No offense taken at all. I just didn't think I had been very clear in my previous post.Abraham wrote:jmra,
My post was a general rant, not targeting you at all.
If you thought so, my apologies.

Moderators: carlson1, Charles L. Cotton
No offense taken at all. I just didn't think I had been very clear in my previous post.Abraham wrote:jmra,
My post was a general rant, not targeting you at all.
If you thought so, my apologies.
That's exactly why I stopped. Online is drastically cheaper for the same item and I can avoid all the people and the waste of time. Amazon Prime has free shipping on 90% of my purchases. Some distributers offer free shipping on ammo and parts as well if you buy enough. There's really nothing I need bad enough that I'm willing to go anywhere and pay higher prices for.jmra wrote: I haven't been to bass pro in awhile either. Nowadays just about anything I want I can get online. No real reason to go to malls or big sporting goods stores.
I switched to 100% online after a local shop doubled their ammunition prices during the panic. Now I wish I did it sooner. Not only do I save money on ammunition and firearm accessories, but the selection is better. I also saves me time/aggravation on wasted trips.rbwhatever1 wrote:That's exactly why I stopped. Online is drastically cheaper for the same item and I can avoid all the people and the waste of time. Amazon Prime has free shipping on 90% of my purchases. Some distributers offer free shipping on ammo and parts as well if you buy enough. There's really nothing I need bad enough that I'm willing to go anywhere and pay higher prices for.
Cedar Park Dad wrote:In the real world if you're having a multipoint attack on a mall Nigeria style, your best bet is to haul keister. So I guess I'd recommened preparing by practicing wind sprints.ScottDLS wrote:With the world political situation as it is and our porous southern border, I'm becoming more concerned about a potential attack by ISIS in a high profile Texas location. What about a machine gun attack in a crowded mall? Grapevine Mills comes to mind as it is theoretically a GFZ. Or an AMC theater?
What if a crew of determined jihadis decide to take a Mills Mall hostage w/ full-auto "Fast and Furious" AK's that they picked up in Mexico, on the way to Texas? I'm afraid that my carry piece (Walther PPK/s) isn't going to cut it. I'm thinking it may not even be enough to fight my way back to my car where I sometimes have my AR-15.
Does anyone (other than OCTC) carry a rifle or other long gun regularly (maybe concealed)? I can almost get my Ruger AC-556F Full-Auto folder into a backpack. It would be a SBR if it wasn't also select fire. For now I leave it in my bug out bag. I'm afraid they search backpacks at AMC (mostly for outside food, but I doubt an AR would go over well).
You go with yours, I'll go with surveyor wrote:Yep, let's pick up their AK to fight our way out of the mall .... while other "good guys" with their handguns decide we need taking out.
Don't sound like a good plan to me.
mr surveyor wrote:Yep, let's pick up their AK to fight our way out of the mall .... while other "good guys" with their handguns decide we need taking out.
Don't sound like a good plan to me.
I like.AndyC wrote:We lived in siege-conditions in South Africa for decades, and life just has to go on.
Weigh the risk, carry everywhere you can (and carry alternate weapons when you can't). Know your exits, note cover and concealment, protect your family first, protect yourself and others if you can, die like a Viking if you have to.
Strat9mm wrote:I'd suggest being quiet and literally ducking down into the nearest open mall store that doesn't seem to have shooters in it (no gunfire, and no civilians running and screaming their way out of the store) and going straight out the employee entrance/back hallways. Hopefully, there won't be anyone in there and you'll be able to get yourself and loved ones away without having to fire a shot.
If the terrorists decided to start in the middle of the mall where all the people are, you're good. Duck into a store and get out. If they decided to start from within the back hallways and service entrances of the mall, they'll also have the main entrances covered as they come out shooting from within mall stores, herding people out of the stores as they go. Security will have been targeted first of course. This won't end well.
The good thing is most malls are fairly large, and the terrorists hopefully won't be able to cover every single entrance or exit.
I'd suggest using a concealed handgun to attack from behind. Take out their pelvic bones with a a couple of shots to bring them down, then put 2 in their face and take their weapon (probably an assault rifle, those guys love AK's), and use that in the initial noise and confusion to get yourselves out. The terrorists will think it's one of their own if you use their weapon instead of your own. Nevermind that each round out of the AK (or AR) can be much more effective than one from your concealed weapon.
If you have no loved ones and decide you want to take the fight to them, unless you have 1 or 2 others who will literally 'have your back', you probably won't make it. Best you can do is take a few terrorists down while you lead a few civilians out to safety.
Just an opinion.
... or... IF you have access to a long rifle you can be accurate with, especially if you have someone who can cover your back, you could go into sniper mode and start taking the terrorists out one by one. Hopefully, they won't have grenades, and they won't have already wired up your hideout with explosives and bring the mall crashing down on your heads. Try to shoot from behind cover (protection), and not just concealment. Try to shoot (a few) and move to a new location. Try to shoot from well back and within your cover and don't stick the muzzle of your weapon out for all to see. That's just really bad form... and won't end well either. And if you're still alive and fighting, don't do what TV 'hero's' do and give up your gun when a bad guy tries to force you to give up.
Never make a deal with the devil, or heartless animals.
Their very actions have proven they have abandoned lawful civilized behavior, logical thinking and all human decency.
Only the ignorant, the stupid, and "baby kitty cats" give up their weapons to such animals thinking it will turn out well for all concerned.