RPB wrote:"Sporting" mentality
That "gets me"
why the BATFE limits stuff based on "sporting" purposes instead of "home defense" purposes.
Do we need to start the "Home Invader Target Shooting Club Association" ?
I seem to recall Jed Clampett asking how to cook one of them clay pigeons.
What if people don't want a gun for "sporting" purposes? I have absolutely no desire nor need for a "sporting" gun, my dog won't retrieve skeet ... perhaps that's why they make "conversion kits"
But yeah, BATFE is trying to limit SAIGA type IMPORTED shotguns (look up/search "922r"), and an arbitrary criteria is a "pistol grip" or "hi cap" mags band a "picatinney rail mounted under or beside the barrel for a light or laser instead of over it for a scope like you'd use in a "sport" ?
[rant ]
BATFE categories
My categories
A) "Defenseless pretty Animal killers" (I DON'T want these
evil guns, they are "bad")"
B)"plinkin' n fun"
BATFE was supposed to be a "tax agency" like the I.R.S. taxes income, they tax alcohol tobacco firearms explosives
But now they limit what you can blow up (TPWD already said dynamite on fish isn't legal) or even what we can buy based on THEIR perception of what I should be doing with it, they want defenseless animals murdered I guess, and poor clay animals too even if they taste like dirt. ......
They say no one "NEEDS" 10 rounds and a pistol grip(or flashlight) to shoot ducks .... who cares, I don't want to shoot ducks, ducks are pretty, I like to photograph ducks, but don't be any of the 3 guys breaking into my home in the middle of the night.
Since the Second and THIRD Amendments had nothing to do with "sporting" I have trouble understanding the constitutionality of them limiting "defense" at all .... but if they want to regulate "Sports", ok I'm fine with that, put them all in striped shirts and umpire masks, I don't do sports, I don't even watch them on TV
[/ rant]
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed herein are not necessarily the authors, but his "animal-lovin-tree-huggin' niece may read this. I love animals too, some taste real good, but
I just buy meat at the store, "where no animals were harmed".