New member with a question.

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Re: New member with a question.


Post by b322da »

AndyC wrote:Wind your little ego in, kid, because I'm giving you the best advice you'll ever get. If you're going to get torqued-up and bent out of shape at a simple comment, you darn well have no business carrying a gun.

"Don't go stupid places" is part of a saying in the gunfighting community - but I guess you don't know that, do you? Forget it, can't help you - your cup is full and you know it all already. Good luck.

You're taking on a tough task when you take on Andy, young fellow.

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Re: New member with a question.


Post by C-dub »

The_Busy_Mom wrote:
Voodoo95 wrote:Yeah I've been following that. I don't want to cause any one alarm. I just want to protect myself. I live in San Antonio and now that I've been able to actually go out and experience the world, I've noticed that my city has quite a bit of gang violence and just violence in general. I try to avoid trouble as much as possible but already I've been in situations where I've had knives pulled on me and been ganged up on. Is it possible and wise to find a way to let's say keep my gun on a sling and covered up by a jacket? It'll be hellish during the summer, but my discomfort is a small price to pay for my life.
Your statement above is asking us to condone unlawful behavior. You cannot carry a concealed handgun until you are properly licensed, and that cannot lawfully occur until you are 21. Unlawful carry will not be condoned on this forum.
The only gun the OP has is a shotgun and since he's asking about this the shotgun in question might have a barrel right at 18" and just a pistol grip. Unless I'm mistaken, I don't think it is illegal to carry one concealed under a coat. It's not the brightest idea, but ...
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Re: New member with a question.


Post by C-dub »

Voodoo95 wrote:Yeah I've been following that. I don't want to cause any one alarm. I just want to protect myself. I live in San Antonio and now that I've been able to actually go out and experience the world, I've noticed that my city has quite a bit of gang violence and just violence in general. I try to avoid trouble as much as possible but already I've been in situations where I've had knives pulled on me and been ganged up on. Is it possible and wise to find a way to let's say keep my gun on a sling and covered up by a jacket? It'll be hellish during the summer, but my discomfort is a small price to pay for my life.
When it comes to situations like you've described here, AndyC might be one of the wisest people on this forum and that you would be privileged to talk about such things. As the saying goes, he's been there, done that, and got the t-shirt.

Stupid places could just as easily been interpreted as dangerous places or a place you might expect to need a gun. AndyC wasn't being disrespectful of you. It was just advice. A mindset you should consider as you're growing up and exploring the world as an adult who is contemplating carrying around a deadly weapon. Ever hear the following. There are some people that get their CHL and hardly ever carry their gun with them and say that if they are going to go someplace they think they will need it then they will will strap it on. For myself, if there is a place that I think I will NEED my gun, I will do whatever I can to avoid going there. If it is unavoidable and I must go there, well, I gotta go.

You've heard of the events surrounding folks openly carrying rifles? Can you imagine how it would be perceived if and when you might be discovered concealing a shotgun? By the police? By some thug that already has a knife in your face? For such an event, you would be better served to get some hand to hand training specifically for that type of FTF situation rather than try to conceal and deploy a legal shotgun.
I am not and have never been a LEO. My avatar is in honor of my friend, Dallas Police Sargent Michael Smith, who was murdered along with four other officers in Dallas on 7.7.2016.
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Re: New member with a question.


Post by The Annoyed Man »

b322da wrote:
jmra wrote:
Voodoo95 wrote:Yeah I've been following that. I don't want to cause any one alarm. I just want to protect myself. I live in San Antonio and now that I've been able to actually go out and experience the world, I've noticed that my city has quite a bit of gang violence and just violence in general. I try to avoid trouble as much as possible but already I've been in situations where I've had knives pulled on me and been ganged up on. Is it possible and wise to find a way to let's say keep my gun on a sling and covered up by a jacket? It'll be hellish during the summer, but my discomfort is a small price to pay for my life.
Some suggestions/advice:
1. Take some type of defensive courses (those that teach self discipline along with defensive maneuvers are best).
2. Learn how to use and carry non lethal defensive materials.
3. Choose your friends wisely.
4. Stay away from alcohol and places that serve it.
5. Nothing good happens at 2:00am.
6. Don't do or say anything you wouldn't do if your Momma was standing next you.

If you live by the six items above the likelihood that you will survive the next two years with the ability to still get a CHL will be extremely high. Not many 19 year olds today are mature enough to accept the above advice. Hopefully you are.
I might add one more at the top of the list:

Join the Army. And your problem is solved.

Jim nails it!

What AndyC said about "don't go stupid places" was adequately expanded in Jumping Frog's "Iron Triangle", and both were extensions of my statement that it isn't a wise thing to carry around a shotgun, even if it is legal, because you have no control over how someone perceives your intent.

What you are going to find here on this forum is a pretty big group of people whose collective wisdom about carrying a firearm is based on many years of actually carrying a gun.....lawfully. And by the way, AndyC's experience is hard earned, growing up in a country a LOT more dangerous than the streets of San Antonio. Listen to him.

