped into their car and drove off.

I like her more guarded approach. She didn't say she had a gun and didn't display a gun.
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Re: Opinions/comments on parking lot guy approching me?


Post by SewTexas »

VMI77 wrote:
SewTexas wrote:I would suggest (for the future) the best way to do this type of move, and what I've done, is to not "show" the gun, but to let the stalker "know" that you have it.

Basically, when I was in the same situation you were, (it was dark-ish and in a WM parking lot, so it was reasonably well lit) I was able to shift my bags to the same hand as my purse and put my hand under the hem of my shirt, he saw what I did, I did it very deliberately and with my eyes on him. There was no mistaking what I had my hand on, but I had not displayed anything, so no one not involved could possibly be nervous.

meanwhile remember, the law was changed about failing to conceal, you're ok. and we don't have a brandishing law. I think you're ok.
I think this is the best approach in an ambiguous situation where you haven't made a clear decision to draw. I read about an incident at a gas station in Austin where a couple of guys were "interviewing" a woman for attack. She did what you did, and he asked "do you have a gun?" Her response was "that's for me to know and you to find out." Him and his buddy jumped into their car and drove off.

I like her more guarded approach. She didn't say she had a gun and didn't display a gun.

I like it!
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Re: Opinions/comments on parking lot guy approching me?


Post by TomV »

Sorry yall FNG here and I don't know all the lingo.

What's MWG call and MAIG.

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Re: Opinions/comments on parking lot guy approching me?


Post by Oldgringo »

SewTexas wrote:

I'm sorry, but an unknown man approaching me, a not quite 50 year old woman, in a WM parking lot in the dark, when I have a load of groceries...is not coming up to ask me how the weather is. :roll: during the day, eh, I might possibly, wait a beat, depends on the feeling I get, but not at night, nope.
Absolutely! I'm not a "not quite 50 woman" but I am a not quite 72 year old white guy and a parking lot at night ain't what it used to be.
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Re: Opinions/comments on parking lot guy approching me?


Post by silverbear »

Craig Douglas, aka Southnarc, does some excellent pre-engagement training usisng hand and verbal commands in managing unknown contacts. If you search "southnarc ecqc" videos you'll get a sense of what he teaches. In most of the videos the BGs always engage, but I've used the "fence" technique and verbal commands on a couple of occasions at gas stations/downtown streets effectively and never had to reveal if I was carrying or not.

Caution - Southnarc encourages the use of expletives as the verbal commands escalate so they will be present in the videos. He says that street vernacular is often more effective than proper English when dealing with these types folks. ;-)
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Re: Opinions/comments on parking lot guy approching me?


Post by gemini »

Abraham wrote:Gunner4640,

My opinion: I would've done what you did.

I wouldn't worry about some questionable person calling the law on me. The type of character that approached you isn't likely to want the law scrutinizing his behavior in a parking lot. This sort of worry can lead to inaction that could be deadly - for you.

You have a CHL and carry to defend yourself if need be.

Plus, I am finding many of the panhandlers to be getting more aggressive. Especially with women. I have
witnessed this several times at a nearby Quick Trip. I kept an eye on things each time, nothings happened, but I know
it scared those gals. I'm not too worried personally about the Hobo's jumping me, but, I do try to keep alert to avoid them
"sneaking" up on me. sometimes it seems they come out of nowhere.
Also, parking lots are a great place to be assaulted. I think it was 2012; a lady was beaten and robbed in the Whole Foods
parking lot at Preston & Royal in Dallas. The attack video was on TV etc. They caught the 2 responsible. But, the speed, brutality
and randomness was chilling.

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Re: Opinions/comments on parking lot guy approching me?


Post by Taurus.40 »

Just a tid bit from my experience, they will not take no for an answer. I'm nice at the first request but I get real aggregated the second time I'm asked. It used to be that someone would ask once. Now they will ask and when you say no they get mad. It's like they think they are owed the hand out. I told a guy no a few months back and he got mad and told me that he guesses there are no Christians in my town.
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