http://www.chron.com/opinion/outlook/ar ... 232690.php" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Moderators: carlson1, Charles L. Cotton
Keith B wrote:Well, this is just wonderful. I will tell you I believe this is a result of the attention that has been brought by the stunts and other 'in your face' 2A actions. When you stir the pot the anit's go looking for the smell. Once they start digging then they twist the purpose of well meaning sites and try to protray them as a subversive tactic planning site.
Hogwash! 30.06 spells out exactly what is required. There is no guessing game.texanjoker wrote:Hard to not agree to a point. A business owner shouldn't have to play the guessing game if he wants to ban guns from his business. The way the current system is set up, even people in this forum post about signs and whether they are valid. If we are going to have these types of signs, knowing if they are valid or not should be simple.
I stopped reading at this quote.However, wise business owners understand that allowing guns on their property is hazardous for business.
anygunanywhere wrote:I stopped reading at this quote.However, wise business owners understand that allowing guns on their property is hazardous for business.
This is a anti2A propaganda hit piece. You can say all you want about any recent events stirring up the pot, but these leftist progressive journalists are heck bent on total confiscation, not justifying a business owner's ability to ban firearms from their business.
Total confiscation. The business aspect is just a lame attempt to cloud their ultimate goal.
Why shy from supporting OC and 2ndA in general. It is fight and the liberals they do not care about CC or OC, or 2nA they are fighting till death to make US like Japan, disarmed!TexasCajun wrote:This is not a news article. It's an opinion piece written by a Moms Demand Action rep. And yes, thank you again to the open carry crowd for bringing the spotlight upon us all.
And for what it's worth, I've never heard of a business being held liable for being the site of a shooting - posted or not. The 30.06 provision is just one of a thousand regulations that a business must comply with when they decided to open. Nothing more, nothing less.
Concealed Handgun licensees in Texas have:
No Felony Convictions - Lifetime!
No Class A or B Misdemeanor Convictions in the last Five Years!
No Delinquent Conduct in the last Ten Years!
Have Passed Both State and Federal Fingerprint and Background Checks!
Are not delinquent in child support, student loans, or State or Local Taxes!
You post the sign, and we will happily respect your wishes by spending our money elsewhere.
The tactics that the oc crowd uses are detrimental to all of us. While they persist in such insanity, I will do whatever I can to distance myself and encourage others to do the same. Anyone is free to PM me to discuss this further. I mentioned oc because the author brought it up and I suspect was a key prompt to the article in the first place. Too many threads are pulled down the oc black hole. I don't want this one to do the same.Beiruty wrote:Why shy from supporting OC and 2ndA in general. It is fight and the liberals they do not care about CC or OC, or 2nA they are fighting till death to make US like Japan, disarmed!TexasCajun wrote:This is not a news article. It's an opinion piece written by a Moms Demand Action rep. And yes, thank you again to the open carry crowd for bringing the spotlight upon us all.
And for what it's worth, I've never heard of a business being held liable for being the site of a shooting - posted or not. The 30.06 provision is just one of a thousand regulations that a business must comply with when they decided to open. Nothing more, nothing less.
Fight for your rights, fight for your 2nA.
N.B.: Defiant OC demos may not be the best to fight for 2ndA right, but is an exercise of said right.