The bottom line is this: you HAVE rights, but the state chooses to control how you express them. Whether or not that is acceptable in light of the Constitution is an argument for another thread, but I'm not talking about ideology here, I'm talking about objective reality that we all have to deal with. We have had at least one member I can think of (handog) who learned a VERY expensive lession, even though he broke no laws, and in the end was not ever convicted of anything......ALL because a hysterical citizen and a squad of overzealous cops in a "progressive-minded" city had a very poor understanding of the law.

This is the REAL environment some of us exist in, and by the way, San Antonio is not exactly a hotbed of conservatism. So that is a city that I would be far less likely to tote a shotgun around in than, say.... San Angelo.

In the motorcycling world, there is a saying: "There are lots of old riders, and lots of bold riders; but there are no old, bold riders." Carrying a firearm is like that. There are lots of people who have carried for years and stayed out of jail. There are lots of hotheads who are easily riled up who have stayed out of jail for years. But there are no easily-riled-up-hotheads who carry guns for years without staying out of jail. That's kind of what AndyC was getting at with his "wind in your ego" comment. There are a lot of compromises all of us who carry wind up having to make. You'll hear over and over again, "nothing good happens after 10:00 p.m." and stuff like that. Do I have a right to go pretty much anywhere I want to while carrying? With some clearly defined exceptions, the answer is YES. However, is it SMART to GO to some places? Maybe not. Your job when carrying is to avoid having to use your gun, and that necessarily means avoiding the kinds of places and situations in which the odds of having to use your gun go up.

And, as Jim pointed out, if you join the Army, this difficulty with getting a CHL at age 19 goes away. Of course, by the time you get out of basic and sent off to wherever, it may be to a state that does not allow anyone under 21 to get a carry license, or worse yet, to a state that simply doesn't allow people to carry at all. Only you can decide of that risk is worth the effort it will take for a chance at a Texas CHL. You would still be doing a great and worthy service for your country.

Alternatively, you can keep a shotgun in your car, avoid the Iron Triangle of Stupidity (thank you Mr. Froggy, I'll be using that in the future.....with proper attribution of course....), and be patient.

One last comment..... You mentioned in a previous post trying to carry your shotgun around under your coat. Don't. That would be rushing straight into the center of the Iron Triangle of Stupid. The law says you have a right to openly carry your shotgun (as long as it is not done in a manner to cause alarm). Concealing it may be legal, but it is a singularly bad idea. Your filter ought to be: "how will I be able to explain this to a cop?" Yes, it is legal, but most cops are going to suspect you of bad intent if they ever discover you to be concealing a shotgun under your coat during an "interview".

Bottom line: either be patient, or join the military. You've only got 2 years to go. That may seem like a long time to you now, but when you're in your 60s (like me), 2 years won't last nearly long enough.
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Re: New member with a question.


Post by Voodoo95 »

Everyone has posted some great info that I'll take to heart. I can't join the army because I'd be disqualified immediately for asthma. Anyways, I guess it also helps that I don't have an interest in alcohol (dad had a problem for a while) and that I'm always the friend who's driving. I also am not easily riled up. I already do my best to stay far away from trouble, but it doesn't hurt to try harder. Thanks y'all! And again, I'm sorry AndyC. I wasn't trying to offend or upset you or anything.

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Re: New member with a question.


Post by chuck j »

You have received some good advice from other members and no one is trying to belittle you . My 16 year old daughter carries a quirk assist legal size lock blade knife , I'll see that she gets a CHL as soon as she reaches legal age . Best advice like most here have said is to avoid high risk area's and situations . I wish you luck , be careful !
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Re: New member with a question.


Post by The_Busy_Mom »

C-dub wrote:
The_Busy_Mom wrote:
Voodoo95 wrote:Yeah I've been following that. I don't want to cause any one alarm. I just want to protect myself. I live in San Antonio and now that I've been able to actually go out and experience the world, I've noticed that my city has quite a bit of gang violence and just violence in general. I try to avoid trouble as much as possible but already I've been in situations where I've had knives pulled on me and been ganged up on. Is it possible and wise to find a way to let's say keep my gun on a sling and covered up by a jacket? It'll be hellish during the summer, but my discomfort is a small price to pay for my life.
Your statement above is asking us to condone unlawful behavior. You cannot carry a concealed handgun until you are properly licensed, and that cannot lawfully occur until you are 21. Unlawful carry will not be condoned on this forum.
The only gun the OP has is a shotgun and since he's asking about this the shotgun in question might have a barrel right at 18" and just a pistol grip. Unless I'm mistaken, I don't think it is illegal to carry one concealed under a coat. It's not the brightest idea, but ...
That wasn't how I read his comment, but I agree that trying to conceal a shotgunn, pistol grip or otherwise, would not be the brightest idea.
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Re: New member with a question.


Post by karder »

I would strongly recommend you join a gym, find a decent trainer and learn to box. Not only is the exercise great, but you will learn the basics of how to punch and how to evade. Just as importantly, getting in the ring and doing some sparing can really help take away the fear of getting hit. This will help your confidence and give you the skills you need to get out of most problems, especially if you follow the 6 rules Jim laid out. Perhaps you work or live in a dangerous area and you feel like you have a real need for something else. Have you considered pepper spray? I don't know if there are age limits regarding carrying pepper spray so definitely double check the laws to make sure you are ok to do this.

Good luck." onclick=";return false;
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Re: New member with a question.


Post by puma guy »

I think our young poster will heed the sage advice given here. At least I hope he will. I have found that sometimes dealing with youngsters who's frontal cortex has yet to connect to the rest of the brain simple terms work best. An analogy I have used is thus. "When your driving down the highway of life it's advisable to drive on the right side of the road rather than pull into oncoming traffic!" Many here and especially Andy C have been forced to enter the wrong lane and have survived; giving them the right and privilege to give advice on the subject
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Re: New member with a question.


Post by C-dub »

AndyC wrote:Ok, youngster, I need to apologize to you too - I probably read something in there late at night that you didn't intend.

Now, I'm not "Ye Ultimate Warfighter" but I've been through some stuff (as have a number of others here) and some of that learning might be valuable, so I'm going to write something up for you that I want you to pay attention to - I'll post it later. Everything I'm going to tell you has a point, so don't skim it looking just for "the good bits".
I'm not a youngster, but I am a few months younger than you old man. :biggrinjester:

I'll also be waiting. :bigear:
I am not and have never been a LEO. My avatar is in honor of my friend, Dallas Police Sargent Michael Smith, who was murdered along with four other officers in Dallas on 7.7.2016.
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Re: New member with a question.


Post by The Annoyed Man »

C-dub wrote:
AndyC wrote:Ok, youngster, I need to apologize to you too - I probably read something in there late at night that you didn't intend.

Now, I'm not "Ye Ultimate Warfighter" but I've been through some stuff (as have a number of others here) and some of that learning might be valuable, so I'm going to write something up for you that I want you to pay attention to - I'll post it later. Everything I'm going to tell you has a point, so don't skim it looking just for "the good bits".
I'm not a youngster, but I am a few months younger than you old man. :biggrinjester:

I'll also be waiting. :bigear:
Yer both a couple of punks. :mrgreen:
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Re: New member with a question.


Post by Pawpaw »

The Annoyed Man wrote:
C-dub wrote:
AndyC wrote:Ok, youngster, I need to apologize to you too - I probably read something in there late at night that you didn't intend.

Now, I'm not "Ye Ultimate Warfighter" but I've been through some stuff (as have a number of others here) and some of that learning might be valuable, so I'm going to write something up for you that I want you to pay attention to - I'll post it later. Everything I'm going to tell you has a point, so don't skim it looking just for "the good bits".
I'm not a youngster, but I am a few months younger than you old man. :biggrinjester:

I'll also be waiting. :bigear:
Yer both a couple of punks. :mrgreen:
:iagree: They're both still wet behind the ears! :lol:
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Re: New member with a question.


Post by puma guy »

Pawpaw wrote:
The Annoyed Man wrote:
C-dub wrote:
AndyC wrote:Ok, youngster, I need to apologize to you too - I probably read something in there late at night that you didn't intend.

Now, I'm not "Ye Ultimate Warfighter" but I've been through some stuff (as have a number of others here) and some of that learning might be valuable, so I'm going to write something up for you that I want you to pay attention to - I'll post it later. Everything I'm going to tell you has a point, so don't skim it looking just for "the good bits".
I'm not a youngster, but I am a few months younger than you old man. :biggrinjester:

I'll also be waiting. :bigear:
Yer both a couple of punks. :mrgreen:
:iagree: They're both still wet behind the ears! :lol:
All three of you are youngsters compared to me! :lol:
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Re: New member with a question.


Post by puma guy »

puma guy wrote:
Pawpaw wrote:
The Annoyed Man wrote:
C-dub wrote:
AndyC wrote:Ok, youngster, I need to apologize to you too - I probably read something in there late at night that you didn't intend.

Now, I'm not "Ye Ultimate Warfighter" but I've been through some stuff (as have a number of others here) and some of that learning might be valuable, so I'm going to write something up for you that I want you to pay attention to - I'll post it later. Everything I'm going to tell you has a point, so don't skim it looking just for "the good bits".
I'm not a youngster, but I am a few months younger than you old man. :biggrinjester:

I'll also be waiting. :bigear:
Yer both a couple of punks. :mrgreen:
:iagree: They're both still wet behind the ears! :lol:
All three of you are youngsters compared to me! :lol:
Just this side of BOTD!
KAHR PM40/Hoffner IWB and S&W Mod 60/ Galco IWB
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